Are You Mentally Lazy?? Take the Rick Test! It May Surprise you!!

Morning Folks!!

I used to be mentally lazy. I have always been physically lazy. I exercise my brain. That's the muscle I care about the most! I dig deep. I look for REAL answers not a pre-determined one. I may start with an assumption, you got to start somewhere. But you MUST adjust as you get new information. If I am looking for "North", I may start by walking any direction assuming it's North. But as new info comes in via the sun, the moon, the stars, I must adjust. I feel bad for those that just scratch the surface, drill down one layer and think their job is done. They will never find North. They live haphazardly.

Sorry, but you need to drill down deep. Layer after layer after layer until you get a SIMPLE ANSWER!!




You better drill down further than than that! 90%+ of humanity NEVER will. Why? Mentally lazy! Things start complicated. Complicated is NO GOOD! Simple is good! The KISS method. "Keep it Simple Stupid!"

Drill and drill and drill and drill until you get to 1/2 . One over two. That's simple. That's not being mentally lazy. That's drilling down to the lowest common denominator and the lowest common denominator always has the answer! The simple answer. You have to do that with everything in life if you expect to make good decisions and find great success.

I lived a life of mediocrity early on. I have seen things from both sides. I can testify to which one is better. Thinking works!! Thinking hard and deep works better! Simplifying it is the icing on the cake.

The "Great Gratz" (A person I have talked about on this blog for years) taught me something else. He taught me the most valuable lesson of my lifetime! It was around 1980. I had spent years on the road traveling from coast to coast and border to border by car. I wasted a lot of time but I was also very effective. He taught me how to be more effective to the power of 4.

The Great Gratz said, "Never cross the street unless there is a reason to do so." Hmmm. What exactly does that mean? Well for one, it said not to waste my time with those that want to waste my time. If I am going to fly from Miami to Seattle, I want to make sure I am not wasting my time or my money or my energy (remember I don't exercise. So saving my energy is important). I want to make sure I don't come home empty handed. The only way to accomplish that was to do the heavy lifting before I ever left my front door. At that point I was going to Seattle and walking away with 5 new accounts or I ain't going! Eventually I learned to do the same thing but I eliminated the jet, the hotel, the expenses and reclaimed days and days of my time!! My time!! How valuable is that??

Just don't answer, think about it!! I saved be away from my home and family for 3 days. Now I had 3 days to do other things and make more money. And since I will repeat this many times in the same week or even the same DAY, I can do this many times in a single day! Gee, I can accomplish a months worth of work without ever leaving my front door in a week and earn more than I ever have!! How cool is that? Now I have minted new mini "Me's" because I have more time to be productive. 4x the time! 4x the income! Working smarter, not harder. That started for me in the early 1980's and I have never looked back. I have worked out of my home since the 1980's and seldom have to leave my front door to make money or move mountains anymore. My broken back accelerated my learning curve. Amazing what the mind can accomplish when it has to!

That quote is how I still live my life today. "Never cross the street unless there is a reason to do so." I don't do or go anywhere until I know it is worth it. I am not interested in wasting time, money or energy. I am interested in accomplishing things. If a phone call will save me a 3000 mile trip and 3 days of my life then a phone call it is! They would have to demonstrate to me why I should leave the comfort of my home, my lifestyle, my family and my life or it ain't gonna happen. And even then, it may not happen. I will figure out a solution and a way not to travel.

Efficiency of time and effort and the reward that goes with it. I came to the Internet by identifying one single time sensitive thing as the most important and then I focused on that one thing. DOMAINS!!! I drilled down all the way. That was MY 1 over 2. It was a unique moment in time that would never ever pass again. I recognized that FACT and that was my motivation. That's before I even got to value and what a domain stands for.

That all happened from one small thought by the Great Gratz! A totally flawed human being. Drank too much, yelled too much, failed too much. We argued until we could not stand each other. Always just trying to figure out the real answer. But he was the real deal. He towered mentally over those he spoke with. They could hardly keep up with him. But I was listening to genius. I just did not know how to interpret it back then as I was 29 and he was 62. I do now! I know it since 1988 when I broke my back. I laid in bed with no way to earn a living. I had to transform myself from doing 55 trade shows a year and became an advertising company as I advertised my products instead and never left my house. (Actually a Bluebird Motorhome back then)

My 6 pack abs are in my thought process. The 10 inches between my ears. Every success and every failure a human being has is determined right there. You figure that out when you drill down. When you drill all the way down! Even if you work with your hands, your mind is the determining factor.

Happy and a Healthy New Years to all my readers! My only goal is to change somebody's life or their outlook each and every day by my provocative thoughts, opinions and beliefs. On to 2019 and beyond! Drill DEEP my friends. The rewards are SITTING THERE but buried deep! Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Oil, Domains! Most of all, SUCCESS!

Rick Schwartz

PS: For more info and my writings about the "Great Gratz", Click Here!

The Story of the”Great Gratz” and how 7 Words Changed my Life at 29

The Great Gratz Part 2

What Does "Moving Mountains" mean?

The School of Thought, the Power of the Mind

Rick’s 5 Minute Sales Lesson Can Make you a Pro! Right Here! Right Now!

8 thoughts on “Are You Mentally Lazy?? Take the Rick Test! It May Surprise you!!

  1. Jose

    Me alegro mucho que use cabeza

    Todo lo que usted escribir tener un fundamento libre provocativo, sin esto ultimo a usted, se le haria interminable el día, por esto usar yo diria las neuronas de su cabeza como estan en contacto mutuo funcionan mas rapido.

    Yo cuando sufrir la agresión en mi cabeza año 1994 tres hombres robar en plena calle y yo al venir de cenar, dinero llevar poco, entonces en vez de dar por perdido su atraco, dos cogerme por detras de los brazos y el otro romperme una botella llena de cerveza en mi cabeza.

    Supere mi gravedad después de largos 16 meses y mis neuronas tocadas y las que no se unierón juntas porque yo los ultimos 8 meses de aquella agonia era el mas positivo y mi cabeza paso de la nada a un cambio bestial, con la llegada de Internet 1996 en España, antes era emprendedor y imaginativo escribía lo que yo creer que sería futuro en negocios, llego Internet y el futuro que yo escribir en mi bloc de notas de papel, se convirtio en realidad y mis neuronas trabajar unidas para que yo poder crear mis imaginaziones que llegar en mi cabeza.

    Rick sigue como siempre has sido y utiliza ambas cosas para alcanzar lo que te propones cada día.

    Feliz Año Nuevo.

    Feliz dia. Jose

    I’m glad you use your head.

    All that you write have a free provocative fundamentals, without this last to you, the day would be endless, for this use I would say the neurons of your head as they are in contact with each other work faster.

    When I suffered the aggression in my head year 1994 three men steal in the street and I come to dinner, money take little, then instead of giving up his robbery, two catch me behind the arms and the other break a bottle full of beer in my head.

    Overcome my seriousness after long 16 months and my neurons touched and those that did not join together because I the last 8 months of that agony was the most positive and my head went from nothing to a bestial change, with the arrival of Internet 1996 in Spain, before I was an entrepreneur and imaginative I wrote what I believe would be a future in business, the Internet arrived and the future that I wrote in my notebook of paper, became reality and my neurons work together so that I could create my imaginations that get in my head.

    Rick,continues as you have always been and uses both to achieve what you propose each day.

    Happy New Year.

    Happy Day. Jose.

  2. Jay

    I found Domains because of The Domain King through Youtube videos and ds interviews I then took all his views and knowledge and implemented it. While everyone I knew were partying I was drilling down 24/7 for 7 years, and just now reaping the rewards. Thank you Rick Schwartz. I’m worth seven figures because of you. Thank you sir. Have a Happy New Year. Jay

  3. Rob

    Thanks for another inspirational and informative post Rick.

    As you cleverly state, “Never cross the street unless there is a reason to do so.” applies to ANY time consuming activity that does not produce worthwhile results.

    … Happy New Year!

  4. steve fox

    Biggest lesson…I made my first website and then a month later got $1.00 from visits and my friend tried to take it over. Well telling me he should run it and I should step aside. It almost worked but he is no longer my friend. For me its have confidence in yourself and the reason to not cross the street is the same as the reason not to ever discuss business with anyone you don’t trust and have no business talking to. People are jackasses


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