Screwing with Success. A Change More Important than the Presidency.

Afternoon Folks!!

The presidency happens every 4 years so no big deal. What is a big deal is when the “Tonight Show” changes hosts and restless and horny America reacts. This will be only the forth time in my entire lifetime that will happen. Jack Paar back in the 1950's started it and did the gig for 6 years. Johnny Carson transformed the show and was the pulse of America for 30 years. Jay Leno for 17 years and now we are about to get Conan O'brien.

I really don't know how this will work out. My gut says not too well. Let's start with Conan O'brien. He went on the air in the mid 80's. I have watched his show many times by default. I laughed 3x. I can count them. I don't think he will do as well in that slot. I don't think sober America will laugh at his jokes. He had a much better chance for the that in the middle of the night when they were falling on the floor.

Now as for Jay Leno, he is/was #1. Not sure why you would want to screw that up, but leave it to the geniuses at Corporate America to figure out. Will folks make a date with Jay or will they watch an actual program at 10PM? See the motivation for NBC is it is a lot cheaper to do a Jay Leno show than an episode of Law and Order for example or some other creative drama etc. So this becomes a cost cutting move. If it works out they have 2 winners. If they both die, they have 2 losers. So this is a very big gamble for NBC and I doubt it will work out. NBC will basically give up their #1 ranking for the 11:30 slot because O'Brien is just not funny and people will go somewhere else. I think Jay Leno will do well at the beginning, however I don't think it will last. I think his audience will dwindle and NBC will have an embarrassing problem on their hands.

What does this have to do with domains? It has to do with honing skills of how the masses will react. Understanding the masses is key. A long time ago I was taught a simple saying. “If you sell to the masses you will eat with the classes. If you sell to the classes you will eat with the masses.” The biggest job we have as domainers is predicting human nature. This is the way you practice. The way you practice is the way you play. This one is difficult to predict. Changing habits is not an easy thing to do. I always enjoy when someone tries.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

My Greatest Failure Continues…….

Morning Folks!!

The search for competency in a world of mediocrity is what many of us deal with daily. I expect way too much from folks in everyday life. Way too much. I actually expect them to do their jobs. I expect them to be competent. But in case after case I am finding out that those in power no matter where on the food chain they are located are mediocre and in many cases they hold hostage everyone else to their mediocre standards.

When I grew up and you murdered somebody you were not likely to get out of prison until you were either old or dead. Now you get a plea bargain and in countless cases my past car payments lasted 2X longer than their incarceration.

I saw a guy repeatedly assault another with a shovel for over a minute. Hitting him over and over. He got 10 days! This is just one example of the decay and mediocrity that we are suffering from.

What does that have to do with domains? Everything. It has to do with life and business and domains and they are all intertwined and sometimes even on the verge of getting tangled up. It takes energy and a plan to keep them as separate as you can.

I always try to come at a conversation in either of two ways. Either be extreme and confrontational to spark discussion or come to the points of agreement in the middle that we all have in common. Point is when you only focus on extremes you lose the opportunity to work on the things of common agreement.

Banks are on the verge of nationalization in the USA. That is a BIG deal. That is something that will have huge ramifications. Maybe it can’t be avoided, but don’t think for a split second that this is a good thing. This is not a good thing.

So that brings me to my greatest disappointment. While I write my blog for domainers, the people I really want to reach are on Main St. and Corporate America. In that regard, I have failed. The greatest value here is for them. Maybe someday they will discover this blog, dust it off and take a read. But as the years pass, I see less of a chance. So this is my greatest disappointment and my biggest failure.

I have not given up, but the chances of a “Buzz”, of a break through, of even a serious discussion on how a business on Main St. can change their own destiny’s is still as big a dream as it was over a decade ago. It really is not their lack of interest in domains that disappoints me. It is their utter disregard for understanding the different qualities of traffic and asking the right questions to get the proper traffic that can convert to sales. This is the one point of commonality to all business. Traffic and sales. Traffic that produces sales. Sales that make the world go round.

A lot of time has passed. In some cases too much time. Habits are formed and once that happens it is hard to break. I do most of my online purchases from Amazon. It is a HABIT. It is also a convenience. Plus over the years I have learned that not only do they have everything I ever looked for, but their prices are right in line. So I can go there, search for what I want, put it in my cart, pay for it and I can do that in the same time in took to compose and write this sentence.

Point is the greatest sales machine ever invented has largely passed most businesses without a single ka-ching in the register. They did not harness the power when they could, when they should. So now they face a much harder and much steeper mountain to climb. They face failure and extinction.

Now, there is also a new phenomenon happening as these businesses try to stay in business. The last few weeks I have noticed MANY meeting of business people when I go to Panera for lunch sometimes. I keep hearing the word “Hosting.” As folks scramble to stay in business and keep their livelihoods in place, they KNOW there is only one place to look to….the Internet. So we are going to see another round of Internet growth. Does not mean Internet success. But we are going to see growth as everyone realizes that is the only frontier left to exploit. The only place they can look to save them.

They say it is always darkest before the big break. Well it is pretty damn dark. I wake up each day waiting for my biggest failure to turn into my biggest success. Some days I feel confident that it is right around the corner. Then there are days like today that I have to look back for 14 years and just shake my head in disbelief, then lower it and wonder if I will ever see the day? When do folks see the obvious? When do companies realize the lessons of,, and soon and apply it to their business?

Susan Boyle has always been a great just took the world 45 years to see it. In life, in business, with any of our new ventures, at the end of the day we are looking for that Susan Boyle moment.

The Internet is the greatest equalizer ever known. Any person, any business any idea can rise from obscurity to the next big thing is SECONDS. The competition gets greater every single day. The next news, the next gimmick, the next hoax, the next overnight sensation.

We are entering an era of 'Go for Broke.' No kidding. Many companies in a broad sector of the market are going for the long ball. If they succeed, they survive. If they falter, they are doomed. That is where we are soon to be at.

Do you see contradictions in my posts? Well there are many. That is the reality of the current conditions. The wind is blowing from multiple directions and each is very intense. Each has peril and each has opportunity. In 2008 I wrote what 2009 would look like. Few really believed it. Well here it is. On one hand I am having a record breaking year. On the other, I watch fire after fire and embers flying and no matter how well your home is doing , when the neighborhood is on fire, their problem is your problem.

We have WITNESSED a collapse. We have WITNESSED a meltdown. The conditions in place right now and the seeds that have been planted we will next face an implosion. The only way to survive that is plant the seeds now. Doom and Gloom? No, reality. Let's see what a hot summer brings in cities with 20% unemployment. In Detroit they riot when the Tigers win the World Series. What do you think it may look like when it is hot and you are hungry? Do you have a plan 'B' in place? How about a 'Plan C'

Having lived through the turbulance of the 60's, the gas lines of the 1970's, the 21% interest rates, the crash of 1987, the dotcom bubble burst of 2001 and saw what we are going through for a couple years before it actually manifested itself, I am convinced we are going to make all those events look small in comparison to what we face right now. When wrong is right and right is wrong then something needs to give. It is never wrong to do right and it is never right to do wrong. Where exactly did we lose that?

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

A weaker industry to emerge?

Morning folks!!
Is the industry getting weaker? In a word.....YES. The industry is getting profoundly weaker. After 14
years of progress and growth the domain industry has
least for now.
I don't think anyone would argue that many of the leading sponsors in the
domain industry are weaker than they were a year or so ago when the
industry peaked. So it is time to step back and see where we are. The first thing is never to over react. The second thing is to make a
judgement whether this is a permanent situation or a temporary one. I
can tell you it is permanent to those that don't survive and close up
shop. Others that are weak will sell out to other companies.
It comes down to just a few things. Overhead, income, cash on hand.
Your overhead can destroy even the biggest. Lack of income could
collapse almost any company as we have seen the past months. Cash on
hand is the best way to smooth the path. It is also the best way to
take advantage of the great opportunity out there.
Confidence in the banks and stocks is much better. There was NONE just
a few months back and the confidence we have accumulated can easily be
shaken as things are still fragile. 61% of people have made permanent changes. Look at things differently and when things get better, their habits will have changed. Advertising won't likely heat up
until the fall. There will be some pop as we get into the summer. But
this will be short lived and the summer is likely going to be weak.
That brings us to the fall. The fall brings us to our first report
card. Folks expect things to be better. However when reality sets in,
they will likely get worse. The unemployment rate during last Christmas
season went from 6%-7.5%. It is now over 8.5% and likely to be closing
in on 10% this fall. Michigan is already over 12% with Detroit at 22%. California already
over 11%. Last time I looked, everyone was holding on for dear life out
there on Main St.
Newspapers are going out of business left and right. Some because of
conditions, some because they lost touch with their original mission.
This country is pretty evenly split 50/50 as far as party affiliation.
No business can afford to alienate 50% of the audience like some
newspapers and expect to survive. That has to have some effect on all
businesses in the areas the paper serves. The #1 advertising
outlet.....GONE! One of their biggest marketing strategies.....GONE!
Sure, many believe that will mean an increase in online spending. I am
not so sure. I am of the mind that if you own a restaurant and it is
good, you are going to do better being among other restaurants.
Personally, I am determined to invest in 2 or 3 great domains this
year. I would rather have 2-3 gems than all the crap in the world. This
really is not the time to invest in any thing other than prime. PRIME!
There seems to be a certain amount of desperation out there. Folks
being forced to sell some domains to be able to afford to hold on to
others. That's a TERRIBLE place to be and it is all too common.
We all look at domain values in different ways. But if I would have to
be honest, less than 100 folks on this planet really understand what
constitutes a great domain. Less than 100 folks if I were to give them
my money and ask me to do the best they could with it. I see million
dollar domains selling for $1k, $5k, $10k.....I see domains that have
little hope of even doubling or being in demand selling for much more.
I am not into handicapping the auctions and pimping domain names. But I
can say there are some real gems going to the auction in a few days. I
will predict that Moniker will easily break $1 Million and I expect
much much more. Rick Latona also may break the $1 milion dollar mark.
That will be the first time in history that 2 different live domain
auctions both broke the 7 figure mark at one event. That will
demonstrate that there are still dollars out there when you put GREAT
domains up for auction and have prices low enough where a competitive
auction actually happens. You will see some GREAT bidding action as we
compete for these gems. Real back and forth bidding on real domain
names. THAT is what makes an auction.
So if you want to get to the top and do well at the top, you have to
have the balls to get in at the bottom. The balls to do what most
others won't when most others won't. THAT my friends is how fortunes
are made. The domain industry is not about domains, it is about making
fortunes. My job is not to point out each opportunity. My job is to
point out when the conditions are right for opportunity and putting
together an atmosphere of opportunity. Others put on tradeshows, we put
on life changing events. Some don't think that is worth the added
expense. That is their decision. But when you compare, make sure you
give weight to what is important.
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz.

Dominos and Domains

Morning Folks!!

Do you know how to provoke thought? Can you provoke discussion? Can you make a domino fall without touching it? Can you make the middle domino fall without touching any of the others and making them fall? Oh, you probably never thought about that. When you do, you stretch your mind. You enlarge the boundaries. You may see things as others deal with it.

About 20 years ago a phenomenon started to unfold. Less people worked for other people as they began to work for themselves and profits in some sectors began to fall. That is something that has continued for all this time. The race to the bottom has had its costs. The race to unprofitability. Many question why I focus so much on sales. Well, if you have read some of my posts over the years you will have heard me time and time again state that nothing in this world happens until a sale is made. Not a factory opens, not a worker goes to work. Not a truck makes a pickup. Not a truck makes a delivery. No money has changed hands and so no sales = a standstill. Sounds kinda like the auto industry huh?

So to me there are two types of traffic. Traffic that can convert to a sale and traffic that can’t convert to a sale. One is EXTREMELY valuable and you could say the other is worthless. It’s worthless when one expects to buy that traffic to make sales and ends up with nothing but a bill Last time I looked, most businesses buy traffic to make sales. Why> Read above again.

Now worthless traffic does not have to be worthless if it is marketed and labeled correctly. If you sell gum, you may want to buy million and zillions of worthless traffic at a fraction of the cost of the traffic that is targeted because the price is so low that any business you get at all makes it profitable. Meanwhile the guy paying for the premium traffic is not having his equation work for him. How many times do you think a buyer of traffic needs to be stung and lose money before he does not buy again? So whether you want to deal with something like that is up to you. But at least be sensitive to the reality of what is happening and the direct effects you may experience without ever being near that “Domino.”

To me it is a clear difference and is a quite stunning difference. Like drinking a nice cold glass of sparkling clear water and feeling great and refreshed and wanting a second glass and drinking some sewer water and spitting it all up. How many times you think they are gonna buy that crap? Each time that happens it taints another group, another business,another industry, another opportunity. Wrong direction. Wrong outcome. JMO.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

An Unexpected Anniversary

Morning Folks!!

I have not been buying domains for quite some time. But I have been
arming myself with a cash arsenal ready to do battle. Waiting for NOW.
Waiting for things as I saw them unfold. I predicted last year it would
be April when this really began to unfold. Well it is April and as you
can plainly see from the list below there will be some intense bidding
because there are great domains in there with low reserves. THAT is
what makes an auction and the results will speak for themselves. While
I still see a number of weak domains on the list, I also see some major
winners. The art is going through a list like that and coming up with
the ones that can be worth millions and bought for thousands. The ones
that when standing alone state a business. I always hear the EXCUSE
that what I did could not be repeated. First off you need to understand
it IS an excuse. We wake up everyday facing new challenges. Some folks
rise to the challenge and some folks complain about the challenge. What
folks don't grasp is nothing happens overnight. It takes YEARS of
fighting those daily challenges. EVERY day you have to move ONE STEP forward.
The #1 problem is those that complain are always the ones trying to
skip steps or accomplish too much, too fast. They fall on their faces and frustration and anger becomes the bi-product. Nobody has to be a victim of their own emotions. Folks need to master not only emotions, but faith in themselves.

I was writing the greeting page for folks coming to T.R.A.F.F.I.C. in less than 2 weeks. As I got to the end I realized that the New York Show will mark our 5th year. I am stunned. In some ways it seems like just yesterday. In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago. It may have been a lifetime. We all watched the evolution of an industry develop before our very eyes.

It’s been quite a ride for an entire industry. It has given birth to multiple shows, Multiple live auctions, Multiple deals, Multiple mergers and the birth of many great friendships and business relationships.

As I have been saying for a while, times like these will force really good domains to come to market. One look at the list below released by Moniker and the reserves will prove my point. Those looking to do better in domains in the years ahead need to start getting rid of their crap and liabilities and replace them with quality domains. I see domains EVERY DAY that can be bought for $1,000 and have huge upside potentials. But if you don’t understand the elements that constitute a great domain from a worthless domain, it is just pot luck. Don't buy another domain until you figure it out. Worthless lasts for a long time and you need to renew worthless. The bottom line, THIS period will be your very LAST opportunity to buy really good quality domains. Once this period passes, it is off to the races as values today will double many times in the next decade. Oh, I forgot, most don't look 10 years ahead. They have strategies for the next 10 minutes. The next 10 hours. Some get all the way to the next 10 days. But if you walk and all you do is look at your feet, you will surely hit walls all day every day. Folks want to know how to have success, but when you lay out a road map as I have done on this blog for the past 2 years, they will do everything but read it and take the info for free.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz $1 - $5,000 No Reserve $25,001 - $50,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $250,001 - $500,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 No Reserve $5,001 - $10,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $1 - $5,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 No Reserve $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 No Reserve $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 No Reserve $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $250,001 - $500,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $1 - $5,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $1MM - $5MM $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $1MM - $5MM $10,001 - $25,000 $1 - $5,000 $10,001 - $25,000 & $250,001 - $500,000 $1 - $5,000 $1 - $5,000

How to stop the Bleeding and Double your income in 48 Hours. Feather Ruffling Finale

Morning Folks!!

Let's start Part 2 where Part 1 left off. 'One new solution by any of these companies has the power to disrupt the entire sector. It could put companies out of business virtually overnight. The market is fragile and no sponsor could afford a mass movement of traffic and survive.'

Why is this important? Because it is very likely to happen. Now I will give a word of advice to those working on these solutions. 10% or 20% increase won't cut it. It's like a stock broker picking a stock for a 5% annual return after you just watched your portfolio drop fro $1 Million to to $100,000. You would have to live 100 or 200 years to break even. So they fall short. They need to focus on companies that go up 1000%. So if a domain was making you $100 and it is now making you $20, a 20% increase is just not the target. 100%, 200%, 500%. That solution IS coming.

So what happens the DAY that solution comes? We already know PPC companies have been slammed because just as I predicted last year, domainers would begin to develop and move their PRIME domains away from PPC. So you have companies fighting over a shrinking pie. Some of these companies are in financial trouble as I write this. A body blow like this would be a knockout punch.

Last years I asked who would be the first to do a Bear Stearns? I think that answer is slowly coming to reality. The folks I know are not sitting idly by and watching their earnings melt. They are reaching out and doing many different projects. We are all looking for that new light. When that happens, and it will, you will witness the total disruption of the industry and a new crop of solutions will come to dominate. In the meantime domainers are busy building and each site built is traffic ppc will likely never see again.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Hershey’s did not buy Guess who did?

Morning Folks!!

Over the years I emailed Hershey's customer service 3 times. 3 times and not so much as a response. Even when I had an idea and was just looking to buy custom candy in bulk, no answer. They have a place to email them. I took my time to explain why I was contacting them without ever mentioning Just trying to make contact. Not even a form reply. Nada!!

So we will see how history views this shortfall. Only time will tell.

So if Hershey's did not buy it, who did? Well it is not up to me to reveal that. The buyer will do it when they are ready. But it was not Nestles nor any other company you have ever heard of. Yet.

Since the National show in the Candy Industry is next month, the wait to know won't be too long. It will illustrate another failure of Madison Ave. and Corporate America. Not because they did not acquire the domain name, but because their shortsightedness will allow a challenger to come in and disrupt things. It's like a country getting invaded and the army hired to not let that happen has no clue just how bad things may get. Nor do they understand that they will be responsible should things go south.

So whether it is, or, it is 15 years later and they STILL have not come to understand what this all means. Is anyone awake out there?? And then folks want to know why unemployment is about to eclipse 10%?? Why GM is already bankrupt?? Why the banks are in trouble?? Are all the founders of these companies that would recognize the opportunity dead and buried?? An unfortunate yes is the answer. Those in control now know how to have meetings but they don't know it's all about sales. Nothing else. Sales, sales, sales. Profitable sales. And lastly, Timely decisions. Since nobody can make a decision it is virtually impossible for it to be timely. Let's have a meeting!! Let's have a meeting and let's postpone the decision to the next meeting. These decisions were once made in a snap. But that guy is now in a grave and there ain't no more snapping going on.

And THAT is why my friends that WE will make out like bandits in this recession. Nothing happens until a sale is made and now in the new way of business nothing happens until a decision is made. The big guns are paralyzed and that gives us a tremendous advantage.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

The Only Reason to come to T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Next Month

Good Morning Folks!!

People come to industry trade shows for a variety of reasons.
Most come because they want to do business, grow their business and look for new
business. Why else would folks leave the comfort of their homes and incur the
expense unless the return was so great, So, without revealing any trade secrets,
that is the basic formula for a good trade show. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. has been built
around that formula. We break bread together, we meet the movers and shakers of
our industry, we drink and network with our fellow Domainers, we listen to
music, we really enjoy the fruits of our labor and we work hard at growing our
businesses, so we deserve to do all that. After that we have some great parties
thrown by enthusiastic sponsors. Friends get together, new friends are made and
new relationships are forged.

However, there comes a point where the partying can not
overshadow the mission. What makes a party a great party is how
much was accomplished during that particular time. Each day has great value and
folks know the difference when it is time for serious stuff and when it is not.
These are serious times, and though we are an intelligent group, nobody reading
this can say with any certainty how this will all play out. I can give you a
host of devastating scenarios that could land any one of us in no better shape
than a victim of Bernie Madoff. It's one thing to make money , it is harder to
keep it. The unexpected is always right around the corner. So the key to times
like this is figuring out the dangers and then taking advantage of the fallout
instead of being a victim of it.

TRAFFIC may have a reputation for a lot of things, but never
has it been said that it was a waste of time or money. The bar has been set high
purposely. Howard and I always recognize the challenge we are up against by
providing the additional value that no one else provides; by being able to
provide an atmosphere that adds up to more than the individual parts. There is a
magic that happens when you get the recipe just right. Think back and ask
yourselves how many deals you made at TRAFFIC? How many were good? How many were
bad? How many are still ongoing? How many friends did you meet at TRAFFIC? How
many associates? Sponsors? The point is that after over 4 years and 14 shows,
you can look back and see if TRAFFIC made a difference in your business and your
lives. Why do I bring this up? Because I already know the answer. Strip those
events and relationships from your lives and see if it would look the same. We
all know the answer.

So while we have been challenged by others trying to imitate
our formula, you have been given a lot of choices, Howard and I have
consistently put out a product that has been beneficial to each of us and has
always moved the industry forward. It's not my style to call folks one on one
and invite them. It is not our style to offer all types of deals. We just have
what we have and have proven our value. We saw what was coming last year and
planned this year accordingly. There is not a more significant place to be on
the planet in April than Silicon Valley. TRAFFIC immediately follows Ad-Tech. If
you have never been to Ad-Tech, I highly recommend that you go. The place is
insane and everyone in the universe is there. When I refer in my posts to the
Noise at trade shows, it is a reference to this show. Not as a put down, but it
is the difference between doing business and just being too busy to do business.
That will only make sense to those that have been to both: the hustle and bussle
of things at Ad-Tech compared to the way we do things at TRAFFIC. Both have
great value. But the difference is what makes TRAFFIC the unique show that it
is. The group we assemble is different than anyone else. It is filtered for
maximum impact.

Let me share something with you. Back at the
first T.R.A.F.F.I.C. show in Delray Beach, Florida, I learned something that has
been the epicenter of every TRAFFIC show since. The composition of those in
attendance is the key to the right formula. It has nothing to do with head
count. It depends on who those heads are and what those heads represent. This
show has always been the domain business for domainers. Sponsors have always
been an integral part of TRAFFIC but it always revolved around domainers.
Attendees were always very successful domainers or those who were on their way
up and wanted to be successful. So our foundation is domainers. When you go to a
domain show and the composition is sponsors, you have a nice show, but a
different type of show. That does not make it bad. It makes it different, and my
job right now is to point out that difference because TRAFFIC is not just
another domain show. TRAFFIC is really the only domainer show. The other shows
are all sponsor shows. Again, not bad, different. So I am a little sensitive
when folks describe all the shows as the same.. If they look similar it is only
because we set the standard and built the framework that many others use. That
is fine. But again, my job right now is to show you the differences. And while
certain elements of a formula can be the same it is the missing ingredients
that make all the difference. It is the things you can't see. That you can't
even articulate. It's a chemistry, a formula, mixed with certain ingredients and
passion. What I am saying is, it is unique.

That's my pitch for Silicon Valley my friends. We don't have
to arm twist. We don't want to get you sick of the emails. My job is to give you
a reason to come to Silicon Valley and the best reason has yet to happen. It
will happen when you come and create the opportunity for yourselves. Fed ex
won't be delivering it, This is a time to seize it.

As I was finishing this up, I was just informed that for the
second year in a row and by an overwhelming margin, TRAFFIC has once again been
voted by domainers at Domain Name Wire as the #1 domain show by more than 2-1 in
a poll of over 400 readers. Matter of fact, the 3 other conferences combined
still trailed TRAFFIC by a whopping 11%.

So, take advantage of the present discount in registration
fees as they are going up later this week. (Friday at 5PM to be exact) Join
Skenzo, Moniker, Rick Latona and dozens of other companies as we raise the bar
once again. In the coming weeks you will start seeing some noticeable
improvements and changes. We hope you notice them and hope you like

Touch the World but be Patient. A Domainers Story

Morning folks!!

At the end of the day we are all trying to 'Touch the World.' Have the
world take notice. Have a great moment unlike any other. With each post, with
each new domain, with each site we develop, at the end of the day we are all
just trying to touch the world. Create a spark. A spark that carries to every
corner of the universe. Hopefully a spark that continues.

However what we want is also the ultimate challenge. Not only is it the
ultimate challenge but 6 billion people all want similar things. Millions of
videos are uploaded to Youtube every day. Of those just a handful really get
noticed. 1, 12, 100, 1000, take your pick. I generally see about 2 to 3 a day on
TV. Everyone trying to be one of those 2 or 3.

But this is not a surprise. this was expected. It took longer than I
thought it would but when exactly did the net hit critical mass? In 1995 it was
less than 10%. We came here very fast. But when was the exact date of the
tipping point? Do you know? Does anyone know? Probably not, you just realize one
day that it happened.

Domains to me always represented a way to always have an audience no matter
how intense the competition would be. The competition today is getting intense
and it will become more so. So going back to 1995 and 1996 I still remember what
it was that really kicked my ass in gear. I was sitting at a restaurant and the
table next to us was made up of 2 couples about 75 or 80 year old and they were
not discussing their bowels. They were discussing emailing their grandchildren.
That was th day that things really hit for me and I realized that the
convergence of the young and old would create that critical mass in a really
quick amount of time. I also looked at my mom and dad who communicated with
their grand daughter via email.

So this may seem all elementary today but if you were a shoe salesman
before folks wore shoes you would understand what it is like when you see
everyone in the world wearing those shoes.

I also remember dreaming that one day I would be in Times Square and every
billboard would be a dot com. That day happened in September of 2000. Even then
folks were starting the great race. When I walked through the area that night, I
was just tearful. Tears ran down my chheks. It was really uncontrollable. To see
something like this manifest itself so quickly and been such a long shot to have
even happened proved to me that we were on a journey unlike any other. The greatest race in the history of mankind had begun and this time virtually
everyone in the universe could participate.

So you ask yourself questions and you seek answers. You plan not for then,
you plan way down the line. Maybe 20 years when everyone can understand what we
have done, what we have built, what we have created. What has changed life as we
know it. Then folks ask what can they do with their new power? BANG! Ordinary
people creating extraordinary things. First one, then another, then another and
so it goes.

The single biggest mistake any of us makes is timing. Folks want things to
happen on their time line. It does not happen like that. You can't force time
you need to adjust to time. If you don't, frustration and anger becomes the
bi-product. So take a deep breath, dial it back a couple notches, take a few
steps back and take a real look around you. Things are changing so fast that you
may need to re calibrate.

We all want to touch the world, but it will most likely happen when we
don't expect it. When we don't plan for it. It happens when you just do what you
do and do it well.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

Rick Unleashed on Auctions….Part 1

Rick unleashed on the auctions.

Part 1 of 3 so far

Ok, fasten your seat belts, I have seen enough and now it is time to speak
out. I gave you a preview yesterday. Today I will include the rest of the first part. I will be covering quite a bit in this series. So what I have not mentioned here will be mentioned on the other parts. I did this as one post and realized it was just too long for people to sit and read. Each of these posts are a bit lengthy. So bare with me as I try and tackle this.

'When you have a $20,000 reserve and the opening bid is $20,000 that is no
auction, That is a PRICE
It's nonsense! It's a waste of time and likely did not
return the seller the best return if any at all nor did it create any bids other
than perhaps one. But you don't need an auction or an auctioneer for that one
bid, you need a cash register! Auctions are about momentum, defining value and
sales. Now it is time to do the auctions the right way and I feel pretty
qualified to speak out on this.'
Times are way too dire to worry about
ruffling feathers of some auctioneer who knows nothing about domains and tells a
qualified audience just how great each one is regardless of the quality. EVERY
auctioneer is guilty of this so I am not singling out anyone. So get ready for a
post that will change the game and shine a light on the deficiencies.

So since it was Howard's idea to have the domain auctions and my idea on
how to make them meaningful and Monte's execution, I think it is time to speak
out. We don't have the luxury of screwing up this year.

Let me start with saying this will be hard for me to define in words even
tho the vision I have is crystal clear. It may also take me several posts to
clarify things. I look at the live auctions first as a bidder and attendee
sitting in the audience and then as someone involved behind the scenes. But
sitting in the audience has the trump card because I, like you, are the
customer. I don't like falling asleep at auctions. I don't even like being in
the room for the entire auction. So that is where I am at as a bidder. They are
long and boring. So I believe that the auctions need to understand this and keep
it exciting. I mean imagine a car auction with beautiful show cars one after
another. It is exciting. Now throw in a rusted 53 chevy that is all ripped apart
followed by 6 other junkers like that and that is what a domain auction REALLY
looks like. Ya think the excitement level is going to remain high? Ya think
people will bid. Ya think people will pay attention? Ya think people will
believe how pretty that chevy is? WAKE UP!!

This series of posts will run all over the place because the mistakes that are being
made are numerous and they are compounding and the results speak for themselves.
Sell the sizzle not the steak. The first lesson of business. Create excitement.
You do that by having quality domains. You do that with having domains that are
sought after by a number of people. You do that by NOT INSULTING YOUR AUDIENCE
with crap and telling them how it is the best thing since ice cream followed by
199 more that are even better. Give it a rest.

I want a great auction and that can only happen with great domain names and
MAJOR modifications. There have never been so many quality domains out there for
such bargains and that list is growing every day. People want income domains and
people that own income domains want to cash some of them out. So timing is about
to be perfect. That is what happens in an economic downturn. Auctions heat up.
But you can't have an auction the way they continue to be run and expect them to
be successful. Times have changed, the audience has matured and it is time to adapt to those changes or we will continue down the current path of decline. I will post Part 2 soon.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz