This Jerk Owns The Perfect Domain Name For My Business and Isn’t Doing Anything With It

“This Jerk Owns
The Perfect Domain Name For My Business and Isn’t Doing Anything With It!”

BY Danny Welsh
Danny Welsh here. I have a confession to make. You see...I don’t know whether
our 120 or so domain owner clients other than Rick himself with this year realize it or not yet, but I don’t consider myself
a “domainer”. I have never claimed to be
a guru of domaining and probably my personal portfolio will take many years and
maybe decades to equal that assembled in ONE YEAR many times now owned by the
top 500 domain asset owners who read this blog regularly
-- if it everdoes-- unless they
agree to sell me their best properties at 1998’s prices and simply retire into
the sunset.

Fat chance of that, right? Look how far I got trying to buy
just ONE from Rick Schwartz? LOL

So if you are driven and love your business category and
making sales and have .com on the brain for growing your company when your idea domain name is taken…then…once you realize “the 500” own most of
the eRealEstate on the planet, in your business category and most others…you
can be bitter, whine and try to avoid the problem

Or you can
improvise, adapt and overcome that problem.

--- > I say of the top domain investors in the world that
bet on this “domain name” asset class in 1993 for $100 and a bit of luck mixed
with foresight and an idea…if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

--- > I say of the very best domain names in the world
available for a business to make sales with in 2013…if you can’t buy ‘em,
borrow ‘em.

Many domain investors laugh when they
hear how much
money 2 years ago I wanted to pay Rick Schwartz to buy one
of his best generic .com domain names that was “unused” as I saw it.

$2000 to buy the generic .com domain I wanted seemed fair
to me.

Just like the $xx,xxx UNSOLICITED offers daily for years
sitting in Rick Schwartz’s email inbox that never get responded to think their
offer is “fair” for a domain name that is “unused”.

I was wrong, and so were they.

But we entrepreneurs
looking to do bigger business online are increasingly figuring it out and
coming round to admire the guy for his vision and balls to bet on a future
people thought would never happen 20 years ago… enough to call him CRAZY for
risking $100 for an intangible idea that he wouldn’t part with for $1,000,000
20 years later when folks try everything they can to track him down and offer
$100,000 without any attempt for him to even ADVERTISE IT FOR SALE.

$2000 to buy the generic .com domain I wanted seemed fair
to me.
That was before I had a clue
that domain name I wanted for one of my own end user businesses might just be worth more than what I offered
him to buy it PER MONTH when used properly to propel profits

$2000 to buy the generic .com domain I wanted seemed fair
to me.
That was before I realized
the very same asset could be used by my small business and worth even more than
that when paired with medium or larger one with more resources to MULTIPLY each
of the benefits that come along with pairing a BUSINESS with a great .com

$2000 to buy the generic .com domain I wanted seemed fair
to me.
That was before I realized
that at that time 2 years ago, the damn domain name that had a PRICE of $100 in
1993 in 2010 may very well have had a greater VALUE to the actual
brick-and-mortar established businesses hoping to BUY IT than the businesses

$2000 to buy the generic .com domain I wanted seemed fair
to me.
That was before I fully
understood the difference between any old domain name for any given business
and THE domain name for any given business CATEGORY.

Here we are 2 years later, and damned if a real estate guy
hasn’t been converted that virtual domain names “eRealEstate” holds more value
and potential for income growth in my lifetime than it’s physical real life

In 20 years from conception of idea to a new asset class the
likes of which the world has never seen…and is still simply not yet prepared to
deal with except a few smart companies
that “get it”.


How has the world moved so quickly?!

Danny Welsh

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