The Rick Schwartz Equation

Morning Folks!!

Go brew a pot of coffee, this is going to take a few minutes. What started as a simple equation blossomed into all types of adventures and mis-steps and examples in real-time that absolutely support my equation. An equation that may be all but lost in the clutter of events that just had great timing and so here we are. I think the word "Clusterf*ck" is just going to be more spot on with every passing day. I thought it would happen in very slow motion, but it is accelerating even faster than I would have imagined and I suggest there will be popcorn to replace the coffee by the end of this post.

We all see what we see and we all know what we know.  I come to conclusions early based on certain elements that fit in my personal equation. This equation filters out CRAP, HYPE and NOISE. It filters out the losers FIRST and spotlights the winners NEXT. That makes my job easier and pisses off the ones that don't win and/or don't count as much. Those folks have a tougher job to convince me and other people whether domainers or end users to buy into their vision.

Each new gTLD has or SHOULD HAVE a separate vision.  Is that not a reasonable assumption? I have learned many do not as stunning as it sounds. So is it my fault for asking about the "Vision" thing?

I have been writing this blog post for over 2 weeks now and I have been deciding whether to post it or not. Meanwhile I just keep working on it and whether it sees the light of day will just depend on who knows what. But events just keep unfolding that dovetail with what I have been saying.

I have written extensively about the new gTLD's EARLY to be on record and to be REAL and that showed a vivid difference in how and WHEN  I view the world compared to many others. And in my view of the world, nothing happens until a sale is made and I did my best to explain that. And while people throw around invisible sales numbers without actually ever making a sale, well, that is a MAJOR red flag to me. I know how hard sales is. I know how hard sustaining sales is. I know how hard growing sales is. I also know the difference between a solid sale and a weak sale. A sale that will survive and a sale that will collapse or end up being a loss.

I see things early for a reason and it is based on an equation.

I have gotten several emails about and their problems this week and folks want me to write about it. Well I did, 3 YEARS ago when I transferred all my domains out. It was not my first post on the subject as you will see. The Moniker mess happened 3 YEARS ago but the train wreck happened last week. Folks had AMPLE opportunity to heed the warnings. I still have about 14 domains there. Mostly .tel. But thousands were moved away. 

There will be a lot of elbows flying in gTLD land as we have seen with the firestorm of last week with Negari and Network Solutions, that just continues and now the plot thickens as Berryhill, Corwin, Negari and the ICA join others in the industry for a circular firing squad.

The skirmishes will intensify and broaden as there are a lot of competing interests. There are a lot of ponies in this horse race and the rails on either side are not enough to contain them. So you are going to see a vivid example of some raw nerves between other gTLD operators develop. You can't see this coming? Really?? REALLY????

Why is this a sure bet???

SALES BABY! SALES! They NEED sales. They are drowning without sales. They are choking for cash as it is in many cases. That is THEIR reality.

Not only that, but If you play in a game you set up with no rules, then don't complain when somebody breaks the rules or extends the boundary lines. Where does HYPE turn the corner and become DECEPTION? There are the nuances that are in play here. The debate is wide and the fallout is still in progress. The answers are murky. Deal with it. It's just part of the clusterf*ck that will play out in time.

I also understand that many bloggers are under a lot of pressure from different camps to write positive stories about them or gTLD's in general. Some have just about lost their entire credibility. Even Howard is pressuring me not to post things I am about to say. But I could give a rats ass about getting another sponsor or not. I won't sell my soul for that. If they can't figure it out, so be it. I will say what I BELIEVE and not what my FRIENDS want me to say.

Hats off to those like Konstantinos Zournas, MIke Berkens, Ron Jackson,  Kevin Murphy and others that report whatever facts they can find and I know for a fact that the pressure these bloggers are under is IMMENSE. And they are getting it from both sides. 

Sales have to be created and WE and everyone else has a RIGHT and a DUTY as well as an obligation to be skeptical if you are a serious investor.  You should EXPECT to have you feet held to the fire. Especially since we already had prior evidence that only a fool would ignore of how previous tld's have fared in our short history.

How do you create a sale?

You start with NEED, WANT and DESIRE. And in our case you can add SUPPLY and DEMAND. Other variables as well as you are about to see. And there are even more obstacles than I am going to discuss that is why I wrote so many posts coming at things from various ways and all of them had huge pitfalls. These are compounded obstacles and I am not sure any can survive them all. Especially when they are blind to them.

That said......

How do you create sales when you don't start with NEED, WANT and DESIRE from the right party and the supply is unlimited and the demand is almost non-existent and self-made??? And keep in mind, over 80% of all registrations are by domainers and the Registry's themselves or closely held companies. aka, Bag of smoke. Some say 90%. They say 33% and that is just laughable.

How do folks KNOW they need something they don't even know exists to begin with? This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to exponential. Many icebergs because everyone at least gets hungry. Of course business may suck if you are a hamburger stand setting up shop at a vegetarian convention and you have no veggie burgers.

Hold on to your horses, it will all make sense soon to anyone that can have a warped thinking process like me.

This is NOT bashing gTLD's. It may as well be zoombibie stands. The RESULT would be almost the same.  What's a "Zoombibie stand"? A Zoombibie stand is as foreign and unknown to you as gTLD's are to the end-user.  Got that? Do you need one??? How long have you lived without a zoombibie?? Really?? Whose job is it to sell you that Zoombibie that you don't know about and probably could care less about? What color is yours? What happens when a competitor comes in and they have to SPLIT the zoombibie market?? Are only distributors buying zoombibies and they can't resell to the end-user?

The commodity you have does not matter. Coffee shops, hamburger stands. Lemonade stands, pizza joints. You name it. The thing with gTLD's, they are exponentially harder and few want to take the time to truly examine why.

The keyword is CREATE.

Zoombibie has to CREATE sales!

But to create sales, there has to be a DEMAND to begin with.

And you do that with REASONS.

(Reasons have to be valid. In sales, when you get caught in a lie, game over)

But first you have to CIRCULATE.

And you have to know how big your AUDIENCE is.

So that you can TARGET them properly.

Assuming there is DEMAND

We know there is DEMAND by several groups. The Registry, the Registrar and the speculative domainer. The speculative domainer is not the customer of the Registry as they have made pretty clear. But the same Registry is depending on the market makers who are the speculative domainers to make things happen. Sounds like a HUGE disconnect to me and many are starting to pay the price for that wrong-minded thinking process.

How big is the zoombibie audience? You still don't know what a zoombibie is? This isn't your grandfathers zoombibie. This is a much better and bigger zoombibie that will allow you to do more things. Just don't ask about what specific things they are. Way too deep.

Sorry for the caps in this post but this is more of an equation and a theory than paragraphs. And you also have to know that THEY (the consumer in any form they come in) are in control of all of their destiny's. If they don't eat the smelly fish or the rotten meat, the restaurant closes and goes out of business. PERIOD! No matter the hype.

Nobody on this planet woke up this morning looking for a zoombibie. But you NEED it because I said so. Isn't that a good reason?? 

Today alone we say .Berlin start giving their extension away for FREE! When you can't sell something, you give it away. They more than doubled their 48,000 registrations in less than 24 hours. EXPECT others to follow suit. That is definitely going to screw up the marketing plans of other registries that are already choking for cash. It gets UGLY from here on out folks. Can't see that one either?? REALLY??


So if you subscribe to this quasi-equation, and I do, then many will be able to see what I see and why I don't take MOST of the gTLDs seriously at this point in time.  That does not mean I am right and that does not mean I can't be PERSUADED.  But my job is not to persuade myself. That's THEIR job and they need many reasons that are VALID to get there. Tough questions are survived by straight answers and that is how you tell a solid and good product or service. Then I might buy a zoombibie. Right now, I can live without it. 

This just means that I have a method behind my handicapping that has served me well for decades and I am just sharing my mental process of one of the ways I might reach a conclusion or form an opinion. But that does not mean I can not be persuaded. But that only comes with solid information and benefits. A VISION that holds up against reality and scrutiny. Imagine a car salesman being afraid to answer questions about the vehicle he is selling. He wants to make a quick buck and you are looking for long-term reliable transportation. Not exactly a win-win. Once he lies about one thing, you can only do one thing. LEAVE! And that is exactly what most folks would do.

Someone wins, someone loses. If you invest unwisely LIKE SO MANY DO, you are going to be at the wrong end of that equation. As long as you are prepared and EXPECT to lose 100%, then you are okay. No worries.  But expect to lose 100% TIMES however many years you keep each domain name.

Folks want to hear what they want and they want to ignore what they want. Folks are afraid to state the obvious or even truly examine both sides to get to a proper balance without forcing the wanted outcome. To me .ceo,.rich and .horse are extensions that are in real danger of dying on the vine. They will be joined by many others. How can I be so certain??? Please just study the equation. It is a roadmap. Look at the STALLED daily registrations. .Rich has had THREE registrations in the last FIVE WEEKS! STUDY the numbers, they are pathetic at best. This is their debut. Demand does not look very high and a new broom sweeps clean.

Just days before the original launch in January I posted this on my blog about .Club and how they were the ones doing it right and now you can look back and see how it DOVETAILED with REALITY! It appears they have the most human placed registrations.

Figuring it out and getting it RIGHT EARLY counts and it is the equation above that makes picking winners and losers EASIER! Cutting to the chase has value. Knowing the answer before the question is asked has value. Great value in some cases. And I am not conceding that the most registrations = the most valuable gTLD or the one to invest in if any. But this is the yard stick many seem to be using for the sake of discussion. So it is our only measuring stick at the moment since there is little else to point to. Just keep this yardstick in mind as well. .mobi as a Registry is a total success. .Mobi as an Investment is a total failure. Can't folks LEARN and understand that equation?? I could give a rats ass about the success of a Registry. We are talking about investing. Until you separate the two, good luck going broke!

With 1400 new extensions those that think they will all survive and then also be meaningful are either not dealing with reality or have not been in business long enough to understand how business works. How sheer numbers work. So if they were to LOGICALLY look at the 1400, and right now we have about 125 LIVE, they can already see which ones are in DANGER of either dying on the vine, never getting any recognition or traction or just not being meaningful or relevant at all. PigeonShit gTLD's for a lack of a better phrase. This is the first heat of TEN segments to get to that 1400 number. I think I clearly picked the winner of this phase. Until I see the CONSUMER actually EMBRACE these new extensions, it's all inside baseball. The consumer hold all the wildcards.  There are several layers of consumers. But I am talking about end users and the actual person on the street.

So the first thing to do logically is remove the DEAD HORSES OFF THE TRACK!

Did you watch the race on Saturday? Imagine that race with 1400 horses in the SAME gate and the LOGICAL first question would be how many would be TRAMPLED in the STAMPEDE getting out of the gate!?? How many other horses will trip on the dead horses and also go down? Just logical questions. The ultimate question is who will win the race? I guess if you were LOGICAL you would say to yourself that I may not be able to pick the winner right away but if I pick the top 10 horses and isolate them I have a much better chance. Most bet on one horse and MOST lost. Even the gtld tracker tracks the top 10 and all the "Others" are lumped into one category. "other". Why?? Who came in 10th in the race n Saturday? Nobody knows and nobody cares.

And that means that 1390 gTLD's will be NAGS  Or maybe it will be 1300. Not a huge difference. Most will be meaningless is the only point I am trying to make. MOST. The majority. So that means they did not die on the vine, they are just as irrelevant as .aero and .travel are today along with many more that nobody wants to really invest in. How many times do you have to see the same SAD movie and still hope for a HAPPY ENDING?

How many want to bet on California Chrome to win the Belmont and the Triple Crown today? Place your bets! He LOST! Sorry. We all rooted for him to win. But he LOST. REALITY! See that is not being against gTLD's folks, that's called not being stupid and dealing with reality. We can do the what ifs all day long. But he lost. Yes, he lost because of a GASH inflicted by another horse and we will see that with gTLD's as well.  So if a gash did the damage to change history imagine what 1000 dead horses will do to change it.

Sorry folks. There is no happy ending to this movie. Get your Kleenex out!

And then all this wraps right back around to:

How do you create NEED, WANT and DESIRE?

The keyword is CREATE.

And you do that with REASONS and BENEFITS.


BENEFITS are what is important to your customer not what is important to the seller.

And you make the sale with a LOGICAL argument to support your vision.

What grade would you like to give the marketing so far folks? Invisible marketing seems to be on top of that heap don't ya think? If you don't buy into my zoombibie, you are a moron and you are old school and you are an idiot. lol. GREAT marketing!

Efficacythe ability to produce a desired or intended result. I don't see that as a widespread ability when it comes to gTLD's.  Do you??

Besides all these GIVEN headwinds, it is my belief that many of these guys already missed their window of opportunity to market their extensions. As even Michael Berkens has said many times, these are the weaker extensions for the most part. So that means when they DID have their day in the sun they were incapable of taking advantage of THEIR "Unique Opportunity in time". The train is gone for many of them already. I hear they did not have the money to promote and all the rest. Whose fault is that? Whose lack of vision was that? Whose going to be holding the bag when it is all said and done?

Sure there were ICANN delays. Well in business you have to expect things like that and be prepared for it.

So that TRAIN leads DIRECTLY to consolidation. They can't see that one either?? Really? REALLY????

See in my silly view of the world I think it is unreasonable to see why .ceo would be a good investment because no coherent argument can be made for the viability and a REASON to PARK money there. And when the registry comes out with "Their" reasons, they don't dovetail with reality. Everyone laughs and dismisses.

Now I don't mean to pick on .ceo all the time but it is the most glaring example next to .Rich which is just too funny to even spend any time on. And I think .Horse has no better chance of being important and worthy to INVEST in as betting TODAY than California Chrome will win the Triple Crown last Saturday. In any test you usually look and set aside the top and bottom scores. .Web for me is the top score on the chart and .Rich is the bottom score on the chart for me.Actually the bottom is CRAMMED with losers yet to be declared DEAD ON THE VINE.

And let me also state for the record that number if registrations is not the yard stick for measuring success of ANY gTLD.

CONTENT is the key to the survival of any extension. And in this cases, BETTER content is going to be EXPECTED.  So when you look at this onion you can peel it so many different ways and into different conversations. Just be prepared to hold on to those as long as I have to hold on to .mobi. I have great keywords. Big deal!

And there are so many obstacles now after that. Consumer acceptance is always the key to any success. Beta was better. Did not matter. Ask Sony. So these obstacles and facts can even contradict each other. And my main point is the path forward is not straight it is splintered and the pitfalls immense. And as we have seen and as I have said for over a year now, one bad deed with one spills over to all. Anyone doubt that one now?? We have just seen the beginning of this show and the abuses. I am sure a site will pop up that will chronicle all the abuses that are taking place. I have already lost count. It WILL get MUCH worse.

I always started with my parents. They were my test cases throughout most of my life. They represented Mid-America and how the majority would react to any given new thing. Their input was more valuable than anyone else. So I do miss that part of my equation.

You can see once you talk about gTLD's one thing leads to another and the whole thing just has not been well thought out and with 1200 MORE to go, the ABUSE and the HYPE has not even started. I have written over a dozen posts just in regards to the horse race and how important and how hard it will be to pick the winners at THIS stage. And what happens to these "Weak" extensions when the strong ones like .web come to life?

We are an intelligent group and we get to ask tough questions and if folks don't like it because they have no answers, that is their choice. I say the numbers are pathetic. Let me define it with this. The day .Web comes to market (and I am not touting .web, but it is just the Odds on Favorite) is the day you will see pathetic defined.  That is an extension we will be counting by the millions and they will LIKELY have more registrations in the first few HOURS than all the gTLD's in the first few MONTHS. Just a FACT waiting to be BORN. Can't see it from here?? Really?? But you can see the value of gTLD's in 10-20 years?? Sorry, that dog won't hunt with me. Don't talk about 10-20 years when some folks doing the talking can't see 10-20 hours, days, weeks or months in front of them.

Is there money to be made in the new gTLD's by domain investors? YES.  But Registry's making money on YOU have nothing to do with your gamble/investment. Chances are more money will be lost 100 times over than made. We can only predict and see how things unfold. But ignoring and not examining all sides of an issue because of peer pressure...........really? Investors NEED to be skeptical regardless of the WANTS and DESIRES of others.

As I said yesterday and will repeat often: "NO DOMAIN INVESTOR has ANY OBLIGATION to support ANY new gTLD whatsoever, so don't buy into that nonsense. On the other hand the gTLD's have an obligation to treat domain investors a lot better than they have.  They need us not the other way around.

We had a superhighway come to be in the early 1990's. It was well thought out and had already been around for a very long time for military use. It had to work right. They built a super-duper worldwide interstate roadway system that changed the world. Now we have over a thousand interstates coming out and many have no real destination, direction or even a plan. If you go down one of those, you are GUARANTEED to run out of gas and you will have no money left to buy anymore. So as long as you are prepared and can afford to lose 100% or more of your investment, you are fine and good to go. But picking the winners is still the single biggest hurdle and only 10% of the extensions are now out. Multiply all the nonsense we have seen by 10 fold and you will see this will not be an easy road. A road that can only get harder to navigate and there are consequences most would just like to ignore and not talk about. Sorry, as investors we DO get to talk about it and your job is to address those concerns if you can.  And if you can't, just get out-of-the-way.

All that said, I will be looking and searching for successes and when I find one, I may place a bet or two. Time tells all and the shakeout we will see is absolutely, 1000% forseeable.  Maybe waiting until the dust settles is not the worst strategy as you will avoid being sucked in by the noise and hype. That way you get to sit back and enjoy the show. I DO NOT see gtld's as a threat. I have seen them as an opportunity from the get go. Brings a lot of eye balls our way. But on the way to opportunity, there is going to be a lots of events. Hype, noise, crashes, clusterf*cks and a lot of dead horses and it will eventually be known as SURVIVOR! Popcorn anyone?

And there is a flaw in this Rick Schwartz equation in this case. There seems to be no end to the pitfalls, obstacles and the dividing lines that are coming. Lots of folks entering the crossfire. Welcome to my world fellas.......better have a thick skin.

Rick Schwartz

314 thoughts on “The Rick Schwartz Equation

  1. Bul

    Well you’ve told themthem. I just pity the newbies spending bags of cash on these gtlds in the to someday become the “Rick Schwartz”.

    Like picking stocks, one might need some creative accounting (the early pioneer) to get early adopters lead in the flock or be Damn lucky to stand out…meaningfulness won’t help in domains as their is just way too many alternatives.

    When markets become over saturated, it became expensive to do business and standing out becames the stuff of only legends…legends, that remains to be seen looking streaks continue.

  2. Josh

    What if the end result of gTLD’s isn’t that people are programmed to type any one new extension.

    What if the result is they are programmed to type something.something, even if the gTLD doesn’t yet exist. Like home.inspector or or

    What if big corporate brands drove that by advertising .nike or .nba

    Not saying that will happen. I’m just wondering out loud.

  3. Altaf

    Rick, great post. you taught us, ‘don’t do anything’ is better than doing & spoiling the time and energy. .xyz is a propaganda, bound to fail. I am waiting to see.

  4. Howard Neu

    Great analogy and reasoning. Apparently there are all different kinds of Zoombibles that are flooding the market. The more that people hear about them being available, the more that they will say “Hey! I want one of those Zoombibles! Everyone else has one!”

  5. Homero A. Gonzalez

    Its taken… don’t waste your time checking…, guess who registered it? Anyone?… lol!!

  6. Leonard Britt

    While registration statistics and growth trends for any TLD are interesting, they do not necessarily indicate which is a better investment. There is no disputing that short, meaningful, commerce-related .COM domains are easier to sell than those in other TLDs. However, if one wants to evaluate the investment merit of a TLD, one can look to aftermarket sales (NOT REGISTRY SALES). If every week I see DNJ reporting a dozen sales of $5k and a few for $10k in .Whatever, then perhaps end users see some reason to brand on them and they might be an OK investment at the right price. If you never see aftermarket sales for a TLD, that is a warning sign. And when are we going to start seeing meaningful aftermarket sales in any new TLD?

  7. DonnyM

    What more can you say to anyone? In regards to marketing: Let’s say they wanted to compete for the keyword “Domain registration” in adwords. Well get ready to compete against 30 or so competitors and pay 5 to 8 bucks a click. .
    Anyone can buy a $2000 dollar set of callaways golf clubs, but can any of these new extensions hit the ball. They look good but they won’t get past the 3rd hole.

  8. Robbie

    It took all of a few months for them to start giving these names away for free.

    Nobody gives anything of value away for free. Bad enough to hear from end users well you paid $10 for this domain, now I will have to hear you got this domain for free, oh wait, there are no end user sales, so I guess I won’t

    I have noticed M.Berkens has gone quite quiet in the listing, and purchasing of their GTLD’s, seems they have starting pulling back their funds, as they have pushed premium labeling to mediocre domains.

    End users do not care about which registry will go, if this THEME of navigation get’s adapted anything with Action.KEYWORD will have a marketplace, that is a big IF. So far it looks like a bunch of guys trying to cash in with launching a whole bunch of extensions that only DOMAIN COLLECTORS Want, or guys who missed out on 1995, and are looking for a new gold rush.

    Sorry, if it is to good to be true, it usually is, and I saw namecheap had a .club promo for like $4-$5 last week, really it is going from bad to worse. Smarty Money

  9. Jeff Schneider

    Thank You Rick for the PowerEquation. The movie is projecting and extending the giant pool of money chasing after Online destination addresses. Can this be bad?

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  10. UFO

    Yes, it really is about sales.

    But its not just the sales of the actual domain its all the cross selling that can be done as well, although if your business model is selling to retailers then you wont have that connection with joe public to undertake that.

    All these gtlds are like the classic IPO issue where you’re unlikely to make anything with reasonably perfect information. The .com profits etc should be used as a notion of how these gtlds will do.

    Anyway, its going to be a major train wreck that sucks money out of the real .com world. But everyone will wise up eventually and .coms will jump in price.

  11. Jeph smythe

    Rick you managed to hit the nail on the head again! Always be ahead of the curve of these so called Experts and have to watch this un fold, knowing its going to not work… I think I figured out why you said a Zoom Bible stand, it is a joke about the new .ZOOM GTLD. Am i right? Good on you if so!! Thanks for the great posts keep up the good work. Thank’s.

  12. Robbie

    I just got an email saying I can register up to 100 .berlin names if I meet local requirements, what a gong show.

  13. John

    >”I think I clearly picked the winner of this phase.”

    Me too, same one. :) Now I’d just like to see them activate their whois page to remove a big obstacle and difficulty there in the search and planning process, and keep the distribution of what remains fair and clean for us little guys who support them.

    >”See that is not being against gTLD’s folks, that’s called not being stupid and dealing with reality.”

    And another good way of putting that is, that’s called just being honest, true to one’s real beliefs and straight about it to others, regardless of how much style and color is added to it. One of the things I’ve really come to appreciate about you. :)


    On an additional note, I’m guardedly optimistic that one of the winners of this entire “new gTLD” phenomenon and the release of “.UK” might be .US, especially in terms of (finally) greater public awareness and desire. I think it may indeed already be happening based on my experience with increased interest and offers on .us domains. As a case in point, just recently I even sold a quite long multi-worder .US for a solid mid-$x,xxx based on a completely unsolicited offer. I considered not even saying anything since .US appears to be flying well under the radar and barely even on anyone’s mind if at all among domainers, but then again at some point it’s time, so why not? :)

  14. Max

    I’m thinking major consolidations of registries over the next decade. As few as two or three mega-registries ‘administering’ 80% or more of the gtlds.

    Other than domaineer types, I think most sales will happen slowly as agencies explain possible upsells to business clients. Thus the pressure towards consolidation to stay afloat.

    When university marketing/business programs absorb the existence of the extensive (and perhaps thinned) new set of gtlds and are making their students aware… Then maybe we are on a path toward utilizing the myriad new strings in a sensible way… But that seems a ways away, and still doesn’t include the home stretch.

    Still, I’m a fan of the experiment. Its def very interesting! I even registered a few, and I think they’re way cute. ;)

  15. theomahaguy

    Most of the new gtld’s I see coming out has to be someone’s attempt to make money off domainers and then run for the border. (dot)network? It’s hard enough to sell a dot net.Talk about confusion. I can only shake my head in disbelief that someone thinks some of these gtld’s have a snowballs chance in ….

  16. Stunt Double

    Are gtlds still around? I thought they all died the day 50 Cent accidentally said .com instead of .club. Still laughing over that.

  17. John

    When I was a young lad, the phrase “xyz” meant “eXamine your zipper” and we would often say it jokingly if someone had left their zipper down.

    Now I would suggest it may more appropriately mean “eXamine your Zippo” as in Zippo lighter, and check whether you have been smoking too much weed with it. I say this because “.xyz” is to me possibly the most head-scratchingly absurd TLD of all that I have seen mention of. Either the person or people behind it are delusional, clueless, or just pure gamblers who can afford to throw away the time and money involved. If not gamblers, however, then in all honesty I can only ask a World Wide Web sized “what were you thinking?” That’s complete honesty and candor, by the way, not to bash either .xyz or new gTLD’s. To me this extension is simply unfathomable.

  18. Tom

    Rick, you are a genius! I’m gonna register .Zoombibie for $185K!

    Everyone’s gonna want one. Besides, dot com is dead. Anybody that is somebody will let their passé and meaningless .com drop and immediately register a .Zoombibie from me for only $30/year with $30 annual renewals.

    Yeah, it’ll cost a little more, but it’ll be well worth it. Not sure why, but I’m sure my marketing department can come up with a reason.

    I will hire celebrity spokesmen to promote it. I will advertise on the Superbowl.

    Yeah, I can taste the money now. Oh, what’s that you say? You own the .com and welcome me to promote it so that you can benefit from my perpetual bleeding? And you will be setting a wildcard to intercept all of my extension’s email? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Damn it Rick, why didn’t you want us that these gtld’s are totally worthless crap!

    On second thought, maybe not.

  19. Ed Keay-Smith

    Hi Rick

    Great post (and maybe one of your longest), I see you own, does that mean you are going to apply for the right of the dot and setup .zoombibie?? It could be a winner.

    Thanks for keeping it real Rick.



  20. onlinedomain

    Thanks Rick.
    It was a great read and an honor to be mentioned in your post.

    I am not under pressure though. I have accepted that I will have no New gTLD sponsor. Either because they don’t do any marketing or because they are a bit afraid of my blog. And although I get a lot of traffic both from domainers and other people, I have 0 new gtld sponsors.
    Konstantinos Zournas

  21. Danny Pryor

    Zoombibies are huge in Zimbabwe, especially the ones with the auto features.

    The main points of this blog can be summed up pretty simply, in basic economic terms. The first is obviously the supply – demand issue. What we have is a lack of demand for an over supply of gTLDs. The next point you hit upon can be summed up with this: Some supply can create its own demand, but there has to be a reason. That’s the need, want and desire part of the equation.

    Unfortunately, few among the representatives of the new gTLDs are really going to want to heed the great reality. Their mission is to build a ship with holes and try to sail it.

    Poor bastards.

  22. Zeewy


    I am f-in pissed at you. Someone told me that domains were good investments so, when the gtld’s came out, I jumped in head first and went nuts. My wife and our three kids each stayed up late for several nights in a row and registered lots of gtlds. I don’t have much money and things are now very tight since I now find myself sitting on a pile of .crap

    Not entirely your fault. I know you were the one who cautioned against pigeon.shit, but I saw this as a buying opportunity. Looks like I was wrong.

    I’m not mad at you for failing to caution me and your thousands of other readers. Lord knows you tried on numerous occasions. I am upset because you don’t blog as much as you used to and I miss your writing.

  23. Bul

    I think there is some kind of buyer remorse fuelling domainer rage too. Some refused to get in but then they couldn’t stomach the fear of being left behind when they saw those registration numbers climb. At the end of the day, they had eem all on their master cards. And then they learn that they had been scammed by Daniel and his associates. Now you have cry babies all over the place.

  24. lyn

    I never understood why .co didn’t take overflow for .com. Easy to remember. Either .com or .co instead of all this confusing crap that has come out.

  25. Duane Higgins


    You created quite a firestorm here. All of that you have written is true. It amazes me that the registries are launching without any real discernable marketing/development/application plans. I have posted repeatedly over the past year and a half regarding the potential of the new gTLDs.

    Here are some of my posts with suggestions for the gTLDS that I think could be useful and there is still a chance that this catastrophe could be salvaged:

  26. mansour

    Rick Now I know why you are successful
    I lost some money in Las Vegas this week end but I had a lot fun, losing it on the new gTLDs will only give me misery.

  27. Bill Sweetman

    Rick, thank you for always reminding us to ask the unpopular questions, to listen to our instincts, and — gasp — apply some common sense. This carnival show is just getting started, and we’re all lucky to have front row seats.

  28. NEIL

    Welcome Back King!
    DotComKingdom is the strongest, most efficient IncomeGenerator ever…

    #1. ICAAN and USPTO should eliminate “Confusingly Similar” from their Policy, which gives a strong everlasting unfair monopoly power to the greedy zombbiebies on their dictionary malicious trademarks, eliminating the competition and natural capitalist opportunism;

    #2. Registrars should post a warning to the new domains registrations, like “Attention, minefield, traps, almost confusingly similar with a sharky’s unfair TM!!! Do not register!”

  29. kwan Nyathi

    Hi Danny , the mention of Zimbabwe kind of through me off a bit, couldn’t tell if you were serious or not but is that really true? That’s my home country!

  30. John Boy

    The blogger that lost the most amount of credibility is Acro. What a fool. He is carrying the water for these guys and pops up everywhere to defend them. Nasty guy if you don’t agree with him!

  31. John

    Okay folks, scroll up to my comment of June 17, 2014 and read what I said about .US in relation to all these new gTLD’s, then read what Frager just reported today on The Frager Factor:

    “Plus a news Wall Street start up seems to be making a play for premium dot US domains. Does the influence of the new G’s suddenly make the world stand up and take notice of what is, in my view, the most untapped, underrated opportunity in domain branding today–dot US as in Frager.US.” (The Frager Factor)

  32. NEIL

    King Rick,
    Good morning,
    Congrats on your site’s traffic!
    Yesterday, 6/20/2014, had confusingly similar traffic as INTERNET.COM
    How much did they pay for it?
    How much?

  33. Acro

    I’m only nasty to trolls with unverifiable aliases and hidden agendas. You fit both profiles. I have less than 100 gTLDs to Rick’s 500, so who’s the fool, John Boy?

  34. John

    P.S. However, as is being done with .UK now, I would very much also want existing .US holders to be given the chance to register their domains in .USA first, though definitely not for as long as is being allowed for .UK now… May be a tall order if it’s ever released as a “non-cc” gTLD, but would still want that… :)

  35. Jeff Schneider

    Hello rick,

    The levee has broken, Direct Navigation adopted universally. Thanks Google! 6/23/14

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  36. Jeff Schneider

    Chinas Consumers Clamor for the Real Thing US Goods !
    jeff schneider

    Independent Marketing Analyst/Strategist at / (.COM ) URL Centric Marketing

    A newly formed trading consortium opens gateway to china Consumers to feast on Global Goods. 6/25 /14

  37. UFO

    Oh yes, I’d just like to point out that now advertises on Television as

    If you are going to spend real money on advertising then better do it with a .com as that means the internet.

    These new gtlds dont signify the internet so by definition a prefix of www. has to be used which makes the string LONGER than just using a .com

    E.g. versus http://www.Etsy.Shop

    Try teaching the masses that your gtlds mean internet relative to the billions spent on .com (and each gtld needs to gain traction in the minds of consumers).

  38. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    I would love to instate my photo on your site? How can this possibly happen? By the way are you excited yet?

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  39. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    I just got back from drinking really good beer from Widmer Breweries and have a story to tell.A friend told me he just bought , no telling when, a .COMBrand and how surprised he was to register A security play domain .COMBrand addresss.
    They are still out there people.. Don’t buy the hype, register .COMBrands when in doubt try it. Its the smart path to success.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  40. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The hyping sirens of Madison avenue are deafening peoples senses. Wake up and think outside the box. Register newly configurated .Com Urls when in doubt, its combinations that are plentiful enough for 8 billion people, try it Mikey likes it.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Grou) (Metal Tiger)

  41. Jeff Schneider

    Hello FS

    Well here we are face to face on an issue that troubles me and others. Every where I surf I cannot seem to get rid of iniregistry cookies.
    We all know the caymans is a hideout for tax evaders and just plain manipulators. Frank you have enough don”t you? Your insatiable appetite precedes you and may just topple your apple cart. I have as well as others suffered your arrogance and find it suffocating. You should have taken my advice when you could have but know your voracious ego and appetite consumed you. Sorry to expose your world beating ego but it will not last long Good Luck because you have in our opinion deserted your base.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  42. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, Believe me when I say thank you for not censoring !

    There is a major blog portal that seems bent on not allowing my introduction to the domaining and investor community, They seem to have fallen prey to the security (fear based closed) to factual disclosure crowd). In the name of so called security.
    If my blog is blocked you will know why. If Farcebook is accepted whats up with that?

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Domain Master)

  43. UFO

    One last quip, is that Rick is absolutely correct. Its all about sales. In EVERY sphere of commerce SOMETHING is being sold. If you’re not selling then your offering sucks. If you dont know the intended pathway to making that sale is (USP unique selling point or whatever) then you are taking needless risk.

    The only gTLD that has had a good strategy to date really has been .club

  44. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Copying Domain King ? We are being accused of copying you,when we really are just echoing the parallel universe. Of course we take advantage of Ricks radar system.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Domain Master)

  45. Altaf

    Hello Rick,
    I observed lately that almost all the new gtlds being registered by & large.

  46. UFO

    Seems to be some competition for .london
    Read in paper that there are 40 preregs for and that (real estate keywords) are far more popular.

    London is actually a world class brand.Geo’s of the worlds best cities will have value for sure. We’ll see Rimmel.London and all the rest using their URLs.

  47. jon levy

    UFO, If what you say is true and becomes a reality, what happens to the value of or any other single word tld’s that are relevant in said geo domain(s) space?

  48. UFO

    Jon levy, well I dont think would appreciate any more than it currently is. London has become the worlds top city as a brand.Hence plenty of 2nd liner type fashion houses etc would easily go for as a stepping stone before migrating to the .com

    Perhaps the benefit for .comholders is they will see the potential end user buyer of their domains a long time before the offers role in. Once a new start up with an unknown track record had to get the .com,now they can try with a new gtld. Perhaps in some ways that will filter and vet the most suitable buying the .com

    A coy in the market making good money will generally offer more for a .com as its less risky and the play is easy to see in terms of business devel relative to start ups on the generally less generic/category killer names.

  49. Greg

    This is the general trend looking forward. People need to stop thinking of the right hand extension as an individual branding, and start thinking of it as part of the websites name. With 100’s or 1000’s of different extensions the cumulative effect will be an impact on the perceived naming structure of the internet.

  50. UFO

    My guess is the first changes we will see are in social media areas where hyperlinks do the work. Over time those hyperlinks will educated users but the premium domain will always be the short brand followed by a .com

    new gtlds will be useful in marketing but generally in practice it will always be the cctld or .com

  51. Mike Tester

    Hi Rick! I hope I’m not double posting. What do you think about the new decentralised internet? Selling .p2p – No domain name seizures, no spying and they are sold via auctions –

    There is an option to sell ! domains. So you could own Candy! and Candy!com on the decentralised internet. I think that is much more marketable than .p2p
    Would you agree?

    Would be interested on your thoughts!! Even if it’s just ‘that’s all rubbish’ :)

  52. James

    Content is king, that is assuming your web-sites demographic is semi-intelligent people who don’t have all day to skim through crapola to get to the good stuff.

  53. Rameesh T

    While registration statistics and growth trends for any TLD are interesting, they do not necessarily indicate which is a better investment. There is no disputing that short, meaningful, commerce-related .COM domains are easier to sell than those in other TLDs.

  54. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The fundamentals for high quality Brandable Franchise quality .Com properties are improving with the Gtlds introductions. This may be the last time to shift reasonably into high quality .Coms.
    As for the stock markets, this Secular Bull Market is of average duration. Buy select quality Institutional Favorite Growth Stocks on any and all pullbacks.The Credit Pendulum will swing both stock and digital assets ever higher.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  55. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The current market correction winding down, in this current Secular Bull Market, is purely technically driven( NOT Fundamentally driven ) The Fundamental Economic Underpinnings are portending a Strong Buy Signal. Extreme Buying Opportunities in both Digital and Domestic Equity Market Assets are currently at once in a lifetime levels. JAS 10/15/14

  56. UFO

    Common Rick, 6 months near, is a long time for you not to write an article.

    Encore needed….

  57. Jeff Schneider

    jeff schneider
    Independent Marketing Analyst/Strategist at / (.COM ) URL Centric Marketing

    Our Fundamentally driven forecasting model points to a strong Domestic U.S. Equity Market through mid 2017.
    Important Nuance = Not the end of this Secular Bull Market in place, just a meaningful Correction, then resumption of this Meaningful Secular Bull Market in Equities and Digital Assets. JAS 10/24/14
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  58. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, and followers,
    For those who follow early adopters in all assets, its important to realize how very very similar the .Com addresses are to stock equities as asset classes. The .Com asset class far and away possesses stunningly similar fundamentals to stock equity assets and are the closest possible mirror image of all the global stock market leaders. The .Com address extension, channel, leads to all the major global leaders home addresses.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  59. jason

    Unfortunately, we may be “mirror imaged” (or equated to) to penny stocks and highly speculative stocks, not leaders.

  60. Jeff Schneider

    ” Virtual Digital Marketing Assets ” JAS 11/25/14

    jeff schneider, Independent Marketing Analyst/Strategist at / (.COM ) URL Centric Marketing

    ” In many cases undervalued VDMAs, are unleveraged Online Sales Entities in sheeps clothing.
    Visionaries are simply defined as those individuals able to clearly visualize and define, future undervalued Asset Forms, that actually do finally Manifest into Form. ” JAS 11/25/14
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  61. Altaf

    Congratulations ! Rick on your sale of at the 4th highest price of $8,888,888. It made me think how brave you are to invest 42k in 1997 & wait so long. How brave are you to turn down $5,000,000 offer or more?
    So I call you the father of domain Mr. Domain King. You will remain in history for ever as a think tank. I am proud of being known to you.
    Have a good day!

  62. Josh

    Plus also remember, using the government’s inflation calculator at, $42k in 1997 is equal to $70k today. And that’s using the government’s inflation formula which has been neutered over the years since the Carter administration (along with the unemployment formula). The reality is, $42k then is closer to $85k today. And that’s a LOT of money to spend in 1997 on a domain name! That’s ballz.

  63. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, I Am Back

    I created and released, by choice to someone lucky, the domain, it will enrich someone I am sure. You may think the oil price collapse is unfounded ? Think again ? One huge reason for oils price collapse is both Fusion and Electric Superconductivity both are now in early stages of commerciability. Both these technologies will be Economically scaled to wide spread Commercial Usage. JAS 2/24/15

    Greatfully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  64. Jeff Schneider

    Hello again Rick,

    We as in all the original founders and supporters of the .COM Asset Class are sorely missing your leadership. You have been instrumental in educating and supporting the fundamental stengths of the .COM Asset Class more than anyone else.

    You have the gift of intuition and knowledge to help drive all .COM holders asset values to levels never thought possible. Please get back in the game and share your genius, we all need you.

    Gratefully Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  65. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The GTLD Marketing Machines are running over small online wannabes with their persistent half truths in your abscence. The GTLD purveyors care little about the small business owners survival in e-commerce, bottom line is, if the small business owners are cut off from your knowledge about the strategic Marketing advantages of the .COM Market Asset class, the GTLD purveyors will continue to run rampant in your abscence, with their sleazy lies. Bottom Line please get back into the game of educating these poor bastards, we all owe them the benefit of truth.
    Respectfully, and ever so gratefull for your contributions to our Industry/
    Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  66. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Make no mistake about it we are in the throws of an enormous SECULAR BULL MARKET.
    Buy RUT Index single plays or just by the RUT Index. This pull back no matter how long is an extreme equity buying opportunity. JAS 3/6/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  67. Jeff Schneider

    All Big .COM companies have to wrestle with Googles ultimate Insult to their Corporate .COM Branded sites. Think about this amazing fact ! When their customers happen onto Googles search Browser and they type in a corporate .com site address they are shanghaied to googles proprietary destination choice.
    What if a small movement of companies started to Boycott Google unless their customers are directly linked to their .COM site ? OR What if a competitor comes along promising direct links from their competitive Browsers. ( GET YOUR BILLIONS BACK AMERICA ) Start the movement now !

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  68. Jeff Schneider

    Is Google Conspiring to Subvert DNS Neutrality, Using Multi-Layered GTLD Configurations ?

    jeff schneider
    Independent Marketing Analyst/Strategist at

    We think there is compelling proprietary evidence developing for this to be a 90% Probability Factor. We predict this will come to light SOON. JAS 3/9/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  69. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Its interesting how Google has weaved the involvment of the DNA and how CRIDO is coming on strong notice to the department of justice on whats really going on in the big picture. We are being SCROOGLED again, or is this fight over? To be continued.

    We predict the department of justice will be stepping in on this whole collusive mess.3/10/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  70. Jeff Schneider

    Hello frank.schilling,

    Anyhow Frank We have all been fooled in life by the promise of more money, it can be a mesmerizing carrot. I fear that Google has installed GoogleGlasses on your head, that has really blurred your vision. I would just ask this simple question : Where would you be right now if you had waved on the GTLD experiment and instead focused your cash on buying quality .COM properties with the money you have gambled on the GTLD Experiment ? If you can set back and not protect your ego and honestly say your ahead right now great ! We are firmly sensing the GTLD Clusterfuck as Rick has called it is fogging your GOOGLEGLASSES and that maybe you should take them off and adjust your vision to whats really relevant and really going on.

  71. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Over at the ( we have been censored and put on moderator hold and have been denied comment access. Is thedomains becoming a closed Garden Wall ? We hope this does not continue. This has been a recurring problem for people who have differing opinions for some time now, what are they trying to hide ?

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  72. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    We are going to let the cat out of the bag, and reveal GOOGLES Master Plan of total DNS domination.

    Phase 1 Dilute .com Traffic through Traffic diversion to Googles advantage.

    Phase 2 Gain complete contol of the DNS traffic system, utilized through GTLD

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  73. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The stonewalling by putting us on hold with Moderator acceptance so that by the end of the thread they sometimes release our comment continues. censoring and blocking ? What for ? Hackney or Berkens ?

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  74. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Google is delighted to have the GTLD hordes flood the DNS plarform. It creates the perfect storm for Google to wrench control away from ICANN and in effect control the DNS. This strategy subverts DNS Neutrality, which in turn allows Google to maintain and pepetuate their Monopolistic Grip on the lions share of DNS Traffic. JAS 3/13/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  75. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Michael Berkens we fear is lost to open and free comments on the domain industries direction. Seems his massive involvement in the GOOGLE inspired GTLD Intervention has caused him to aide and abett GOOGLES plans for total DNS Manipulation.

    Yes Michael has donned Googleglasses and deserted the ability to offer a median where truth is allowed to enter and voice their opinions. I and countless others are put on a waiting moderation hold or just plain censored from commenting on his propogaganda blog. Your blog remains the last bastion for sharing the real truths in the domaing world. We thank you for that !

  76. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Google will be dropping more and more New GTLD auctions. This is all part of their Master Plan To Topple DNS Nuetrality. The worlds top watchdog Organizations are on high alert as to whether Googles Usage of the New GTLDs will aid and abett Googles Monopolistic strangle hold on the DNSs NUETRALITY.
    JAS 3/18/15

  77. Jeff Schneider

    Hackney + Berkens

    You have turned into FOX News Channel Content Providers. Good luck with that, because the truth always comes out, and you boys are on the wrong side of the equation being a GTLD support HYPE BLOG
    Thanks for blocking lots of my comments, I like to know my enemies better than my friends. We will be watching your antics very closely.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  78. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Googles strategy has always been to dessimate Companies Brands through Search Engine Dilution. They have been siphoning off Traffic and diverting traffic to their controlled advantage since Googles inception.
    They have been charging Multi-Billions for Corporations to be found in their massive maze of manipulated code. In other words Google Ad clients pay billions to Google to Interlope and steer Traffic away from their Target Site Profit Centers ,in the guise of performing what Google calls a Search Service. This so called service should be called, in our estimation, (The Google Grift)

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  79. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick We were right,

    ICANNs slashed expectations of poor renewals for the new gTLDs are already sending out signals of an obsolesced Marketing Strategy based on Hype and not Economic Financial Fundamentals. This is what happens when you create Derivative extensions that have little or no demand.
    Kudos Rick !

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  80. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Bottom Line : The line up of all existing TLDs including the ( New gTLD derivative knockoff extensions ) will never supersede the ( .COM extensions Global Standard of Universal Acceptance ) JAS 3/22/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  81. Jeff Schneider

    The Online Business expansion is being held hostage by SEO Manipulated Search Engine Marketing. A Google break-up would propel our contries Online Business Expansion to unprecedented levels of prosperity.
    Picture an infinite laned highway with only one entrance ramp? The one entrance ramp, being in effect Googles search browser.This Bottle neck severely stunts Online Business Expansion.
    This in effect is the only option SEO Manipulated Search Engine Marketing supplies to businesses begging to be found in cyberspace. Google needs to get out of the way of small online business expansion.
    JAS 3/22/15

  82. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Bottom Line : The top Bric Nations Online Business Focus will be the .COM extension route, with a lot of ccTLD conversions to the superior International .COM extension whose International reputation as the place to be continues to grow. We look at this from Marketing Strategists preferences, and make no mistake about it the up and coming International Online Global players far preferr the .COM Channel Platform. JAS 3/22/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  83. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Bottom line : GOOGLES massive Search Engine Marketing Dilution pool is subverting DNS NEUTRALITY and if your lions share of Marketing Strategy is in GOOGLES Search Engine Walled Garden you have absolutely no control over the traffic that is interloped and sent elsewhere, usually to your toughest competitors.


    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  84. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,We are amazed how many gTLD purveyors know very little about Marketing and Sales.The vast majority of people willing to gamble financially on Quasi-Derivative gTLD extensions have no clue as to what a solid Economically Viable Assets qualities need to be for success.

    There are lots of amatuers swallowing hook line and sinker the HYPE on (Quasi-Derivative gTLD extensions) A sure fire recipe for failure JAS 3/24/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  85. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We are monitoring increased buying coming from the BRIC Nation India. Now we can add India as well as Chinas interest ramping up in the .COM extension Platform.

    People holding .COM properties need to be more patient and discerning about selling their properties now. Better to keep your powder dry for much higher .COM valuations over the next 24 months. JAS 3/24/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  86. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    People enamored with the Quasi-Derivative gTLD extensions, blindly ignore the fundamental and Structural operability problems that will totally obsolesce the New gTLDs. ( If its broke, don’t Buy it )

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  87. Jeff Schneider

    10 Demand Driven Reasons, The Globally Favorite .COM Extension is Here, There and Everywhere.

    1. Global Operability Standards.2. Global Choice for Online Profit Centers.
    3. Only Extension with active Secondary Market Thats demand is Increasing not decreasing.4. Preferred Traffic Corridor or Largest Traffic Channel in History.
    5. .COM Enjoys Vanity Status Globally.6. Worlds Strongest Recognized Brand.
    7. Worlds Most Trusted Business Destinations.8. Rapid Increase in ccTLD Conversions to .COM Platform. 9. Established (First To Market) Beach Head
    10.Rapidly Establishing and Reinforcing #1 Strategic Online Marketing Platform
    Oh yes and of Course (Follow The Money)

  88. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The introduction of new gTLD extensions is destabilizing DNS Nuetrality.

    Yet the Global Demand and preference for the .COM Business Platform is unmistakeably increasing with the sketchy Operability problems that will continually plague demand for the questionable new gTLD (Bridge To Nowhere) extensions. We cannot change REALITY, which is bad news for the Buzz Marketing Ploys of Google Dependent Marketers.
    Business Owners deserve the truth and thats what we are giving them and this obviously annoys Google Ad Marketers. Welcome to Capitalism and Monopoly Freeing TRUTHS.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  89. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The Introduction of 100s and possibly 1000s of new Quasi-Derivative gTLDs will cause more Search Engine Dilution, a Boon or Catalyst to Googles Monopolistic Dominance. ( Divide and Splinter, Then Conquer ) GOOGLES STRATEGY FOR TOPPLING DNS NUETRALITY JAS

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  90. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Google will be dropping more and more New GTLD auctions. This is all part of their Master Plan To Topple DNS Nuetrality. The worlds top watchdog Organizations are on high alert as to whether Googles Usage of the New GTLDs will aid and abett Googles Monopolistic strangle hold on the DNSs NUETRALITY.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  91. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Recommending the new unproven gTLDs could possibly ruin your professional credibility. Is this a risk any Prudent Professional should want to take ?? We think the risks of recommending the New unproven gTLDs are too high for any professional online marketing consultants who have fiduciary responsibilities. JAS 3/29/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  92. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We have an important nuanced hint :

    The important point to make is that there is a clear ( Demand Driven ) trend towards ccTLD conversions to .COMS .
    This ( Demand Driven ) Trend is increasing at an exponential rate. ( FOLLOW THE MONEY ) and buy the next logical step for this voracious Demand Driven Trend = 2letters, 3letters, 4letters, 5letters, 6letters, ETC.
    China is leading the pack for now and India is coming on strong according to our Analytics.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) JAS 3/30/15

  93. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Google Inc. Acquires Domain Name

    It is no secret that in the past Google thumbed its nose at .COM Platform ownership. Take Googles que here and realize the .COM Platforms Increasing Values as Business Locators is rising fast. JAS 3/31/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  94. Jeff Schneider

    When new protocol that break the system of DNS Nuetrality are introduced such as the new gTLDs, this is an adoption that needs to be looked at by the FTC and believe us they are. JAS 4/1/15
    This is no crusade against change, unless you think lobbying by Google for years to push this through with lobby dollars, is a change that you think is progressive ???

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  95. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Google the largest search Engine has been lobbying hard for the new gTLDS to promote and control the search engines monopolistic grip. They plan on gaming the DNSs Nuetrality by using new gTLDS.
    Google NEVER promotes anything unless they can use them to their Monopolistic advantage. JAS 4/1/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  96. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    In case your missing this :

    A huge new gTLD promotional advocate on linkedin is = New generic Top-Level Domains (new gtlds)

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  97. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    GOOGLE, Small Business’s Largest Predatory Threat, to Online Business Expansion

    Search Engine Marketing, is only a futile attempt to control and mitigate maximum Online Business Expansion on a Global Basis. Its concept is to Dilute corporate Brands drawing power and to control access to online businesses, so as to charge exorbitant fees as a gatekeeper with manipulative codes blocking the pathway to Online Businesses. Sound Sinister ? Yes , Is it going to be allowed forever ? NO

  98. Jeff Schneider

    Hello MHB,

    Actions being taken by the new gTLD supporters are giving the whole gTLD Gamble a black eye reputation. Rick Schwartz saw this happening early on. We support Ricks position 100% , The Battle for Eyeballs is fast being won by ALL .COM Holders. ( .COM subdomains are a superior Marketing Strategy compared to the Operably Plagued new gTLDs ) Where do you stand on this?
    JAS 4/3/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  99. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Why gamble on the new gTLD extensions when you don’t have to ???

    We will be releasing important information to online marketers on this subject.
    Hint : You can accomplish all the qualities of the new gTLDs without the operability Risks while incorporating the ( Operably Stable .COM Extension ) with this Superior Online Marketing Strategy. JAS 4/3/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  100. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Support of Google and its gTLD Hordes is all in vain. Truth ,Demand, FTC and the .com subdomains will push the new gTLDS to the back of the line. Ultimately we see no new gTLD demand lasting 2 years let alone the 20 year stretch of increasing demand that the .COM Extensions have shown. JAS 4/3/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  101. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    jeff schneider commented on The New gTLDs are they a Catalyst To Online Expansion ? Or, are they Bridges to Nowhere ? Discover the Secrets of DNS Inoperability.


    ” Hello Jean or whoever is in charge, at New Generic Top-Level Domains / linkedIn

    We are being Blocked and censored on new posts. Why Why Why ??JAS 4/3/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)i

  102. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We think GOOGLE needs to be thrown under the Bus in order for True Optimal Online Business Expansion ! Jim Cramer, my friend, is right.JAS 4/6/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  103. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Those who look strictly at traffic in judging Valuations are missing the mark. (Create Outside The Google Traffic Matrix ) JAS 4/6/15


    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  104. Jeff Schneider

    ” Hello Jean Guillon or whoever is in charge, at New Generic Top-Level Domains / linkedIn
    You are Blocking and deleting your Top Contributor (Being Me ) and all his educational information . Do you want your readers to be informed or manipulated ???
    This is surely not professional behavior, what are you hiding ???

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  105. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    How can anyone know where their sites traffic winds up, inside the Google Garden Maze of manipulated Digital code, when they are contantly gaming everyone with Algo Changes that are sometimes announced publicly while other Algo changes are not announced publicly, on top of that some Algos are geographically changed and others are not. These constant changes subvert DNS Nuetrality causing infinite unpredictable destination outcomes. If this is not a ponzi game what is it? JAS 4/7/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  106. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    We are beginning to see how Google advocates of the New gTLDS are planning to subvert DNS Nuetrality. How long do you think the Google Monopoly will last ? The Search Engine Advocates are sitting on a time bomb and when it blows and the smoke clears they will be looking for real jobs that add value to the economy. This is called Creative Disruption.
    The clock is ticking on a new Online Marketing Paradigm, and its not going to be Google we can assure you.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  107. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We are sensing that the Apple watch is a failed extension of Apples dominance. Its to intrusive and Cyborg like for most consumers concerned about being replaced by machines. Like most products it will be affected by consumer acceptance , in other words demand will not a big driver of its acceptance.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  108. Jeff Schneider

    We as well as all online Business Owners are being contantly GAMED By Google. It is no secret to us that Google is constantly manipulating Algorithms. What they do on a regular basis is manipulate their Algorithms to cause constant S.E.O. countermoves that you are suckered to counter with more expensive SEO manipulation.
    Talk about Gaming?? We feel this is nothing more than Corporate EXTORTION being perpetrated on all Online Business Owners who agree to their Game, where its patrons are required to spend their money continually updating their S.E.O. optimization, which in effect puts their biggest competitors on the same search page, ” One mouse Click Away To The Right ! ”
    If this is not corporate extortion, then what is up with That ?

  109. Jeff Schneider

    We are beginning to see how Google advocates of the New gTLDS are planning to subvert DNS Nuetrality. How long do you think the Google Monopoly will last ? The Search Engine Advocates are sitting on a time bomb and when it blows and the smoke clears they will be looking for real jobs that add value to the economy. This is called Creative Disruption.

    The clock is ticking on a new Online Marketing Paradigm, and its not going to be Google we can assure you.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  110. Jeff Schneider

    Why gamble on the new gTLD extensions when you don’t have to ???

    ” It is not always necessary to register a new domain name when the one you already own will work perfectly fine. Rather than registering a new domain name, you can always create a subdomain using a domain you already own.

    A subdomain is a second website, with its own unique content, but there is no new domain name. Instead, you use an existing domain name and change the www to another name. The subdomain name looks like,, (assuming you already host ”
    Why would any prudent Online Marketer buy a new gTLD, whose operabilty is questionable ?

  111. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Everybody is concerned about the ALGO treatment GOOGLE will give all New gTLDS . There is a huge conflict of interest here, that a lot of watchdog agencies are concerned about when it comes to Googles behind the scenes Algorithms being manipulated, to maintain its Monopoly grip on the Domain Name System.

    Also the New gTLDS have Questionable Operability Issues ? Everybody can avoid this gTLD gamble by using Sub-Domains that have the same Generic Attributes without spending a fortune in fees.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  112. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Why would Really Smart Online Marketers think Google will give preference to New gTLDs ? When they have .COM Sub-Domains in the mix ?

    .COM Sub-Domain usage with Genrics is where the really smart money is heading. JAS 4/11/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  113. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    With ICANNs introduction of the New gTLDs, its always been about GREED and the MONEY, thats the overall image. This emerging image of the New gTLDS is a damaging Marketing Liability that savvy Online Marketers will run from. JAS 4/11/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  114. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The Big Picture :
    We all should be angry. This whole GOOGLE and ICANN power grab should be exposed for the good of all Small Business Online Expansion. Its a deeper issue that has long gone unfettered and accepted so a few rich concerns could flourish at the expense of the Middle Class Businessman. JAS 4/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  115. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    R. E. = ” I suggest there will be popcorn to replace the coffee by the end of this post. ”

    LOL this whole new gTLD Fiasco has some pretty Cunning Manipulators supporting it. This may turn into a movie when the dust settles, relax and enjoy the show. Oh by the way We would like extra butter on our popcorn. ENJOY THE SHOW. JAS 4/12/15

  116. Jeff Schneider

    Pending Submissions
    Jeff schneider GOOGLE, Small Business’s Largest Predatory Threat, to Online Business Expansion. JAS 4/12/15

    GOOGLE, Small Business’s Largest Predatory Threat, to Online Business Expansion. … more…
    ” Hello Jean Guillon or whoever is in charge, at New Generic Top-Level Domains / linkedIn
    You are Blocking and deleting your Top Contributor (Being Me ) and all his educational information . Do you want your readers to be informed or manipulated ???
    This is surely not professional behavior, what are you hiding ???

  117. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Seems we are all witnessing the Ad men trying to support the New gTLDS.

    The original Domainers were way ahead of the ad men and still are. The same Ad men who missed the boat thirty years ago are the ones advocating this new gTLD Fiasco. Rick Schwartz is right again and again and people did not heed his warnings about this Fiasco. We suggest everybody check Ricks Historical Hierarchys, if you do you will see the light even more clearly than you are seeing it now. JAS 4/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  118. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    This whole New gTLD Quasi-Derivative Debacle should be reclassified as The American Hustle. JAS 4/14/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  119. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Frank.Schilling,
    We see you are still at your (Slick Marketing Best) The really Smart Money is flagging you as a fool. The really Smart Money Bought The Legacy .Com Platform Extensions way before you came along. What gives you the audacity to think you are Rick Schwartzes Replacement ?? Good luck Frank we know you are a dear friend of Ricks as you say, but as far as measuring up to his reputation ???

    You are coming from a past of witholding Regs for selfish reasons (The Truth Matters-Its your Integrity. It’s Everything ) You are a real work of art. JAS 4/14/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger0

  120. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    There is currently a lot of greed and Feeding frenzy type behavior evident in the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Fiasco. These are classic Market signs of a bust coming soon. Don’t say we didn’t tell you all. JAS 4/14/15 Good Luck

    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  121. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Google is attracting all the wrong attention. The kind of attention and microscopic investigating that has Toppled Past Monopolies. We feel there is a 90% probability that Google will be broken into pieces. JAS 4/15/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger)

  122. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    In the media soaked world of misconceptions, proclaiming the New gTLDs are the second coming of the .COM Platform Extension. (Jean Guillon on liknedIn New Generic Top Level Domains) tracks everything I say about .COM Platform Extensions and flips it out that these are the qualities of the Quasi-Derivative New gTLD extensions. Wow what a travesty ?
    Meanwhile he blocks us from making comments in his closed propoganda garden.Wonder what his followers are going to do when they figure out his ploy ?
    JAS 4/15/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  123. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We suspect a high Probability of 90% That there is phony support of the New Gtld Quasi-Derivative Extensions, Very similar to ARB support in the Stock Market. Whats really going on behind The New GTLD Quasi-Derivative OZ curtain ??? JAS 4/16/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  124. Jeff schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We are expecting Googles stock price to be cut in half over next 24 Mos. We cannot guarantee this, but we can assure you it will happen. JAS .4/16/15

    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger)

  125. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Frank.Schilling,

    You are aiding and abetting GOOGLE and AMAZONS Domain Name Systems Hierarchy Total Destruction with your Circular Psycho Babble.
    Frank why do you persist in this destructive Strategy that endangers all your fellow Domain Name SO Called Friends by your definition ?
    Oh We just can hear your Reply now and it will be SLICK and convincing but the Really Smart Money knows your Game here.
    We are all experiencing a REGS Shakeout that you are in over your head with. Why are you persisting , What kind of deal do you have with Google And Amazon ?? Must be pretty sweet.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  126. Jeff Schneider

    We had a very restfull R.+R. from the circular Psycho-Babble hype of the Quasi- Derivative gTLD Love Fest. Google is pushing their Minion salesmen to flood the Domain System Hierarchy with Bastardized Digital Code to try and cement in their Monopoly Grip on the DNSs Nuetrality.
    People here us when we say, when you buy these Quasi-Derivative New gTLDS Google benefits and you LOSE. The new Quasi-Derivative gTLDs are GOOGLES front line to capture more Indentured Servants to their cause of Total DNS Dominance. GOOGLE is ALL Domain Name Extensions Holders ENEMY in Camouflage. They are currently involved in a Systematic Assault to destroy ALL Domain Name Extension Holders Livelihoods. JAS 4/20/15 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  127. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The stage has been set, for a confrontation of ALL Present Online Extension Holders with Google and Amazon Both. The Online and offline DNS Stakeholders will crush both Google and Amazons assault on the Domain Name Systems Hierarchy and The Subverting Monopoly Power Grab will ultimately topple both GOOGLE And Amazons effort s to topple the DNSs Nuetrality. COMING SOON !
    JAS 4/20/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  128. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Well now we can add Andrew Allman as a blocker of free speech over at Domain Name wire. We wonder who he is trying to protect ?? Blocking comments consistenly for some time now. Maybe he wants his followers Blind to truths ??

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  129. Jeff Schneider

    We are all experiencing the early stages of a Shake out in Reg Companies. We foresaw this coming close to three years ago. If you don’t believe us go back through Ricks Historical Archives and get the real truths of whats happening right now. We have seen many other nascent Markets react very similarly to the current shakeout. Go-Daddy was first to spin off and be an example of the coming carnage. Our advice to all Domainers is be very carefull of the New Quasi-Derivative offerings, the past is stacked against them being worth anything at all.The Regs are Front Running the unsuspecting investors as we speak. This whole New Quasi- Derivative debacle will be similar to the CMO Derivatives Banking Fiasco, mark our experienced words. JAS 4/20/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  130. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Over at thedomains Ray Hackney is selectively choosing what comments he will post again. Quite a few of the domain Blogs that have the uniregistry banners are cow towing to Frank.Schilling with protective censoring, NOT ALL but most.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  131. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    MANY, in the domaining community are tacitly supporting Google who is systematically working on REMOVING Domain NAME URLS from their search service. This should make you and ALL DOMAIN NAME EXTENSION HOLDERS very uneasy. Your livelihood as well as ALL DOMAINERS meaning ALL LARGE .COM PLATFORM Extension Holders along with .net, .org, .biz, .us, and all Legacy Extension owners ANGRY. Yet we see little concern, at least for now. Domainers need to take off the GOOGLEGLASSES and see how they are being Threatened By GOOGLE. JAS 4/21/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  132. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    MANY, in the domaining community are tacitly supporting Google who is systematically working on REMOVING Domain NAME URLS from their search service. This should make you and ALL DOMAIN NAME EXTENSION HOLDERS very uneasy. Your livelihood as well as ALL DOMAINERS meaning ALL LARGE .COM PLATFORM Extension Holders along with .net, .org, .biz, .us, and all Legacy Extension owners ANGRY. Yet we see little concern, at least for now. Domainers need to take off the GOOGLEGLASSES and see how they are being Threatened By GOOGLE. JAS 4/21/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  133. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We can see why you have taken most domaining Blogs to task. Over at domaininvesting We are being blocked on comments with this now = Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /home/content/53/9448853/html/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 1356

    Wow, there is some shady Uniregistry induced shennanigans going on maybe?? JAS 4/21/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  134. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We have a suggestion for Sheer entertainment enjoyment. Get the movie INTERSTELLAR program it for ENGLISH SUBTITLES and enjoy a movie made for you. The subtitle english is important to understand the Nuances of the movie. ENJOY RICK. JAS 4/21/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  135. Jeff schneider

    Legacy Domain Extensions, will see a Massive amount of Small Business Online expansion. This massive new Small Business expansion, will cement the Legacy Extensions ( Established (First To Market) Beach Head ) therfore assuring Legacy extensions dominance over the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hordes, which by the way 99% of the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hordes will never be developed , as stand alone Online Business Sites.

    So what will this do to the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hordes Utility values ?? We know the answer and this will further dilute the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hordes VALUATIONS. JAS 4/22/15 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  136. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Frank.Schilling,

    You think you are awfully clever don’t you ? Frank you more often than not are mesmerized by Hype yourself. This we can see in you.
    Its just that others can see in you the fact that you withheld Regs for selfish purposes. Ah yes remenber this people about Frank and his LOL.
    Frank , (The Truth Matters-Its Your Integrity. Its Everything you have displayed to us by your actions that is troubling All of us Legacy Extension Owners.
    Frank its amazing to us you have the audacity to show yourself,here or anywhere. JAS 4/22/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  137. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    It seems everyone who bellied up to the Bar with Frank Schilling, are now shielding him from statements of truth about him. SEE ABOVE COMMENT .

    Its sad when people perform HALL OF SHAME ACTS and get away with it. JAS 4/22/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  138. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The entrance of FORBES into the lineup, bodes well ESPECIALLY for the (LEGACY .COM PLATFORM EXTENSION STAKEHOLDERS, ASSET CLASS) JAS 4/23/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  139. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, Hope you are enjoying your well deserved Sabatical.
    It is becoming a more Informed URL stakeholders audience, lately. The URL community is starting to figure out that the entire URL stakeholder Community is under attack, in the Battle For Eyeballs.
    ( GOOGLES Standard Modus Operations has created a Vast ARMY of (BLACK OPS CODE MANIPULATORS).
    GOOGLE is totally Complicit In a Power Grab to Destroy the Domain Name Systems Hierarchy. The URL Community is finally awakening To GOOGLES Strategy of doing away with Everyones URL Marketing Advantage In (THE BATTLE FOR EYEBALLS ) Sounds like WAR ??
    It is , and those in the Ad Community ,are in for a Yard Beating. JAS4/26/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  140. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    MHB, or Hackney ?? , are back into the Battle for Eyeballs opposition camp , by(Blocking OUR Comments again. They are under tremendous pressure for sure to resort to this tactic. They are quite possibly afraid of us, ( ALL .COM Extension Stakeholders ).

    They are seemingly choosing sides because OUR Truthfull Marketing Fundamentals are vey threatening for some reason?? Not to worry GOOGLES NATURALLY occuring Obsolesence and Anti-Trust Tactics will be well exposed SOON. JAS 4/26 15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBECMarketing Analyst/Strategist)

  141. Jeff Schneider

    More PROOF OF BLOCKING over at

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Hello Ray,
    Are you having Fun ?” Virtual Digital Marketing Assets ” JAS 11/25/14
    Many jny cases undervalued VDMAs, are unleveraged Online Sales Entities in sheeps clothing.
    Visionaries are simply defined as those individuals able to clearly visualize and define, future undervalued Asset Forms, that actually do finally Manifest into Form. ” JAS 11/25/14 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)(Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Strategist/Analyst)

  142. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We hope your Server is Firewalled, lots of fear based reactions by GOOGLES legions of (BLACK OPS CODE MANIPULATORS)are now wise to the BATTLE FOR EYEBALLS, going on. This is a huge High Stakes multi-Billion $ deal for them.
    JAS 4/26/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)(Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Strategist/Analyst)

  143. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Well now thedomains is SPOOF COMMENTING using my Identity to fool the domaing community.
    Heres Proof:
    Jeff Schneider says
    April 25, 2015 at 11:55 am
    Bought my first .tv domain today. I am starting to think that perhaps I need to broaden my horizons beyond just the .com Business Platform(s). JAS 4/25/2015
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)( Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/ Strategist) They are getting Vicious, They have no idea of the powerfull Allies we have.

  144. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    We already have submitted a draft of a Book about this whole new Quasi- Derivative Fiasco.
    Everything thats already public will be VERY PUBLIC Soon.
    We have no doubt that this multi-Billion $ Assault on the Domain Name Systems Hierarcy, by( GOOGLE The Ring Leader ) and the supporting actors to this Anti-Competitive Assault on the worlds Small and large Businesses ability to enter the online business endeavor. Assaulting the very Fabric of the DNSs Nuetrality will not be pretty for some. If you choose to block this and more coming Comments, we can only warn you this is a very BAD DECISION. JAS 4/26/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  145. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The Intrinsic Marketing Strategy Value of is more like 30 million$
    People are being Totally Misinformed, for years now. The really Smart Money decieves .COM Platform Stakeholders so they can HOSE them in the Secondary Markets.
    Speaking of hosing, We are near publishing a book, that will blow the cover off the Ball of deceit going on. The Biggest Threat to GOOGLE, APPLE, and Amazon is the tremendous drawing power of the ,COM Platform Extension Globally. Watch for this Book that will open many more eyes to the Battle For Eyeballs Online. JAS 4/26/15 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist )

  146. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The BRIC Nations Brazil, Russia, India, China look at the new Quasi- Derivative gTLDs as American Spam Vehicles. We see very little if any support (DEMAND), coming from these key driving Economies. That leaves uneducated Domainers as the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Target Market. JAS 4/27/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger ) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  147. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    SEO SEM Social Mobile (Search & Internet Marketing on LinkedIn is now Blocking uneducated Domainers from TRUTHS. Proof ==

    Pending Submissions
    Jeff schneider ( Google – The American Hustle ) And Its Battle For Eyeballs….

    2 hours ago

  148. Jeff Schneider

    We warned the manager, that this MOVE: = Pending Submissions ? ? / jeff schneider ( Google – The American Hustle ) And Its ANDROID Battle For Eyeballs…. BLOCKING A THREAD would be a Bad Decision. This so far is the managers decision To Block our submitting of a thread. NOT WISE my friend.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  149. Jeff Schneider

    We have been warning about Collisions and massive Digital Code interferences that would come with the introduction of the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hordes( GOOGLE BEING THE RING LEADER) .
    This is an invasion of the Domain Name Systems Hierarchy. Think NOT ? , GOOGLE loves the confusion being created in all of this dumping of Manipuled code. This all causes confused consumers to go to GOOGLES SEARCH BROWSER to figure things out. Whats the big picture in all of this ?? Total Domination of the DNSs Nuetrality. Is this GOOGLE GRIFT, becoming clearer anyone?? kick the tires. JAS 4/28/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  150. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    GOOGLES Mobilegeddon

    GOOGLES RENEGADE SCREW ALL TACTICS will be part of their downfall. Brins and the other Android guys Egos, have caused them to belive they can do anything, including Assaulting the .COMs Domain Name Systems Hierarchy. They have no idea of the BLOW BACK THAT IS COMING. JAS 4/28/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  151. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We are very sure that GOOGLE is nothing more than a Giant Surveilance Operation disguised as Smiley GOOGLE ?? First GoogleGlasses ( Mobil Surveilance Drones) ANDROID, and now MobilGeddon Assault on the DNSs Nuetrality. DANGER , Will Europe WIN ?? JAS 4/28/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  152. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Michael Cyger,

    We have watched your Domain Sherpa show and its decidely prejudiced leaning towards the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Extensions to Nowhere. How any professional could promote these Collision prone devices to uneducated Start-Ups, is beyond our comprehension of Goodwill and Fairness. Good luck with your misleading. We knew you were a phony Ad man, from day one. JAS 4/29/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  153. Jeff Schneider

    Go-Daddys Marketing Strategy lies OPPOSITE of where the GOOGLE Android Battle For Eyeballs is.
    This is a Nuance for the Really Smart Online Marketers to notice. The winners in the upcoming GOOGLE ANDROID BATTLE FOR EYEBALLS are the Legacy Extension Holders that have the first to market Beachhead established over the GOOGLE new Quasi-Derivative Spam Extensions GOOGLE IS PUSHING HARD.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  154. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    GOOGLES Mobilegeddon, will morph into GOOGLEGEDDON , this power grab attempt will expose the Monopolistic Underbelley of GOOGLES , Highly Secret Manipulation of tyrannical dominance over the DNSs Nuetrality. These are desperate moves, on their part. We know their ( Jig Is UP ) , and its only a matter of tme before the Legacy .COM Platform Constituancy Lowers the Boom On GOOGLE. JAS 4/29/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  155. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    You may know the really Smart money comes here for answers. We want to repeat our standing position, that we are in the throws of a powerfull SECULAR BULL MARKET, This being said, buy Russel 2000 individual bets on weakness, and if you are not a stock picker buy the RUT index, our favorite long term hold is BABA. JAS 4/29/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  156. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We feel the need for being on call for the time being , with the ever prevelant attack by the GOOGLE legions , of Digital Code Experts intervening, They are no match for us . CHEERS ! Having Fun are you ? JAS 4/29/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  157. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Hello Jean Guillon, @ New generic Top-Level Domains (new gtlds)

    R. E. = ” .Hello Jeff, you were on holidays? ”

    Yes Jean we were on a FORCED Holiday by your blocking past comments. We think you know this , you can be very misleading we see. JAS 430/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  158. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Go-Daddys Marketing Strategy lies OPPOSITE of where the GOOGLE Android Battle For Eyeballs is.
    This is a Nuance for the Really Smart Online Marketers to notice. The winners in the upcoming GOOGLE ANDROID BATTLE FOR EYEBALLS are the Legacy Extension Holders that have the first to market Beachhead established over the GOOGLE new Quasi-Derivative Spam Extensions GOOGLE IS PUSHING HARD.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  159. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Go-Daddy has been making smart moves lately, This latest smart move with Danica and the REALLY SMART MOVE of buying Thousands of .COM Platform Extensions , arguably positions them more favorably.
    Therefore these fundamental changes in their Marketing Strategy has caused us to change our opinion on the company to Favorable.
    GOOGLE on the other hand will be peddling Junk as a competitor. GOOGLE as you may know is on our Sell List, and we expect GOOGLES STOCK PRICE to be cut in half from current levels over the next 24 MOS. JAS 4/29/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  160. Jeff schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The Admen Love Risky unidentifiable DOMAINS its part of their Marketing Strategy.

    These obviously unidentifiable Domain Names are the work of a Slick Ad Company salesmans advice. Their rebranding to inferior unidentifiable URLs. Causes confusion and its end result Indentures the company to endless expensive Ad support into infinity. Another Google Grift Move.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  161. Jeff Schneider rebrands to

    We catch the drift of the big picture in all of this. By the way they would be smart to keep the LONG TAIL .com over the CHOXI ??
    This is obviously the work of a Slick Ad Company salesmans advice. His rebranding to the inferior Choxi. Causes confusion and its end result Indentures the company to endless expensive Ad support into infinity.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  162. Jeff Schneider

    The Intrinsic Marketing Strategy Value of is more like 30 million$
    People are being Totally Misinformed, for years now. The really Smart Money decieves .COM Platform Stakeholders so they can HOSE them in the Secondary Markets.
    Speaking of hosing, We are near publishing a book, that will blow the cover off the Ball of deceit going on. The Biggest Threat to GOOGLE, APPLE, and Amazon is the tremendous drawing power of the ,COM Platform Extension Globally. Watch for this Book that will open many more eyes to the Battle For Eyeballs Online. JAS 4/26/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist )

  163. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    It can be said that the True Creative Forces Trump Frustrated Digital Code Interlopers of Truth. GOOGLE has sadly created a generation of Digital Code Grifters. This can be directly related to the movie of Zuckerberg being a hero for stealing from others for his own gain. This is not what our forefathers held in esteem. Its Grifting, and lots of people support this failed Moral Abyss. We will with great effort fight this FAILED PIPE DREAM. The ending Moral of the story is = ( The Truth Matters- Its your Integrity. It is Everything ! ) JAS 4/29/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  164. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The BRIC Nations Brazil, Russia, India, China look at the new Quasi- Derivative gTLDs as American Spam Vehicles. We see very little if any support (DEMAND), coming from these key driving Economies. That leaves uneducated Domainers as the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Target Market. JAS 4/27/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger ) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  165. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The media BUZZ Sirens continue to hype up the uneducated Domainers. When the smoke clears and the Media Fires are doused out, there will be many very unhappy investors. JAS 4/2/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  166. Jeff Schneider

    We know what will happen in ten years my friend. The bulk of the .COM Platform Extensions that have already been freed from Parking Matrixs and 200000 .Com Platform Extensions at GDDY will be developed Globally, over the next 5 years.This COMMERCIAL GRADE .COM Platform development , will Create the BIG Cats 10 years from now, and the legions of .COM Platform Extensions will Morph into another cycle, catalyzing more dominant Beach Head First to Market Advantages. This Fundamental establishing of superior development quality .COM Platforms will foster another Good 30 years of .COM Platform Preference. Guranteed JAS 5/2/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst Strategist)

  167. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Now ponder the Biggest Question ; Do you think Google will hold their Monopoly position forever ?? We say Google is at the end of their Monopoly thats our answer. GOOGLE has seen its All Time Stock Pice High. From here it is all down hill. We expect GOOGLES STOCK PRICE TO BE CUT IN HALF OVER NEXT 24 MONTHS. We cannot Guarantee this, but We can Assure This Will Happen, don’t Believe us ? Kick Our TIRES, and you will find out why our followers are the Really Smart Money. JAS 5/3/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  168. jeff Schneider

    Jean Guillon
    I confirm I fully support Google and the great tools it has brought to our society.

    Yes we thought this would be your Stance. Your Industry is financially supported by GOOGLE. It is amazing how large the network of GOOGLE STOOGES THERE ARE, In fact GOOGLE likes to think GOOGLE is American Pie, and they are hitting the Media Waves with outright Propoganda as we speak. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! JAS 5/4/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst Strategist)

  169. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The Wall Street ARBS are heavily supporting GOOGLE Stock, in order to allow big Institutional holders out safely. This always happens to a monopoly just before the, BIG SWOON DOWN. JAS 5/4/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  170. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    As many know. ICANN whose job it is to keep The DNSs Stability Intact. Chose to release the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hordes ???? JAS 5/4/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  171. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We see GDDY raking in at least 2 Billion, minimum, in revenues from the Marchex acquistion IF they leverage these newly acquired .COM Platform Assets correctly. GDDY is a completely different company without PARSONS.JAS 5/4/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  172. Jeff Schneider

    Pending Submissions
    jeff schneider commented on What new gTLD applicants want for “Round 2”

    “”” Hello Jean Guillon,

    Round 2 Round 3 will never quench the thirst of the ever searching new Quasi-Derivative gTLD purveyors of an effective answer to the Superior .COM Platforms Dominant Marketing Position. You and others think you can find a magical new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Spam Extension to replace the Dominant .COM Platforms Online Prefference. IMPOSSIBLE JAS 5/4/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) “

  173. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Ray Hackney is continually rejecting our Professional responses to his nonsensical Media Soaked Misrepresentations. Is Ray Hackney a GOOGLE Stooge ? Seems there have been many censores to the truths Domainers need to know about, that are being blocked. If need be We will respond to posts from here. We are tired of the censoring over at the

    We would appreciate being able to respond here, so Domainers get the real story.
    We may need more room for content. JAS 5/4/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst?Strategist)

  174. Jeff Schneider

    .NGO/.ONG Launches Today For Non-Profits: New gTLD’s Done Right: Here is What You Need To Know
    May 5, 2015 by Michael Berkens Leave a Comment
    Hello MHB,

    This just adds more SPAMFUSION to the DNS, The DNSs Nuetrality is being flooded with New Search Engine Fodder for Total Confusion. GOOGLE LOVES THIS. Thanks for the coverage MHB, your only adding Confusion. Great Contribution to the Domaining Community. JAS 5/5/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  175. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Fadi Chehade, GOOGLE Stooge ? This is raeasonable question considering the chain of events. No Shit JAS 5/6/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  176. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    GOOGLE has sadly created a generation of Digital Code Grifters. This can be directly related to the movie of Zuckerberg being a hero for stealing from others for his own gain. This is not what our forefathers held in esteem. Its Grifting, and lots of people support this failed Moral Abyss. We will with great effort fight this FAILED System of Degradation. The ending Moral of the story is = ( The Truth Matters- Its your Integrity. It is Everything ! )
    We have a Strategically Superior Answer to GOOGLES SECRET SAUCE, No SEM Digital Code Manipulation is involved COMING . JAS 5/7/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  177. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Again and Again our comments are being erased after initially being posted over at our good friends Why ?

    Sanitizing older comments Why?

    What is going on ? over at ? JAS 5/7/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  178. Jeff Schneider

    Wealth Foundation says
    May 7, 2015 at 8:40 am

    R. E. = ” Wow Jeff! That was really interesting…deep and insightful. Can you share some more of this wisdom with us? Please! ”

    How can we share our Knowledge and yes Wisdom when someone over at erases and scrubs our comments at their whim ? We warn you MHB,and Ray, this needs to stop ! JAS 5/7/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  179. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Bill Hartzer had some circular Psycho Babble advice for a Small business Blogger who Stated ( QUOTE = Business Owner: Google Crushed Me )
    Now you would think Bill may come up Straight with this poor guy right? NO

    Bill chooses to cause confusion, and its end result Indentures this poor guy to endless expensive Ad support into infinity. Lining Bill Hatrzers pockets with lifetime residual income at the expense of this small businessmans ignorance about the Admans tie in with the GOOGLE GRIFT..
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  180. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    All of the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD extensions are pushed out mainly as Spamm Fodder for the ring Leader GOOGLES usage for flooding the DNS for Anti-Competitive reasons. Those who dispute this will find this to be the end result of continual monitoring and future depositions proving this premise as fact. JAS 5/8/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  181. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Hello MHB,

    The DNSs stability is being attacked by the URL removing GOOGLE CADRE . Why are you not all aware of the congressional hearings going on concerning the DNSs Nuetrality ?? JAS 5/8/15

    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  182. jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Although MHB is a memmber of ICA he has no coverage of the current Congressional Hearings going on ?? Is MHB covering what covers his ass rather than the ICA ??
    OHHHHHH ! we forgot MHB belongs to the DNA ! Whoa ??

  183. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Over at MHB, says he is Agnostic when it comes to domains. Well we are not teribbly religious, but we do know that those who stand for everything, Stand for Nothing. JAS 5/8/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/strategist)

  184. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Many readers of the domain Blogs, may think the only reason we are telling truths is our connection to yes there is a connection, but what they do not know is our strict Allegiance to the Legacy .COM Community.Only the first wave of Domainers knows the Arrows we have taken, as early settlers.Very much like the early settlers of our great country, we are made of stern stuff. Quite frankly we do not give a damn for the White Boy Caste system that smokes cigars in distane for the middle class, on whose backs they have risen to power.For we have known all along that everybody needs to serve somebody. JAS 5/8/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/ Strategist)

  185. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The new Quasi-Derivative Gtld Infusion factor within the Network is getting more defensive and blocking our comments at a quickening pace. The GOOGLE STOOGE pressure from The GOOGLE CADRE is ratcheting up. There are some Blogs that allow limited Comments, but when it comes to our Knock out Punch Comments they are Blocking 50/50.
    Little do they know that this small sector is being watched under surveillance, There will be major Anti-Competitive initiatives coming without a question. JAS 5/9/15 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  186. Jeff Schneider

    GOOGLES SEM Small Business Predator.
    (SEM = Search Engine MAZE) Small Online Businesses stand little chance of being found in the Search Engine Maze. This highly inefficient Business Locator is holding back Optimum Online Business Expansion. JAS 5/10/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  187. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Here is the latest Censor Blocking trick over at :

    ERROR 502 – Bad Gateway!

    The following error occurred:

    This server received an invalid response from an upstream server it accessed to fulfill the request.

    If you get this message repeatedly please contact the webmaster.

  188. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Hello Rick,

    The more censor blocking by Blogs causes more concern by the authorities and actually works to their disadvantage. The DNA is on the run and multiple Eyeballs are on them. JAS 5/10/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  189. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    MHB @, after complaining about other Domainers not supporting the ICA like him ? Mhb does not even mention the ICAs involvement in the Congressional Hearings on the New Quasi-Deivative gTLDs. MHB, we are calling you on this. You are a SLICK Operator much like the other SLICK Operator Frank Schilling. By the way of all REGS we trust UNIREGISTRY the least to protect our Online registrations. Anybody running a Uniregistry Banner is highly suspect of their alterior motives when it comes to the Domainer Industry. JAS 5/10/15
    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  190. Jeff Schneider

    Pending Submission Jeff schneider commented on Rollout of the new .SUCKS domain: and the witnesses are?

    ” Hello Paul Guillon, … ” more…
    Paul Guillon @ New Generic Top-Level Domains (New gtlds) Still blocking all comments.

  191. Jeff Schneider

    R. E, ” makes you scratch your head how some of the smartest guys in the domain industry overthought things and went balls the wall new gtlds. ”
    There are two fundamental reasons for miscalculating the .COM Platrorm extension.
    1. UNFOUNDED GREED for a second coming.
    And here is the Nuanced Big Picture (Few really fully grasp the Global Marketing Power of the .COM Platform Extension, ASSET CLASS) JAS 5/11/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  192. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Well we see continued Uniregistry Banner blogs blocking Free Speech. Maybe MHB will quit initially allowing comments then later Scrubbing and removing later. We will continue to post ALL Blocked Comments from here on out,as well as surgically removed comments from Blog records. JAS 5/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger) ( Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  193. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    These are things we know you know.
    It has been clearly established by our command of current machinations, that Frank Schillings Uniregistry is the GOOGLE STOOGE POSTER BOY for disseminating the Quasi-Derivative GOOGLE BACKED gTLD Hordes to uneducated Domainers.
    GOOGLE should have been more carefull who they bedded down with for a business partner, who has no clue. GOOGLE does not yet phathom the Cataclysmic changes coming to their SEM Model. GOOGLES Ship left port not realizing the Legacy Extension Owners Blow Back. SCROOGLES SHIP has serious Ballast Problems, for heading into the Storm Ahead.To attempt the destruction of the DNSs Nuetrality Hierarchy is a perilous ocean to cross.JAS

  194. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We love exposing the Shennanigans going on with the GOOGLE INSPIRED ASSAULT ON the DNSs Nuetrality. Its not that we are not up to the challenge without you, BUT we are missing your input. What do you say you go ACTIVE AND INSTALL A YARD BEATING ON The New GOOGLE Quasi- Derivative gTLD Conpiracy, whose goals are, TO REPLACE LEGACY EXTENSIONS HOMESTEAD RIGHTS.
    JAS 5/12/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  195. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Frank Schilling,

    Future Business Leaders LEAD with Integrity of Mission. What really is your Mission?? You my friend are a Carpetbagger. Whose only mission is to mislead Uneducated Domainers into Buying Useless GOOGLE SPAMM that lines GOOGLES legions of Digital Code Manipulators Pockets with Ill Begotton Treasure at the Small Online businessmans Expense. You are ABSURD ! JAS 5/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  196. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    You know whats really Hillarious ? Every time a company uses a new Quasi- Derivative Spamm Ad gTLD the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD crowd hoots and hollars. About what? A new Progressive Online Powerhose Profit Center being established ? NO a Spamm ad leading to a .COM Platform Profit Center Extension. JAS 5/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensenced CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  197. Jeff Schneider

    Frank Schillings Comment: over at
    “Shake up the establishment and unnerve dinosaurs and and bitter irrelevant old farts like you Jeff.”

    If exposing frauds like you is being a bitter old fart, We will take you on anyday, Grifter. You would not be so bold Eye to eye with me, because us tigers chew little lions like you up and eat them for dinner. You are no match for us FRANKY. We will expose you for what you really are a Phony Punk. MHB. if you block this reply, ALL hell will break loose and the gloves come off bare knuckled. Frank is a carpetbagging Punk who needs a good spanking, and if you protect him you are no better.

  198. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Frank Schilling,

    We won’t need attorneys here, if you just fess up to your involvment in Subverting the DNSs Nuetrality with Quasi-Derivative gTLD Spamm Extensions this could all go away? We know you would be foolish to take this to court, and we are sure GOOGLE would advise you to back off. This is the real issue my friend. If you want to charge us like a foolish young lion , your chances are slim to non existent. Its your call Son. JAS 5/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  199. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    As expected has now removed more comments from the site .This protecting of Especially Frank Schilling is a Sham. If you want the truth it cannot be found at JAS 5/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  200. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Uniregistry has repeatedly violated accepted Business Ethics and we are boycotting Frank schillings Businesses. JAS 5/13/15

    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Strategist)

  201. Jeff Schneider

    ( R. E. = ” Another major technical issue is “universal acceptance”. This refers to the fact that some new gTLDs may not work properly with popular web browsers, email clients, office suites, system administration tools, search engines, mobile apps, and other Internet platforms. This is a challenge that ICANN has been aware of for at least a dozen years, yet again new gTLDs were released without adequate attempts to address it. To the extent that certain gTLDs are being marketed to unsuspecting consumers without adequate disclosure that they may fail to work as intended – that they are defective products — this can be viewed as a consumer protection issue. ( Rolling the dice on the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD extensions is GAMBLING and hardly indicative of any Marketing experts meeting accepted Fiduciary Responsibilities. JAS 5/13/15

  202. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We are now as a Legacy .COM Holder, completely Barred from Comments Over at MHB And Frank Schilling are blocking the free and open markets of communication within the Industry. SHAMEFULL

    We might Coax other Legacy Extension holders to crash this Walled Blog and confront this Domain Community Disgrace. Yes the DNA Gang is Anarchistic. PLEASE anyone reading this needs to comment over at 5/13/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  203. Jeff Schneider

    Return Reply to Joseph Peterson BLOCKED @ (Here Is The Statement Phil Corwin Of The ICA Will Be Giving To The House Judiciary Committee

    Hello Joseph,

    The new Quasi-derivative gTLD Spamm Scam will wind up causing unsuspecting Marketing Advisors to sacrifice Their Fiduciary Resposibilities , with inoperable complications. Jas 5/13/15

    Gratefully, jeff schneider (Contact Group) Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  204. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    MHB over at is blocking free speech by deleting reams of his control and splicing and dicing communications to suit his agenda. This guy needs to be stopped.JAS 5/13/15

    Gratefully, jeff schneider (Contact Group) Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  205. Jeff schneider

    Hello MHB, (Comment Blocked @ Weigel Broadcasting Co ( Files UDRP on Me.Tv /////
    The Legacy .COM First to Market Leaders will ravage interlopers of their .COM Brand with UDRPS. The .COM BLOWBACK we have been speaking of is presenting itself legally to dessimate the inferior Extension Knockoffs such as .tv and the many other extension interlopers. Meanwhile the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD SPAMM SCAMMERS sell their garbage to uneducated buyers in our domain community. Yes and Frank Schillings Uniregistry is heading up the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hordes Distribution. JAS 5/14/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  206. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Frank Schilling has lots of FAN BOYS, who admire Frank Schilling for getting up on the Domain Stage with his LOL smirk on his face extolling uneducated Domainers of the new Quasi-derivative gTLD extensions Strategic Marketing Value. While on the BACK OF THE STAGE he beats down Current .COM Platform Holders to GRIFT THEM OUT OF THEIR SUPERIOR .COM Platform Extensions.
    R. E. ” So lose no sleep Mr. Metal Tiger. The smart money is still smarter than we can ever comprehend. Any questions ponder these two images. “Well we guess Frankys Fan Boys idolize GRIFTERS. FRANK SCHILLING IS GOOGLES POSTERBOY FOR PEDDLING the NEW Quasi-Derivative gTLDs ,That any Honest Marketing ADVISOR avoids because of ETHICAL CONSUMER PROTECTION CONCERNS.

  207. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Frank Schilling over at is running wild over unsuspecting Newbies. His psychological game is to feign value for new Quasi-Derivative gTLD extensions. (Feign = PHONY) This guy comes right out of the Grifters College Cum Laude. Why people cannot see through his phony sales pitches is just something of a phenomonon ( A SUCKER IS BORN EVERY MINUTE) Frank Schilling is predatorilly taking advantage of this maxim. JAS 5/14/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  208. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Joseph Peterson commenting over @ said this (Pure GOLD TRUTH) = ”
    Joseph Peterson says

    May 14, 2015 at 7:06 pm
    Directing customers anywhere they’ll face your competitors is always a bad idea.

    That’s a primary argument for owning a good domain – so that customers aren’t constantly running the gauntlet of Google advertisers in order to reach a business’s website.

  209. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Fadi Chehade, after totally mismanaging the DNS Hierarchy, wants to have complete control without US Congress Oversight. Huge Mistake If US Congress falls for this. Fadi Chehades pefrormance in protecting ALL Legacy Extension Holders. One word = (DISASTER) US Congress dont fall for this ! JAS 5/14/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  210. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Ray, (Comment Blocked @ SUBJECT : According to New gTLDs are a hit with Spammers and Cybercriminals

    There are many other Fundamental Consumer Protection Issues with the new Quasi-Derivative gTLDs, this article misses.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  211. jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    All of the current excitement about the New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs rollout, will turn into a massive fleeing of these TROJAN HORSE MOMENT HORDES . We have not yet witnessed the huge Operability and SPAMM Events just yet. The new Quasi-Derivative gTLDs Rollout will lead to a MASS EXITING by curious USERS. JAS 5/15/15

    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  212. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Over at the CLOSED GARDEN, MHB, has chosen to run a stock type ticker( Why register a .com? ) Flashing his ignorance to any professional Online Marketer. The ticker is littered with High MAINTENANCE SEM Supported Extensions. SEM is a fast obsolescing online marketing strategy. Is this professionalism, ?, presenting Extensions presenting SERIOUS CONSUMER PROTECTION ISSUES ? JAS 5/15/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity

  213. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Over at the CLOSED GARDEN, MHB, has chosen to run a stock type ticker( Why register a .com? ) Flashing his ignorance to any professional Online Marketer.

    ( “Revenue positive StartUps in later round funding will continue to upgrade their domains to the preferred .com extension and unify their digital brands.”

    Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  214. Jeff Schneider

    HeLLO Rick,

    We are feeling a directional change in online marketing and its affects , are somewhat hidden , If you believe in such things. We are all at a crossroads in Online Marketings next big thing., and we feel when its appearance comes it will be fully operational , this would be Fully Correct. JAS 5/16/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketig Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  215. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The Really Smart Money continues to scoop up( .COM URL Marketing Platforms )
    Frank Schilling who extoles the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Contentions. Is hoping the suckers line up for his Front Stage Hyping, so as to supply him with money to buy more .COM Platform Online Marketing Machines. JAS 5/17/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  216. Jeff Schneider

    Hello MHB, (Comment Blocked @ SUBJECT : ICANN Could Be Privatized by the end of the year

    This so called privatization readiness by Fadi Chehade, is foolishness in light of his total mismanagement of protecting the DNS Nuetrality. Congress is not going to hand over control to this GOOGLE STOOGE, JAS 5/17/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  217. Jeff schneider

    Hello Frank Schilling, (Comment Blocked @ SUBJECT : CEO of .Design on ReDesigning The Success Of A New gTLD Launch

    You are actually almost quite convincing in your feigned acting role as an administrator cooly calculating a long term plan. Frank the reality is that ALL GOOGLE inspired new Quasi-Derivative gTLD extensions will have a very short Shelf Life. The backstage machinations of GOOGLES Assault on the DNSs Nuetrality is under Governing Bodies Microscope. You being a supporting actor are as well. Good luck you will be needing it. JAS 5/17/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  218. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Well it looks like GOOGLE wants it all. Now Google is planning to take over Functionality steps traditionally under control of Stand Alone Retail Web Sites.This process is the first step in eventually wrenching more E-Commerce Functions away from Stand Alone retail sites. Their planned systematic approach to control traffic in their Collusive Garden maze continues at a quickening pace. More developing Info. To Come on this POWER GRAB. JAS 5/17/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  219. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Well it looks like GOOGLE wants it all. Now Google is planning to take over Functionality steps traditionally under control of Stand Alone Retail Web Sites.This process of adding a BUY BUTTON, is the first step in eventually wrenching more E-Commerce Functions away from Stand Alone retail sites. Their planned systematic approach to control traffic in their Collusive Garden maze continues at a quickening pace. More developing Info. To Come on this POWER GRAB. JAS 5/17/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  220. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Over at, MHB,Ray Hakney are just so delighted to have their little Closed Propoganda Garden protected from a Balanced Free Market response Platform. Jamie Zoch, deserves a better Platform to build his profession on.We are hoping you get back in the GAME and supply a One Stop Free Market Blog that supplies the Unvarnished truths of Online Marketing Success.( is a travesty of open Market Doctrine) . JAS 5/18/15

    Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  221. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Here is the Big Macro-economic Picture. The Country that breaks free from the SEM Model for Online Business expansion, will be the next Catalyst for the largest Business Expansion the world has ever seen. Will our Domestic US Economy be first? JAS 5/18/15

    Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  222. Jeff Schneider

    The New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs are not the answer to Maximum Online Business EXPANSION, They are the BARRIER TO MAXIMUM ONLINE BUSINESS EXPANSION.They are in actuality the Vehicles to continue the Suppression of Online Business Expansion. Here is the Big Macro-economic Picture. The Country that breaks free, and transcends the SEM Model for Online Business Suppresion, will be the next Catalyst for the largest Business Expansion the world has ever seen. Will our Domestic US Economy be first? JAS 5/18/15

    Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  223. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Barry Garner, (Comment Blocked @ SUBJECT : This could have also been a very clever ploy by the “inquirer” to attract Rick to purchase the domain “”, just a thought guys!

    You should be so lucky to be tricked in this fashion. Where there is (Smoke There is Fire)
    People still are in denial of the .COMs future Valuations going up. We are here to tell you Rick got a Fantastic Bargain. JAS 5/19/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  224. Jeff schneider

    Hello MHB, (Comment Blocked @

    Open dialogue has always solved the worlds Problems. Blocked Dialogue creates most of the worlds problems. JAS 5/19/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  225. regular joe

    Wikipedia- The business started rebranding in early 2011 as “” to simplify and unify its international operations[9] but interrupted this effort a few months later, citing consumer confusion over the new name.

  226. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The new Quasi-Derivative gTLDs are all about Maintaining and perpetuating GOOGLES Monopolistic SEM Marketing Model.The Big Macro-Economic results of their introduction causes many chains of events, whose end result sqwelches Small Online Business’s chances for Online Survival. Once this ENIGMA puzzle is fully understood and this Diabolical Genius Online Strategy of GOOGLES is exposed and it becomes fully understood , our premise will be realized as FACTUAL. ( New gTLD = GOOGLE TOTAL LEASE DEPENDENCY)
    In depth explanations to follow on LinkedIn JAS 5/21/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  227. Jeff schneider

    Here is another Comment Blocked over at Self serving Propoganda Blog of MHBs.
    Hello MHB, It is obvious that you prefer a loaded jury of your own self picked Commentors, be allowed to comment on your Blog.You have no qualms about misleading your uneducated readership. You are a Classic example of Media Manipulation at its finest. You protect and coddle Frank Schilling from any comments that would prove him being misguided in his thoughts and comments. Your readership deserves an open forum, and you choose otherwise.We will supply Truthfull rebuttal comments to yours over at wil be available,here and other blogs willing to allow their readership the benefit of honest communication.JAS 5/21/15

  228. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    ” The Future Belongs To The Bold ” It seems the cash strapped Domaing Blogs With the Uniregistry Banner are in a league unknown to the masses. A well orchestrated out of tune Band of players, is now having to Dance to their orchestrated Band of the new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Introduction. This whole Orhestration has been delivering sour notes. How long will this Band play till they realize that like the Musicians on the TITANIC Realize that all is lost, and they may have to consider a different tune. JAS 5/22/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  229. Jeff Schneider

    (Comment Blocked @ SUBJECT :
    ealfert says May 22, 2015 at 4:09 pm
    Pricing is a weakness of mine, I seem to leave money on the table and also don’t convert as many sales as I think I should.
    Any and all article related to pricing domains are greatly appreciated.

    Hello Ealfert , It is never advisable to to signal buyers your frustration at selling. It is much better to let the Market come to you with an offer. Patience is paramount in obtaining a fair market value for your domains. JAS 5/22/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  230. Jeff Schneider

    (Comment Blocked @ SUBJECT 50% Off Premium Priced Domains On 4 New gTLD’s Extension For 2 Hours Today

    Hello Joseph Peterson; Your response is Spot on. Thank You for filling in and responding with fundamental truths. To experiment is great if you are a Reg company, that wins on either side of the transaction. Domainers need to be aware of the opportunism going on between the Reg Companies as compared to the interests of the lone Domainers. Everyone has come to the investment table because of the allure of .COM Valuations. There are crafty chameleons sending out signals that are not bonafide .COM Opportunities. JAS 5/22/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  231. Jeff schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Our pricing Model Forecasts 45$ a Barrel oil. More than likely being the Benchmark through the decade. We cannot guarantee this but we can assure you this is very likely. Also BABA still highly Recod. for long term hold. Initially Recod. BABA low 80s. JAS 5/23/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  232. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Raymond Hackney, Subject The Psychology of Pricing : (Comment Blocked @
    May 22, 2015 by Raymond Hackney
    Of course you know Raymond, that to think there is an answer to the pricing of a unique Domain Name destination borders on Lunacy. Why is it that you insist that there is a definitive formula to value a unique Online business Address. Its all just foolish Speculation, to believe that any pricing service can devine the ending price that an end user will pay. The Nascent Pricing of Domain names is an ever evolving process. JAS 5/23/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  233. Jeff Schneider

    (The Strategic, .COM (URL) , (Marketing Platform) Is the Strongest Branding Tool in ALL Online Marketing Categories, It adds great Legitamacy to all marketing campaigns available and is the only Branding tool that offers a perpetually FREE Advertising Campaign free of ADMENS Perpetual Expensive Never Ending Support.
    Yes Tommy, most don’t get this fact because ADMEN cotinually downplay and hide this fact and are trained to encourage Business Owners to leave out the .COM Platform Address in their Ads. GOOGLE , SEM , SEO, ADMENS, Strategy is to Extinguish the URL. JAS 5/24/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  234. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    This advice is for ALL Business Owners Benefit. IMPORTANT !
    Your friendly Adman will always position your final Ad to LEAVE OUT URL in the Ad. (The Strategic, .COM (URL) , (Marketing Platform) Is the Strongest Branding Tool in ALL Online Marketing Categories, It adds great Legitamacy to all marketing campaigns available and is the only Branding tool that offers a perpetually FREE Advertising Campaign free of ADMENS Perpetual Expensive Never Ending Support.
    This applies to ALL ADS (Video BANNER Especially) We see lots of Video Banners MINUS URL: HUUUUGE MISTAKE ! JAS 5/25/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  235. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Daniel Negari, @ .XYZ
    You are being slightly less than fair in your claims of ANY New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs being found in search engines. First OFF , All New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs prevalently NEED SEM coverage Desparately. Second OFF , the New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs will all be given contantly changing status due to INCESSANT ALGO CHANGES, at all Search Engines. This means All new Quasi-Derivatives gTLDs chances of being given Top ALGO Preference are slim to none.This along with many other Compatability problems (TURN-KEY INOPERABILITY Dysfunction) makes All New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs Terrible Online Marketing Strategies. JAS 5/25/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  236. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The Quasi-Derivative gTLDS are already an obsolesced Online Marketing Model. This is Factual information not yet fully realized by 99% of Strategically ignorant Online Players. This will change rapidly. JAS 5/23/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  237. Jeff Schneider

    Hello John, Comment Blocked over @ SUBJECT: Only 14 TLDs Are Legal in China

    Yes it is hard to believe, that china would Cheat its online Businesses out of the Strategic, .COM (URL) , (Marketing Platform)the Epicenter Of Global Internet Commerce ? We assure you if it is not now on their list it will ,forceably, be soon. The Chinese are protective, of the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hordes, and the Spamm Spoof qualities they bring, but they are not INSANE. COUNT ON IT! JAS 5/25/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  238. Jeff Schneider

    Hello MHB, Comment Blocked over @ SUBJECT: Co. Invests €350,000 to “Disrupt Domain Industry”: 50 Million Registered But Unused Domains

    The Cozy little Industry of Hiding .COM Business Platforms needs to be shaken up, Why MHB are you so opposed to exposing the Stealth .COM Industry ? For too long there have been companies like GOOGLE and other Parking Companies standing in the way of .COM Business platforms being released from Bongage Ploys, and being deployed for Ready For Online Business Expansion. MHB, you are all about Control Issues just admit it. JAS 5/28/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  239. Jeff Schneider

    Hello MHB, Comment Blocked over @ SUBJECT: Co. Invests €350,000 to “Disrupt Domain Industry”: 50 Million Registered But Unused Domains

    A vibrant open free market on unused extensions opens the door for the final step needed for a legitimate open access pricing system for the secondary Markets Legitimacy. MHB what can be possibly negative about this development?

    ( Destructive Predatory Capitalism ) Vs ( Constructive Disruptive Capitalism ) Its very clear to us which of these you Prefer. JAS 5/28/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  240. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Be carefull what you teech to young Grass Hoppers like Frank Schilling. He shows up on the scene LATE and decides to open a GOOGLE STOOGE PARKING OPERATION. Yes Seems Frank wants to continue GOOGLES Game of controlling Traffic so as to subjegate and total control of the flow of digital Traffic revenues and pay peanuts to the parkers. Well Frank , you are now being confronted with your eventual demise and the breaking of GOOGLES Traffic CARTEL. JAS 5/29/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  241. Jeff Schneider

    Hello MHB, Comment Blocked over @ SUBJECT: ICANN Study Finds 46% Aware of New gTLD’s; Only 80% Know .Com, .Net and .Org

    ICANNs Garden Of Illusions, has been extremely efficient at one thing (DECEPTION) , These #s are quantifiably innaccurate, as so many other of ICANNs released FICTION based studies. Both GOOGLE and ICANN who are closely tied affiliates Financially, are collusively cooking the #s for obvious reasons. JAS 6/2/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  242. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Frank Schilling, Comment Blocked over @ SUBJECT: Fred Krueger: “Why I Hate ICANN”
    Yes Franky lets talk about Farcical, in the big picture of things. Frankys first Phase on stage: = Franky always talked about the distinct superior Marketing advantages of the .COM Asset Class Extensions. Then he took an abrupt 360 degree synopsis,turn of opinion of the .COM Asset Class Extensions, as somehow NOW not being up to snuff when compared to the New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs he and GOOGLE where now promoting. Originally Franky was ALL .COM promoting, then all of a sudden he turned into a Politicians flip flop syndrome type of guy. Its no wonder Rick decided to retire?? Can anyone believe Frank Schilling ?? NOT US ! FRANK SCHILLING IS A PHONY! JAS 6/3/15

  243. Jeff Schneider

    Comment Blocked over @ SUBJECT: The Post I Never Wanted to Write – New gTLD Conclusions / Posted on 02 June 2015 by Andrei
    Hello Frank Schilling,

    Your casual feigning of being originally concerned for the success of first time buyers of the new Quasi-GTLDs is almost believable for someone new to the domaining industry. Frank you are so invested in Hyping the New Quasdi-gTLDs for self absorbed profit, that for those unaware of your close ties to being GOOGLES STOOGE FRONTMAN your acting would almost be palpable.
    On the other hand your complete disregard for the New quasdi-derivative gTLDs Consumer entrapment, Bait and switch guise for sucker salesmanship make us want to warn the uneducated investors of your real intentions. JAS 6/3/15

  244. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Michael ADMAN Cyger, / Where is the most important Sherpa Rick Schwartz ?? Rick Schwartz is still very active with worth while projects.Why don,t you have top coverage Experts like Rick anymore ?? Whats up ?? There are rumors that he ditched your propoganda Blog ??
    Oh my Gosh PLEASE dont get Frank.SCHILLING on again? Frank Schilling is clueless about the real Online Marketing Truths. You would be much better off getting Yun Ye a REAL LEGACY .COM PLATFORM EXPERT.
    There are many Legacy Domainers that are shocked that your blog pushes the New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs with no regard for the obvious Consumer protection Issues that Real Experts know about. Whats up ??
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  245. Jeff Schneider

    ICANNs Garden Of Illusions, has been extremely efficient at one thing (DECEPTION) , These #s are quantifiably innaccurate, as are so many other of ICANNs released FICTION based studies. Both GOOGLE and ICANN who are closely tied affiliates Financially, are collusively cooking the #s for obvious reasons.

    GOOGLES Monopoly Model desperately needs Traffic Saturation dilution, that the new Quasi-derivative gTLDs provide in order to extend their monopolies shelf life.JAS 6/2/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  246. Jeff Schneider

    GOOGLES Monopoly Model desperately needs Traffic Saturation dilution, that the new Quasi-derivative gTLDs provide in order to extend their monopolies shelf life.
    It is no secret to savvy Marketing Strategists why the new Quasi-derivative gTLDs are being pushed on unsuspecting domain investors. The many Google based backers of the New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs include : SEM Admen, Registries+ Registrars, Ad Media Companies, Parking companies, Domain Brokers, Web Site developers, Domain Blogs, SEM Digital Code Manipulators, Advertising reps. , and on and on.
    ALL These Ancillary new Quasi-Derivative gTLD Promoters will make the real money, leaving the Domain Investors HOLDING THE BOOBY PRIZES. JAS 6/5/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  247. Reality Check

    Jeff, just shut up. Please, enough with your delusions, your inane buzzword mongering, your fabricated psuedo ‘inside terminology’. You are a poser of gigantic proportions, you have delusions of grandeur and you are an example of the sort of kooks that have ruined domaining. So please, for the love of g-d, just take a fucking exit. Nobody buys into your horseshit.

  248. Jeff Schneider

    We are in the very early stages of Online marketing Communities Awareness of the futures need for Global expansions success as hinging on ditching The Search engine Marketings Severely restrictive expansion Qualities. Yes Rick this is what has needed to happen to release the .COM Platform asset values true Online Strategy Competitive Advantages. The Domaining Community is being Dragged Kicking and Screaming into the reality of the .COMs Legacy as a benchmark for Global online business Success .Yes the many Google Middlemen, of which 95% of sites are now comprised of, have obviously tried to silence the coming Online marketing truths. Its analagous to pissing up a dynamite fuse to stop the explosion from happening. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! JAS 6/5/15 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  249. Jeff Schneider

    Comment Blocked over @ SUBJECT: Bill Passes in House to Give Congress 30 days to review Internet Transition Plan

    The Intrinsic value of Orcheastrating the DNS is on a magnitude of Ground Zero. Lesser initiatives have created cataclysmic Change. To let a Capitalism at any cost Initiative slip from our orbit is unthinkable. Congress understands power, and to relinquish control of the DNS to Destructive Predatory Concerns is Transcendant? JAS 6/10/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  250. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    There are many Blog Roster Participants that deem themselves Professional Advice Givers on the New Quasi-Derivative gTLDs, that seemingly have forgotten the many Consumer protection Inoperability functions that are inherently plaguing the New Quasi-drivative gTLD Extension Experiments.
    How can this Be ? There is not a one of the New Quasi-derivative gTLD Banner Blog Sites, with even a whisper of a ( Warning DISCLAIMER Clause ) anywhere?This my friends is Predatory Opportunism. JAS 6/13/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  251. Simon Theriault

    Yeah I don’t trust new gTLDs a lot. Only specific keywords seem to have any value at all. We have to continue trusting the kings com/net/org!

  252. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    This comment is a foray back into the Domaining Blogosphere with nary a glimpse at the Shennanigens going on over at Our gut feeling before checking the Domaining Buzz Wire is that there is creeping into the reality Zone a sense of the Absolute Supremacy of the .COM Brand Platform. This of course depends on the source of information, Investors seek for a reality based Investment decisions . We have faith in the really smart money pushing the .COM Platform Assets ever higher. Regardless of the carpetbaggers sizzle stories. Hope all is well with you Rick.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  253. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Now that some of the New Quasi-Derivative gTLD Hyping Sirens have been silenced. The real Domaining Experts are shunning them at an ever increasing rate and ponying up for the .COM Business platform Extensions. Those who covered their ears and pursued .COM Business Platforms are the true winners as you know. Even the Uniregistry gang are getting fooled at a lessening pace. Franky Schillings (Carpetbagging gTLD scam is finally souring).

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  254. Jeff Schneider

    There are so many hidden truths, about the Domaining Industry, that the true Master .COM collectors propogate for their own selfish gains. Many of the largest collectors of .COM properties openly hype the Quasi-Derivative New gTLDs as a smokescreen of deception so as to suppress the .COM Sectors true valuations. If you really are serious about learning what they know and why they secretly covet the .COM platform Extensions, you need to go back through this Blogs archives and study them, for the real answers.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  255. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Our proprietary predictive Model, indicates that we are in the midst of a record breaking Secular Bull Market in US stocks. The fundamentals falling into place are unprecedented. We reiterate our buy of Baba at these under 80$ levels. JAS 7/31/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  256. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, The fundamentals falling into place are unprecedented. This Classic Secular Bull Market has had very orderly, self correcting, Industry Group Rotations. The upcoming interest rate increases are factoring into the current market downturn everyone is experiencing. Feel the fear and buy good quality Growth stocks during the markets current downtrend at steep discounts. (The Federal Reserve Rate increases everyone fears will be Gentle and Fundamentally Healthy for this Secular Bull. JAS 8/20/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  257. Asa

    My favorite part is how in real-world tech, inane buzzword generators like this idiot are mocked so badly.

  258. Jeff Schneider

    There are so many hidden truths, about the Domaining Industry, that the true Master .COM collectors propogate for their own selfish gains. Many of the largest (CURRENT) collectors Frank Schilling, Mike Berkens, openly hype the Quasi-Derivative New gTLDs as a smokescreen of deception so as to suppress the .COM Sectors true valuations, for their own buying spree bargains. Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist)

  259. Jeff Schneider

    We will say this that ,Frank Schilling and Mike Berkens can be credited with bringing lots more eyeballs to the Domaining Pool of money chasing ALL Domains and they should be credited for their professional efforts in this regard. Way to go Frank and Mike, Thank You Both.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  260. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    ” K I S S = (Keep It Simply Superior) The .COM Branded URL is the Most Powerful Perpetual Marketing Tool,
    that is an Expense Free Perpetual Advertising Entity “JAS/10/19/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  261. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, We aggresively Reco. BABA @70$ a share. The potential is staggeringly present.JAS 10/22/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  262. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, Direct Navigation is back in vogue again. Also The Chinese are driving the .COM asset class to the top of the money pyramid. The Chinese trust International .COM Asset class to protect their web creations from their governments manipulation EXTREMELY BULLISH.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  263. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, Many of our followers bought BABA near its low of 57.20 after following our Reco. right here on your Blog. Reinforcing your Blog as the place for Really Smart Money. JAS 10/30/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  264. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, ” Direct Navigation Allows Your Company A Competitive Advantage To Be Found Outside Of The Google Search Engine Matrix ” JAS 10/31/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  265. Jeff Schneider

    Another comment censored over at (SUBJECT) Google upset with Symantec over false security certificates / Hello MHB,

    It should come as no surprise, to Google who is undermining the DNSs Nuetrality with their Dilution Traffic Matrix. There are many more inoperability obstacles ahead.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  266. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Due to the rapidly obsolescing Search Engine Model, we advise caution in investing in pure search engine plays. JAS 11/1/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  267. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Googles assault on the DNSs Neutrality is now being realized by the E.U. and now france is responding on right to be forgotten laws to include the .COM extension. Googles many lawless assaults are mounting,therefore my post above is due warning. JAS 11/2/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  268. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, Googles assault on the DNSs Neutrality is now being realized by the E.U. and now france is responding on right to be forgotten laws to include the .COM extension. Googles many lawless assaults are mounting,therefore my post above is due warning. JAS 11/2/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  269. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The Search Engine Model that Google embodies will be experiencing a tremor that will shake its fundamental Revenue Foundations ability to generate increased revenues. This will have a far reaching affect on the traditional Ad Industry we have experienced since Googles ascendancy. JAS 11/3/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  270. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We are increasingly intrigued by the coverage chooses to post and follow. Its almost as if there is a real world disconnect that is happening that is presenting an illusionary reality. Whats up with this outside the influence of reality perspective they are presenting?? We wonder where their supporters are trying to lead the unaware domainers perceptions? We wonder if its all based on the Google network propoganda ?

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)http/

  271. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The Domaining Industries pricing mechanisms are Google-Centric in nature and thereby are strictly fiction based Models. Anyone who bases their purchases on the current Model are ignorant of the .COM Assets reality based potential Valuations. JAS 11/5/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  272. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    There is a concerted Media Blitz effort backed by Western influenced Money Managers who are loaded with Amazon stock to discredit BABA, these same fund Managers plan on loading up on Baba at lower prices. Buy Baba on any and all pullbacks, its what the really Smart money is doing. JAS 11/6/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  273. Jeff Schneider

    Another comment censored over at (SUBJECT)Report: Bought in 2005 For Up To $90 Million Dollars

    Hello Mike Berkens,
    Since you deny us access, which really hampers your readership, Our take is it matters not when valuing .COM Asset Class Names as being bought for the domain itself or for its business, as they are one in the same. The .COM Asset Class is the digital representation of the Brand itself. Is the lightbulb going off yet?JAS11/6/15 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  274. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    We have GTLDs ranking in the lower 1/3 Tranch of Operability ratings. With more operability barriers coming soon. We have been warning about this and Chinas internet treats GTLDs as foreign Objects. JAS 11/9/15

  275. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The media talks of a domain name bubble. The real Bubble below some domainers radar, are the new GTLD sector, The .COM Asset Class remains stable. JAS 11/9/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Ananalyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  276. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    All URL owners need to understand that once entering the Google Search Matrix, it is at Googles Total Discretion where and how much traffic your URL recieves. Whereas with ” Direct URL Navigation, your Company is in 100% control of traffic directed at your .COM Brand, giving you a Competitive Advantage in being Found Outside Of The Google Search Engine Dilution Matrix ” JAS 11/9/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  277. Jeff Schneider

    Yet another comment censored over at (SUBJECT) Auto Domain: Kain Automotive Switches From KainAutomotive.Com To Kain.Auto
    Hello Mike Berkens,
    We suppose you think this is a bright Marketing Strategy move? This is a prime example of Marketing Strategy Ignorance. The Smart move would have been to use auto as a .COM Subdomain. This dumb move weakens and marginalizes the .COM Brand, while also introducing Operability issues inherent in new GTLDs.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  278. Jeff Schneider

    Yet another comment censored over at (SUBJECT) Auto Domain: Kain Automotive Switches From KainAutomotive.Com To Kain.Auto
    Hello Domainingtoday,

    The point being, is why would any Marketing Strategist advise tearing down the efficacy of their .COM Asset by rebranding to an inferior new GTLD that will be questioned for its operability problems? Only Admen Mentality could make such a strategic Marketing Blunder like this.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  279. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The Future influence of both China and Indias vast poulations being gradually Internet connected, will fill the .COM Asset Class pipeline with more and more buyers. The .COM Brand is etched historically and culturally in their minds as the worlds leading Brand.
    Good Quality .COM Marketing Platforms with Commercial Applications will be the biggest future winners. JAS 11/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)http/

  280. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Most of Wall Street is being head faked into the perception that Alibaba is Chinas version of Amazon. The two companies are Fundamentally Opposites. JAS 11/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  281. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    The least understood New powerhouse on the Web is Alibaba. It has morphed into Netflix,Google, Amazon, and quite possibly The holy grail of mass Marketers. JAS 11/12/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  282. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,

    Congratulations on your sale of 4 .COM Asset Class Domains.People over at are wondering how they can learn what you know. All they have to do is their homework and read your Historical posts that are all here. Instead they look for answers at, where all they will find is useless media blather. All the answers to the really smart money are right here in your historical files.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  283. Jeff Schneider

    The chickens are coming home to roost. Anyone with Marketing Strategy sense is going round Googles Business losing Abys, with Direct URL Navigation. Googles latest attempt to derail the DNSs Nuetrality with its new GTLD Hordes is under regulators scrutiny as we speak. The Alphabet brand they are pushing will be abandoned shortly, count on it. JAS 1114/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  284. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The Google-Centric Ad companies are supporting the new GTLDs as the superior Marketing Strategy. This osolesced Google-Centric strategy will sink many new Net denizens new launch aspirations. The really Smart Money is moving towards promoting Direct URL Navigation. Warning!! These Admen Google-Centric promoters will encourage you to leave your URL address out of their promotions, BIG MISTAKE! Resist or find someone else with your real best interests at heart.JAS 11/14/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  285. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The Really Smart Online Marketing Strategists are avoiding Googles SEM-Centric Marketing Trap, otherwise known as The Endless Billing Cycle Loop. This is done by employing the Superior Marketing Strategy of using Direct URL Navigation, which allows their clients, the Competitive Advantage To Be Found Outside Of The Google Traffic Dilution Search Engine Matrix ” JAS 10/31/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  286. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, The Really Smart Online Marketing Strategists are avoiding Googles SEM-Centric Marketing Trap, otherwise known as The Endless Billing Cycle Loop. This is done by employing the Superior Marketing Strategy of using Direct URL Navigation, which allows their clients, the Competitive Advantage To Be Found Outside Of The Google Traffic Dilution Search Engine Matrix ” JAS 10/31/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  287. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    Online Business Expansion is being held hostage by the SEM Business model. There will never be full robust Online business expansion if the SEM Model Cartel is not broken. The SEM Model is highly Anti-Competitive and violates DNS Neutrality principles, The E.U. Regularors know this, and for everyones sake, just hope they put the Breaks on Googles practices. JAS 11/16/15

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  288. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The main proponents of using the new GTLDs are Search Engine Ad marketers, who could care less about the fiduciary responsibilities of true Online Marketing Strategists, whose careers depend on The URL Addresses Operability requirements. The Smart Online Strategists detest the Online Ad Marketers lack of regard for the Business owners best interests displayed by many Google Ad Marketers promoting the New GTLDs. JAS 11/20/15 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  289. Jeff Schneider

    Yet another comment censored over at (SUBJECT) Google Received More Than 65 Million URL Takedown Requests In The Past Month.

    Yet more bad news for Googles Assault on the DNSs Nuetrality by introducing Hordes of Illegal trade mark sites due to the New GTLD Spawn Introductions. JAS 11/23/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  290. Jeff Schneider

    Yet another comment censored over at (SUBJECT) Is Getting into The Ticket Biz? Checkout These 3 New Domain Registrations

    Hello MHB,
    We see you are still promoting obsolesced ideas. Amazon should be sold, and the proceeds would be put to better use in BABA. Oh and by the way our read on Bitcoin a year ago was right on as being a ponzi Scam. JAS 12/1/15
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)

  291. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick, Many of our followers bought BABA near its low of 57.20 after following our Reco. right here on your Blog. =

    ( Jeff Schneider July 31st, 2015 )
    Hello Rick, Our proprietary predictive Model, indicates that we are in the midst of a record breaking Secular Bull Market in US stocks. The fundamentals falling into place are unprecedented. We reiterate our buy of Baba at these under 80$ levels. JAS 7/31/15 )

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist)


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