Internet: The ONLY Chance for Autonomy comes in the Form of a Domain Name.

Morning Folks!!

Definition of autonomous. 1a : having the right or power of self-government an autonomous territory. b : undertaken or carried on without outside control : self-contained an autonomous school system. 2a : existing or capable of existing independently

So, lets conclude that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google and all the rest of SOCIAL CRAP is exactly opposite of this. Autonomy? Not even close. It's now more like a socially monitored classroom with boundaries. The cool kids with no sense of fairness nor understanding of their power are in charge and it's easy to be expelled with no other school to go to!

So any business that hand their keys and their front door over to these companies and platforms is insane. Business insanity! They got it ass backwards. You are supposed to use these platforms to trap customers, instead they trap themselves, their businesses and their futures.

There is only one way to be autonomous on the Internet and that is via a Domain Name! The higher profile name you have, the better idea you have, the better product you have are the ingredients for autonomy on the Internet. But it STARTS and ENDS with the DOMAIN NAME!

In case you missed it:


An easy to remember, easy to spell, easy to brand, easy to pass on. The traffic you get from Google and Twitter and Facebook is AFTER you do all this. It is the bonus traffic it is not the foundation of your business. Because if it is, your empire can disappear faster that I can type "Told you so".

Rick Schwartz