The Rick Schwartz 20th Anniversary Post! Domain Names Then Now and Beyond. Part 3

Morning Folks!!


It's been a while. Just a couple fun things as I countdown to my 20-year anniversary in the domain investment business this coming week on December 26th.  A 3-part series before I go back to retired life waiting for the 25th. But just like it was 20 years ago, people will be distracted with their holiday vacations. Today, just a little silly fun and humor. Hope you enjoy it!


Twas the day after Christmas when all through the house not a phone line was ringing so I just clicked my mouse.

My numbers were done and a spreadsheet confirmed that 1995 was over and 96 had begun.

The kitty-kat was nestled on top of my bed.  While visions of millions danced in my head.

I went out on a limb and there arose such a chatter, I sprang to my feet to climb the tall ladder.

Away to Windows I flew like a flash, tore open my mind and was just a bit brash.

To the moon and beyond in the new fallen idea the luster of money should soon appear.

With a few extra dollars so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick

More rapid than eagles the coins they came and I whistled and shouted and called them by name.

Dot Com this and Dot Com that. Oh my goodness and look at dat!

Now pennies then nickels and dimes all day led me to discover new ways to make hay.

I plowed and plowed and plowed til May thinking of a time a score away.

I planted the seed to grow a tree and planted another to frame the sun. Oh my what a forrest it has become.

Two decades later I survived the zoo, Know one thing you never knew.

Whoever reads this and whatever they do. I'll promise right now to never bore you.

Domains to the rescue and on to the stars, to the moon and beyond and even Mars.

And time right now to fly away, I think I've had my my final say.

Good luck to all and to all a good night!


And here is a little extra bonus to twist your brain. I know it twisted mine!!

In 1996 I started writing using domain names I owned in a post I made that actually made sense. It was a little more colorful using only adult domains as you will see below and a bit easier confining it to one basic subject. So here is my modern day version: RATED R++. So be warned! 333 domains (at last count) used possibly making this the longest domain speak in history. Where is Guinness?

So while sitting with my who was wearing that I bought at the, sipping some singing on my having a little and watching some,  I got off my to go into where I figured I could make some It was like all over again. It would help and the take down their sign to be able to in or get and become so they could get the Maybe someday make and make the or even the That might send the looking their way and they will never

So let's and then then so we can on the way to and and make new Some were born in while others were born in or or even I thought of all the that would need to and who the would be and how that might impact the who can

Some wanted to I wanted to do Some thought I was But I thought of all the and I was not looking for a

So first I went to the where I saw and then to find the with on the way to the next to the where I thought of some for the but I still wanted the

I looked at the and the worn by the and going to the hanging with the but I was still focused on the The in their and want to go to the They get the at the and eat at the But I am still looking for the on the at the But the are going to the with the on the all because they are and make the and and become the usually started by the and then they have to leave by finding the and wherever they go they will still be the in town.

I saw domains as and and focused on I saw domains as to I saw domains as that would aid and capable of The in the world and wanted to be the

I had but I had to worry about them as they were from the and It forced me to become an expert on Because these were the and and would need a issued by a and then because or a silly letter was just going to be my They were nothing more than a to me and I became their Thanks to and RDNH I was able to give some to the instead of

They would that I was a and and that was but I was just not even posting

The came to and it cost many thousands in me and you and hopefully the would support that. My vs Campbell's;  My vs Lilly Inc.; My vs Carnival Cruise Lines; My vs Warner Brothers; My vs Toronto Star Newspapers. vs who even cares? Slam Bam!! I won the  because I had the before there was a UDRP process and vs the world when there was one! NEXT!

What I was doing was but I had a to as I could and reside in the because I wanted to go to the and knew that if I had long term aspirations the Internet, the, who may be the, would understand the and sense of urgency at making my stake and would like to be rich too. It's a that most people understand just like folks like and the I decided to on it because and I could because Netsol had no to pay for and that gave me that I would have never had.

When I was born was It was all sold and owned. There was no more or But I did see that could be planted throughout the world and I could compete with the with the That gave me the that would help me and then use by at and to about the where companies were

I don't eat but I can sell some. I don't wear but I can sell some. I know nothing about but it could become a full time career. I am not into but I can get the with and and even a I can and then  I can and I could and I can, and look for the and and then and and like and with in 100 different that for a then and with with the to send my to and

I may have had the but the that led to the made me millions by and I was still getting by the with the They never saw before and that provoked a good and every so often for my "Fake" traffic. I would say and tell them if they continue with like me that they will earn a spot on and I would make them the on the internet with their and let folks know what they were and that gave me the power to be an and I was not They put me in the business.

I guess I was a who was with a of money and looking for honest so I could become an and promote and add to my I started buying at looking at because I knew wanted to look for and The only way to make back then was with because there was no in 1996 and 1997. Google did not exist. So a would not even get you a or if you are like on the way to see with,  and a doing Some liked and and the and became They would, then go to and and look at the in the as they their while that they are their before the showed up. and were everywhere. think they can because they think they are a, get and start the and if I write anymore it will be and the will get upset even tho and etc. are used all day everyday on TV that our kids and they are not them and either are the because they are just to the to have a and make

Makes you so and by so you can so that you can not being a because you and then you can get, speak to and become a and maybe even a and as you the ladder.

So after 20 years they can at the idea because has written on his that many a like me have used to make the year's I'm not and I can make you that can give me some rights while relaxing on my and watching

This all just that were not a and by a capable of finding and and at the  looking for and someday folks could even have a then start at the  Just That's says

And now that you made it through all of that I hope it brought a few smiles to your face and a few memories. Now on to my 20-year anniversary  posts next week..... Happy Holidays and the best to you in 2016 and beyond!

The FUTURE Will be in Sub-Domains and I have PROOF! R.I.P.

Morning Folks!!

No, I am not blogging again. But as I said, I would chime in from time to time when I discovered something or had something to say etc.

A few weeks ago I discovered something very powerful and done by a company that was here before most knew what the Internet even was. I heard long before I actually made it online.

One of my proudest sales was to CNN. But guess what?? They no longer use that domain. Here is the iReport Link. See where it goes? Follow the leader and you will find the answers and no question CNN has been one of the earliest. If not the earliest.

Now this is not definitive. But I would like to ask them why they did this and what they have discovered along the way? If I were a betting man, I would bet that Sub-Domains are the future because you can focus on your brand and also have folks easily find what they want via a very easy system.

Now this is not some conclusion I just jumped to. I have believed this for over 15 years. But today, I have confirmation by an organization that has been a leader for a very long time. What does this really mean?

It is my very strong opinion that after companies investigate .whatever and all the confusion, expense, uncertainty and pitfalls associated with it, they will understand the power they already have with their sub-domains. I believe that .whatever got them thinking. But the longer they thought, the worse it looked. The more expensive it looked. The more overhead it would add. The more uncertainty. And more splintering of their traffic and brand. They would see what I see.

So I think is so much easier and less confusing because folks already understand that navigation system. More powerful and universal than http://iReport.CNN. But maybe not. 6 of one, half dozen of another. The '.com' has a certain flow to it. But they will be a bell-weather either way.

They shelved a $750,000 domain for a reason. It may be what I said or maybe I got it 180 degrees backwards if they get .CNN and build on that. But either way, I have a definite answer and if wrong I know exactly why and how to adjust to the right one. Much better than being lost in a forest with no direction or no clues. I think CNN will be a leader in either direction and they will be who I look to for some of the answers to come. Whichever way it does go, the world will be about sub-domains either right of the dot or left of the dot.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


Inside The Sale. Why This was a Landmark Sale

Morning Folks!!

The sale is the sale that keeps giving and giving. One of my favorite storie and perhaps the most high profile sale I ever made in my life. It is my mindset that allowed me to make this deal and I still believe it was worth much more than was paid and I will explain the flawed thinking process that would have resulted in this deal being nothing noteworthy.

3 years later this domain still pays dividends and is one of my favorite stories.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

Valuation is in the eye of the beholder.

Morning folks!!

I have been very tough on appraisal services because I don't see
any that are truly qualified. I have blogged about appraisals several times.
And let me say, that appraising a domain and figuring value is a very difficult
thing. It is difficult because each domain is completely unique. Some domains
may be one dimensional while others may have many facets and are adaptable to
many companies, industries or promotions. It is difficult when you don't
know who the actual appraiser is. Do they appraise high? Do they appraise low?
Are they completely educated about domains? So a lot of
'Transparency' needs to happen here as well.

I tried an experiment and had 21 professional domain owners that I
know personally give their best shot on putting a value on 5 of my domains.
From a group of elite individuals like this it is possible to see a
picture develop and market price. I removed the names to protect their privacy.
I provided no stats whatsoever. But the numbers are the numbers and this was
done in a thoughtful manner. When I look at something like this I generally
throw out the high numbers and I throw out the low numbers. I try to focus on
the common numbers. In over 12 years on the net this was the first time I had
ever asked others for a valuation for valuations sake. See if a picture
develops for you.

Appraisal #1 - $350,000 - $500,000 - $75,000 - $90,000 - $3,000,000 - $4,000,000 - $100,000 - $150,000 - $10,000 - $15,000
Appraisal #2 - $500K. I love this name for dev/branding/web 2.0 - $250K. Would want to see what the .com is doing. - $1.5mm. Awesome premium generic. Enough said. - $50K. Not a big fan despite one word. Lots of substitutes. - $25K. Same as above.
Appraisal #3 > no idea. > 2% of ($4Million) $80,000 > $2 Million. > $75K. > $10K
Appraisal #4 - $400k - $75k - $3M - $60k - $30k
Appraisal #5 - $1M - $50k - $2M - $100k - $10k
Appraisal #6 $5,000,000. $ 125,000. $7,500,000. $ 200,000. $ 100,000
Appraisal #7 - $150,000 - $30,000 - $3,000,000 - $400,000 - $10,000
Appraisal #8 - $250,000 - $35,000 - $1,400,000 - $3,000 - $2,500
Appraisal #9 - $10,000,000 - $500,000 - $5,000,000 - $100,000 - $100,000
Appraisal #10 $1m $100K $2M $150K $20K
Appraisal #11
End User Numbers $2M $250K $4.5M $1M $40K
Appraisal #12 $750,000 $185,000 $2,500,000 $275,000 $25,000
Appraisal #13
domain - market value-end user value - $225,000-$250,000 - $40,000-$65,000 - $800,000-$1,800,000 - $75,000-$350,000 - $12,500-$35,000
Appraisal #14
domain - market value-end user - $400,000-600,000 - $10,000-15,000 - $3,000,000-5,000,000 - $35,000-50,000 - $10,000-15,000
Appraisal #15 - $500K - $100K - $5M - $350K - $50K
Assumes motivated end user in right place at the right time with the right
Appraisal #16
Wholesale Level 1 - $100K - $250K
Wholesale Level 2 - $250K - $500K
Retail Level 1 - $500K - $1M
Retail Level 2 - $1M - $2M
Wholesale Level 1 - $50K - $75K
Wholesale Level 2 - $75K - $150K
Retail Level 1 - $150K - $250K
Retail Level 2 - $250K - $500K
Wholesale Level 1 - $250K - $500K
Wholesale Level 2 - $500K - $1M
Retail Level 1 - $1M - $2M
Retail Level 2 - $2M - $5M
Wholesale Level 1 - $35K - $50K
Wholesale Level 2 - $50K - $100K
Retail Level 1 - $100K - $200K
Retail Level 2 - $200K - $500K
Ultimate Dream - Perfect name for a price comparison site. Strategy would be
the entrepreneur needing a dream style domain for capital tool purposes.
Wholesale Level 1 - $2,500 - $5K
Wholesale Level 2 - $5K - $25K
Retail Level 1 - $25K - $50K
Retail Level 2 - $50K - $75K
Appraisal #17 -- $700,000 -- $80,000 -- $1,500,000 -- $50,000 -- $15,000
Appraisal #18 130,000 45,000 1,300,000 40,000 10,000
Mostly on the 'Wholesale/Investor' side IMO -
Appraisal #19 - $350K - $50K - $2M - $1M - $25K
Appraisal #20
domain - market value-end user -$550,000- $1,300,000 - $70,000- $135,000 - $600,000-$1,750,000 - $95,000-$125,000 - $25,000-$45,000
Appraisal #21 -- $1M -- $200k -- $1.2M -- $2.8M -- $500k

Moniker professional and paid Appraisal -- $227,300 -- $81,900 -- $2,237,400 -- $146,800 -- $23,700

What does it all mean? I don't know. That’s for you to comment on.
While the Moniker appraisals were in line with many of the others, I would not
sell at the appraised levels if I got those offers today.   

Have a GREAT day!
Rick Schwartz

UPDATE. The following numbers have been provided by Bob Connor. Special thanks for taking the time to crunch some interesting numbers:

Here are the averages, medians (mid points), and standard deviations
(measure of how much variability) for appraisals for each of the
Average =      $1,247,348
Median =         $500,000
Std. Dev =     $2,210,824
Average =        $119,452
Median =          $81,900
Std. Dev =       $105,250
Average =      $2,580,974
Median =       $2,000,000
Std. Dev =     $1,635,693
Average =        $323,948
Median =         $130,000
Std. Dev =       $589,405
Average =         $48,670
Median =          $23,700
Std. Dev =        $99,436

It’s the”C” not the”I”


I sold to CNN I hear this chatter about 'I' domains. The
'I' part of the equation in the domain name is a very small part of
the equation. The power the 'I' had in this particular domain is
extremely powerful. But as the title suggests, it is not about the
'I' domain. It is about the 'C' in
'Circumstance.' Circumstance is what drove this deal and drives
almost all deals.

let me peal this back a bit. CNN got the deal of the century. $750k was a
bargain. The value was close to $7.5M and I am going to explain why I plan to
get $7.5M as a result of this deal. First of all this may become the highest
profile domain to be sold and used in a very long time. CNN may advertise hundreds of times a day throughout the world. And each time any of
us hear that, it will remind the industry and then eventually the world about
this deal. The BARGAIN this deal will become in the eyes of the market. That
alone will raise values across the board as folks begin to realize what power a
domain, a great domain, can have to set you apart from the competition.

race is on. Will Fox News fight back and get The one thing that is
a SURE BET, is WHEN that domain eventually sells to Fox, and it WILL sell to
them at some point, it will sell at a rate much higher than $750k
.That deal
will likely never be known when it does happen, but there is no question that
the table is set for a multimillion dollar sale. Do you hear that Seattle? Bases are loaded. So that is really the next piece of the puzzle to follow. This has
the power to blow the lid off the domain industry. Two titans at WAR and it is
their domain names that will be their leading Generals.
For the love of  Pete, they pay $750k for a picture of Britney's panties!This domain may actually define both networks for the next generation. Comparable? You decide. This may illustrate to the markets and business world that a domain name value is a drop in the bucket when compared to other income producing assets. The very future of ALL business is wrapped up in their domain names. It has been that way for a dozen years and it will be a recession or a crash in 2008 that forces all business to re-evaluate how they do business and why I would make such statements. How many other industries and
titans will fight similar battles? The value of this sale will be pointed to as
another mile marker not only in the domain industry but in business because of what is still yet to
unfold. The best is yet to come.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz and Domain Valuations

Good Morning Folks!!

I would love to give the details of the sale but by contract I am not allowed.
However if you read my past posts, the secrets of how I approach this are all
there. NOW maybe the industry will REJECT the 'X' factor. This was
CRAP introduced by the VC guys that has NOTHING TO DO WITH DOMAINS!!!!
If domainers want to be FOOLS and keep selling for 'X', I will keep
saying that domainers are leaving a FORTUNE on the table and don’t understand
the anatomy of a great domain name. Maybe this will blow the lid off all the
appraisals services. They are ALL WORTHLESS. Absolutely worthless. Not a single
one has a clue. Not a one and SCAM is usually the first thing that comes to
mind when I read a worthless appraisal that somebody actually paid for.

The sale shows that conventional valuations are fundamentally flawed as
they do not take into account the biggest part of what makes a domain name valuable.
When I say something like this, appraisers tilt their head like the RCA dog.
They react like I am talking a different language. So this is why I give no
credence to ANY domain appraisal service. They are ALL worthless and many are
slanted depending on their circumstance while others are pure rubbish. If
someone waives an appraisal in my face they get a laugh right back in their
face. It is like wearing a billboard that says, “I am a clueless rookie.”

come to a true value it would have to be by committee and that committee would
have to be made up of successful domainers as well as others. Without
discussing all the possible attributes of a domain name it is impossible to
come up with a value. Those buying and selling based on 'X' are
playing somebody else's game. Don't be foolish enough to swallow their silly
valuations. I have said this over and over for year after year and maybe since
some of these players have disappeared as fast as they appeared, maybe now
folks will take notice. Like I said, I have blog posts about it right here for
anyone willing to dig!

I admit that was a perfect storm. All the elements were in place
for a pretty big payday. However what the following years will show is this “Perfect
storm” will be repeated by me and others many times.

I can't go into the details of the negotiations, what I can say is it took
several months and the main sticking point at contract time was whether this
sale would be made public. Something for me that was non-negotiable. I would
have walked from the sale if I could not report and publicize it. If DNJournal
could not include it in their updates. The deals never reported would make
everyone here, think differently about their assets. Still, folks are more
focused on traffic and stats and 'X' than they are on what makes a
domain great and have value and have great value to others before that event
even materializes..

is a stepping stone. What it does is take what we do from theory to reality.
When we look back at this sale in 10 years, people will say it was cheap and
should have been sold for 10x that number. It's a stepping stone because
sometime soon it will be unusual for any good domain to sell for under 7
figures. Then 8 figures. We are entering the period of time where we will see
some significant domain sales. During this slow down or recession, it will be
the DOMAIN INDUSTRY that is the shining light on the hill. A place where great
fortunes can and will be made. Times like this fuel emerging growth and we are
more than emerging. We are busting out when everyone else is bailing out. We
are positioned very well and this rocky financial environment we are in will
benefit the domain industry more than any of us could do alone or collectively.

Have a GREAT day!