The Apple Store in My Stomach. I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing!

Morning Folks!!
The best part of working in the “Information Age” is that
you can do it anywhere. The worst thing is that since we can do it anywhere, we
choose to just sit for the most part. The result may be a gain in weight. Until the
net, I was thin and could eat all I wanted and not gain weight. A combination
of age and sitting in front of a computer screen changed that over the past years.

With most of my goals, it takes a while for me to get
mentally ready. To set my mind not to get discouraged when the setbacks happen.
That is my mental training before I can even make an attempt. I then visualize
different scenarios. Different ways to look at the same thing. For me, I used
the visualization that for every extra 5LBS of weight I had that I was carrying a laptop
with me 24/7. And just how uncomfortable it would be day after day, year after year. Well, here is
the tally to this point. Below is a list of the items I was carry around with
me in a visual way.

Apple MacBook Pro 17” 6.6LBS

Apple MacBook Pro 15” 5.6LBS

Apple MacBook Pro 13” 4.5LBS

Apple MacBook

Apple MacBook Air 3.0LBS

Apple iPad 1.5LBS

Total of this part…..25.9LBS

But we are not done. To that you can add the following:

Apple MacBook Pro 17” 6.6LBS

Apple MacBook Pro 15” 5.6LBS

Apple MacBook Pro 13” 4.5LBS

Apple MacBook Air 3.0LBS

Total of this part 18.7LBS

That is what the weight I lost represents. I still have a
hard time getting my head around this. So when I look back and even try to
imagine that I was carrying around an Apple Store in me, I shake my head in

I really had to change some very old and favorite
habits. Ask anyone, I LOVE to eat.
TRAFFIC is like a wet dream for me because I do most of the food planning and I
have a nearly unlimited amount of choices.

So I told myself if I did not stop overeating, then
eventually it would lead to me not being able to eat what I like the most and worse. So I
knew I had to change how I looked at things and change the food that went into
my mouth.

When it came to food, I could have a buffet breakfast
followed by a $100 lunch followed by a Checkers Burger and Fries on the way to
dinner. That was a normal event.

The point of all this is I was unsuccessful in earlier attempts until I
could think of it in a different way and actually change my habit. No
planned diet. No other intervention.

After refraining for over a year I went to Checkers to
celebrate earlier this summer. A reward for hitting a great goal. The even
bigger reward was that I threw most of it away.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick “175” Schwartz

4 thoughts on “The Apple Store in My Stomach. I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing!

  1. WebDomainsBuy

    Just use the internet to get slim. I hooked a computer up to a TV to stream Netflix to it. Surround sound and a treadmill. Way better then a gym and you save money by not needing a gym membership!
    155 5’11

  2. credithire

    for this comment alone, you are a legend lol
    “Ask anyone, I LOVE to eat. TRAFFIC is like a wet dream for me because I do most of the food planning and I have a nearly unlimited amount of choices.”

  3. James

    It’s psycho-cybernetics at work – I did similar to stop smoking after 20-odd years. I started to visualise myself in a bar and a friend offering me a cigarette; I said ‘no thanks, I don’t smoke any more’. I could see it in my mind, and believe it was true. Not even wanted to smoke for over six years now.


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