The Domain King's® thoughts on domain names, web traffic, increasing web sales, success, life, and plain-old Business & Marketing 101. Nothing happens until a sale is made!
It was September 22, 2009 that I made my first post about that I can find online and date stamped. It talks about what I plan to do in 2009 and I state in that post that my vision would take 5 years to manifest itself. So while others jack rabbit all over the place, my head is down, my goal is in mind and in the days and weeks ahead you are going to witness first hand what we intend to do and how we intend to do it.
The 'Pitch Pages' are being customized domain by domain and soon the first set will be released. It takes incredible fortitude to put these pages together because each is like it's own little screen play. Each has an individual story to tell about the domain name. Each is a call to action. Each is the beginning of a discussion. Each are composed of many elements and why some may be invisible yo you, they won't be invisible to the audience we are targeting.
So here it was September 22, 2009 as I layout a basic course of where I want to go, why I want to go there and how I intend to do it. That was nearly 3 years before I ever met of Danny Welsh and 2.5 years before we had our first discussion about it.
That was over 3.5 years before we began to get our 125 charter domain holders and some of the best domains in the world to go to market with. And it was 3.5 years before we had a sales force of 12 that publicly applied for those positions via
It will be about 3 years 8 months and 8 days before I go on stage at TRAFFIC and show the results of our efforts. A seed that started with the following post. And that is why it is all on the record for the record. It is easy to manufacture 20/20 hindsight and rewrite history, but when you have your thoughts and ideas PUBLICLY time stamped, those words and deeds are more meaningful when accomplished. When a form begins to appear. Where something imagined can be brought to life.
So fasten your seat belts the next 6 weeks as we ramp up to T.R.A.F.F.I.C. are going to be interesting and exciting and you are going to see a huge amount of progress in a very short amount of time.
Thanks for being part of this journey and Stay Tuned!!
Morning Folks!!
How many years do you think it would take to just look at your domains and decide to open 1000 full fledged businesses? Not just 'Develop' for the sake of it, build businesses. Let me give you a quick answer. You won’t live long enough. Your kids won’t live long enough. So while folks 'Develop' and experiment with minisites, PLAY with TEMPORARY search traffic, I look at everything a bit different. I already got the hair on some of your backs up. But read on before you form your opinion.
See we don’t have time to build 1000 businesses and then we certainly don’t have the TIME to run 1000 businesses. BUT…..when you are a fool like me, you go against the grain. So I realized many years ago that building 1000 businesses was not a possibility. 5000? 50,000, Not in 10 lifetimes.
However there is another way once you all stop laughing and shaking your head. You can laugh. I employ. I look forward. I look to see what things will look like when they evolve, NOT today, not yesterday. What the hell is that Rick??
Well, we may not have time to build 1000 businesses but we certainly have the time to do 1000 joint ventures. So I own Think about that. When Trump owns a piece of land he does not build it, he partners with a DEVELOPER and contractors and takes a slice. His TIME commitment is limited to making the deal. Anytime you can invest little or no time and get a return, you are a winner!
So in my mind development is a joint venture that becomes a big business. That won’t work for everyone. It will and does work for me. And again, it is not the developing that counts, it is the business. I can’t run 1000 businesses well. But I certainly can team up with partners to run 1000 businesses well. Nearly 15 years into this and I have never waivered from this belief. Matter of fact, I have never been more confident about it. Now the only thing that will change is the percentage split. In time my share will increase with every deal I make. The goal is 50%. In some cases it may be higher. In most cases it will be much lower. Do you ever wonder what 10% of 1000 businesses would look like??
So keep laughing. The picture I have in my mind of what I want to accomplish is clear and very different from others. That is ok, none of us can have the same business plan. They are all unique. What we can do is compare notes. Share ideas. Share our path. Don’t judge a work of art until it is finished. My picture needs less than 5 years to really take shape, take form and change the way everyone does business in this industry.
You can see that very clear and vivid divide. It is just how you approach things. A waitress goes to work and every day earns dollars. The days she does not work, she gets nothing. So some in this business work like that. They have to hustle every day to make ends meet. No work. No money. Others are much more methodical. They just do things differently and are not dependant on that job or even that restaurant.
We want to pay you a bunch of money for very little effort.
Maybe as much as stated in the catchy title of the blog post
you just scanned, depending on a few variables. That might only be ONE joint
ventures deal we do together.
And we only want you to send ONE email to earn the
up-front money, the monthly money, and any back-end bonus money.
What's the
We need to reach someone with a personal email that has an
important marketing message from us they’ll probably be very interested to hear
from you FIRST (before their competition), someone you may have in your Rolodex
that we maybe don't have in ours.
What is our message we'd like you to pass along if you have
a personal relationship and personal email address with the type of person we
want to reach?
Simply copy this:
The 'Million Dollar Domain
Name' is available for sale, lease or joint ventures for a
limited time-- until your company or another signs a deal to get it. Knowing your
business is in ________ and there is
only one, naturally I thought you'd want to hear about this
unique opportunity for a competitive advantage in your industry category ASAP.
I have cc'd Rick Schwartz to
this email message who invites you to read over the offer proposal at and make him an offer to get this premium domain to use for
your company. Best of luck!
Pretty simple, right?
Who do we want you to send that message to and CC Rick
Schwartz as your only responsibility to earn big referral money if and when I
work a deal with your referral client to buy, lease or JV develop the
'Million Dollar Domain Name' of their interest?
Anyone you personally
know who'd be ECSTATIC to hear that theirs could be the one and only company to
get their hands on any of the domains listed at the link below and priced on
the “Featured Domains” tab of
...And is to your
knowledge financially QUALIFIED to make a serious offer.
…And is to your
knowledge a decision-maker for that business on an executive level, preferably
marketing or chief executive only.
Got it?
Our company values
each of these 'Internet real estate property'
domain names at $100,000 up to $x,000,000.
And we'll offer them for lease or lease to own starting with
an affordable monthly fee to the RIGHT company.
If the deal for you ended up being 10% as good as the catchy
example in our blog post title today...or $500 cash plus 5% of $500/mo for 5
years then 5% of $500,000...would it still be a “great day at the
office” for you sending that ONE email?
Of course. Do the math. The only difference is the value of
the domain in question. In the world of premium 'internet real
estate' for instance is more valuable than DERIVATIVES like or and sometimes by a geometric multiple.
Same would go for (not ours) being far more valuable vs by 50x or more.
But again, we'll pay you $500 cash, 5% of the up front cash
in any lease deposit, 5% of the monthly payment if a property domain is
'leased' to your contact and a 5% back-end bonus of any sale -- no matter how big.
One of Danny Welsh’s long-time connector contacts in real
estate that simply knew very little about the domain name space listened to
what we were doing and asked him: “Is this legit?”
Danny responded: “Yes. sold for $4,000,000 in
2011 just to use ONE related example. And still makes money every month. How
would you have liked to get 5% of that up-front cash, monthly cash and a possible
back-end bonus cash and/or revenue stream just for having sent an email to
bring together buyer and seller? You missed out on that one. You can read about
more big-ticket 'Internet real estate' deals here:
You missed those too, and so did I. But
I ain't missing any more!”
Needless to say, that mover and shaker is already creating a
pipeline of “protected contacts” one email to a CMO or CEO at a time, and we
think their first completed deal we do FOR them will be very soon.
Now, you can get in on these kinds of deals like we've been
doing using an innovative but SIMPLE method Danny Welsh created for high-level
personal WIN-WIN joint ventures referrals.
Don't hesitate.
If a name of someone you know in a decision-making role
popped in your head when reading those premium domain names on our 2013 list of
properties represented, email that person the simple offer copied from above
and CC me NOW to lock in your commissions if we do a deal with them.
Interested to get an
easy check for sending one email? How about 12 checks a year for years?
All you need to do is
take a look at our 2013 listings, and get in touch with us and them too if
someone in your Rolodex would be thrilled for the opportunity to hear that is available affordably as a lease to their company selling
No daisy chain. No NCND. No BS.
Most of you have been on my blog reading or email list for
years. Many of you have done business with me in various ways, TRAFFIC
conference or auction or other.
I've added value to you
with tips and stuff for years as I want
always to earn your trust. I don't take that lightly.
If you're
'new' to my blog and haven't heard much from me at all or only a few
times, or you've been here a long time and want to know why I've been
'quiet' the last year or so before a flurry of productive action in
the last 8 weeks, thinking and planning to put this opportunity together
for others is a big part of it.
Just as a quick note: this is NOT about our sales broker program.
. We ARE accepting video applications
from applicants for the 12 available sales broker positions…through the week of
2/25/13, posted as links right there in the comments of the blog titled “Armchair
Quarterbacks Need Not Apply: Sales Team Now Recruiting Future
This post today is just about an “informal” referral deal.
Our sub-broker sales program pays the same with a few extra perks and bonuses
for doing multiple deals, but requires an application process and those folks
will get a contract with us, warm lead prospects to follow-up with, protected
properties and they will close deals with a lot more time and effort involved.
This “connector opportunity” is simply a friendly referral
that might pay you $x,xxx-xxx,xxx for little time invested…simply for sending
ONE email to a company decision-maker you may know that we may not, and if it’s
done AS
WE ASK HERE and the company decision-maker responds to the email to
them from you and lets us CC’d know that they are interested/considering a deal
for the domain name…our company will make that company for that domain name a
“protected client referral” for 6 months.
If a deal gets done with that company to lease or buy that domain
name in that 365 day time frame, you get paid as advertised with no other
The difference between THIS and our sub-broker program for
the sales team which is now accepting applicants?
A pre-existing RELATIONSHIP must be in place for this
“informal referral deal” and between you and the ONE decision maker you’re
emailing about ONE specific domain name you’re confident that they’d be
interested in if the price were right to lease. Simple, no need for a bunch of
fancy documentation. Just a track record of doing what we say we’ll do, and one email among friends that creates cash
for you (commission), cash for us (lease fee), and cash for your connected
referral (increased sales for their company). WIN-WIN-WIN :)
Let's help you make 2013 your best year ever.
ONE email to the
right person you know that we may not.
We'll do the rest.
And whatever we earn doing that deal with that referral will
be shared with you for as long as we earn it— no matter how much $$ it means
paying out for what amounts to 5 minutes worth of effort on your part...and
having had cultivated the relationship with that decision-maker in the first
My partner with is busy working on the
scaling up priorities of the business, but provided me this pre-written post
describing a bit more of his background in business, how he came to see
eRealEstate as potentially more lucrative in growth potential than physical
real estate during the course of his lifetime…and what that means for the
hungry guy or gal looking for an opportunity TODAY to quit flipping domains and
create wealth leveraging joint ventures and doing long-term-oriented deals to
reposition assets for highest and best use, and get paid for it VERY WELL. If
you haven’t read any of my posts over the years about “Sweat Equity”, here’s
one from just 30 days ago. If you’re looking for a solid six figure opportunity
for proven sales performers, read that now and then come back and read this
below: LINK.
Rick Schwartz
“Stop: No More
Working for Tips!”
By Danny Welsh How did I come to the realization that what I was doing with
wholesaling real estate houses was small smack-dab in the middle of making more money in a single month than anyone in my working class family had ever
made in 2 years? How did I later come to eRealEstate by way of
physical real estate and come to see my experiences with selling a single deal
or investment in the latter as precursor to (and in some ways preparation for)
increasing success with leasing the former?
How can someone with
great people skills and an interest in domain names looking for a GREAT
opportunity to make money in 2013 leverage what I’ve learned about business at
30 and what Rick Schwartz has learned at 60…and work with both of us to change
the way the domain game is played at the highest levels in the next 3 years?
Let’s discuss…
First, my business experience was
wholesaling properties as early as a year out of college when I realized
working for someone else just wasn’t going to work for me. Find a motivated seller who is in over their
head with debt and wants to sell fast. Put the property under contract with
just a few dollars deposit and paperwork that gives you the right to shop it,
and use superior marketing skills to FLIP THAT HOUSE for cash to a serious
buyer. It’s a formula for fast cash,
and pretty easy in real estate doing a deal that is a WIN-WIN where no one gets
taken advantage of done correctly.
There are always cash real estate buyers who want a cheap
property to fix it up and rent it out or fix it up and sell it for a big ROI,
and as a wholesaler you can get a piece of the profit spread from either with
no property acquisition money out of your pocket except for incidental
costs...just by finding the deal and putting it under contract, and using networking,
research and marketing to develop a good “list” of potential buyers you could
market each wholesale real estate deal to at the “push of a button” to get it
sold and the owner of the property out from a tough situation they couldn’t
solve themselves because they were too immobilized with fear looking at their
mounting bills on the kitchen table.
Think WIN-WIN.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about…Real Estate Wholesaling
is the “sexy” and “no money down” physical real estate equivalent of domain flippers
today in the domain world that hand register a domain name and attempt to ‘flip
it’ to an end user company 5 minutes later for more money.
I can remember a time when my partners and I wholesaled 20+ real
estate properties in a single day...sound like I’m making it up? I couldn’t if
I tried. It blew my mind, to be honest with you. There I was, 24 years old and
partnering in a seminar with Bank of America in Cali bringing their loan
clients to buy properties from a young group of Florida real estate investors
offering turnkey rental condo’s for long-distance investors.
Talk about a joint venture! HINT: Which bank do you think underwrote the mortgage loans on all those
investment property sales we made? Who do you think referred all of the attendees?
Gosh almighty, when you structure a great joint venture…it’s really not
anything more than finding a way to WIN BIG and let the other parties involved
WIN BIG too. Not always easy…and there can be pitfalls, but when you do it
once, it’s time to DUPLICATE baby!
With that first event having gone successful and even doing
bus tours and property sales seminars with dozens and hundreds of investors at
times to sell investment deals in bulk as my partners and I racked up dozens
upon dozens of investment property sales in multiple cities all throughout
Florida— many times selling to investors across the United States in
California— I gotta tell you...when I did it actively, wholesaling properties
was a lot of fun.
And it felt...SEXY.Heck, after just one success like that I felt like I was the MAN!
I was hooked.
And yet, for the people I personally consider real estate
business mentors who had light-years more business seasoning than I did… what 6
maybe 7 years ago now… those mentors of mine then with DECADES of real estate
experience having done tens and hundreds of millions of dollars in deals (and
still owning a significant chunk of that invested in long-term real estate
They LAUGHED at me and made fun of my team's accomplishments wholesaling properties.
They saw me and my active business partners running around,
working 80-90 hours a week, confusing activity for accomplishment, and hustling
like madmen to wholesale investment-grade properties to anyone who'd listen...oblivious
to actually building real WEALTH.
The mentor my partner and I were bragging to about our 20
deals in a day accomplishment told us that no matter how much money we made
wholesaling houses, in his opinion we were still:
“Working For Tips”
He threw that zinger
and smiled and leaned back in his leather executive chair in the 12th
floor corner office of the 17 story building he had owned in whole or in part
for decades of having sold it and bought it back… and we both seethed inside
and secretly hated that smug bastard.
But we bit our tongue and tried to be humble before this man who had taught my
partner at the time and me both a great deal about business and how to bring
real value to the marketplace in exchange for money. And my partner asked him
what he meant by that.
I don’t have a video or audio recording of that
conversation. I wish I had. If I had had it to listen to maybe my career would
have gone differently and I’d have succeeded at a higher level even faster, I
can tell you that. It took me years and one horrible month in 2008 where I
realized despite all that I had earned…I was broke again…and it took THAT to
realize he was right years before saying no matter HOW MUCH MONEY I had made I
had been “working for tips”.
I thought then what I was doing was fun and I was actually
proud of what we were doing...but when
that zinger got done popping the packing bubble wrap around my fragile ego, and
the truth of the next few years bore it out with the collapse of the nationwide
housing market, it helped me see that what I thought was 'success'....was in
actuality a GRIND. A hamster wheel. Sure we had been making money. Sure
we had been moving deals and building a following among investors. But it was
just working for big paychecks because if you stop stop
You don’t know what you don’t know until someone who knows
I'm not knocking wholesaling houses, just as I won’t knock
domain's a fantastic way to get started in a business arena and
make some money with little money or risk.
Rick Schwartz calls these folks who flip internet real
estate domain names “waiters” when they could be the restaurant owner. As I’ve matured over the years I came to believe that the same
is true in physical real estate. There
are waiters and there are restaurant owners.
But the barrier to entry for wholesaling is low and so with
physical real estate many start there, just as there are many domain flippers
because you can get in the game for just a couple bucks. As a newbie real
estate investor, I was no different.
Years later after first doing it myself successfully I
trained others to do wholesaling houses too through an “apprentice program”
called the MMM Challenge (how to wholesale houses among other things these
apprentices were taught), and I had a lot of fun with it helping people get
started in real estate, learning to market themselves effectively and making
some money in exchange for working for me for free. Some succeeded in business
and/or real estate since then a little, some a lot, some not at all.
But every single one of them is a changed person for the
time I spent pouring into them, and they’ll back me up on that. I’m
proud of the difference I helped make in the lives of 60 people over 2 years.
But at some point as so many wanted to
learn “wholesaling”— something I started my own RE career with and by then had
graduated from to pursuing more lucrative deals— I worried that I was
perpetuating a small mindset even as my students succeeded to make money with
TANGENT: Any idea who owns/owned and
Yep. That’s a big part of why he’s one of the small group of
visionaries I call “the 500”.
How many more ways
can eRealEstate be used
and developed for profit than physical real estate?
Thinking that way is
what led me to approach Rick Schwartz at first, and those are a stories we can talk about another day, including
my own experiences many of the old guys in domaining would call my own “newbie
entrepreneur” years— only I was flipping houses and not domains.
But I digress. To return to the meat of the matter…eventually
I found out no matter how much money I might make wholesaling houses I was
still a waiter and not the restaurant owner, to use one of Rick’s recent
analogies from his blog HERE…and with the help of a few older RE
mentors I graduated to doing deals that weren’t small one-time transactions
I realized something years ago (actually my mentors in real
estate hit me upside the head with it): You can take down a HUGE cash-now and
cash-flow-later commercial real estate deal like an office building, mobile
home park, or apartment complex and get paid for YEARS...with the SAME AMOUNT
of effort, resources and contacts as it took our team to wholesale a bunch of
residential deals and get paid once.
And so I am undertaking with Rick Schwartz’s blessing to
help THREE groups of people realize something Rick Schwartz and I believe in
If you've sold some domains for 6
figures, and have some successes under your may want to do as Rick
Schwartz is increasingly doing and graduate to getting a real piece of the
business that buys and develops your most valuable domain names. That’s what
our clients are going to do starting with a domain lease in
most cases if we’re successful to bring the end user business partner.
Mission…Accomplished in 8 weeks December 1, 2012-February 1,
If you've quickly flipped some “newly
registered” domains, and have some successes under your may want to
do as our Kamikaze Sales Team will be doing and graduate to
getting a real piece of a residual income stream and not just the one time
check. That’s what you now have an opportunity to do if you want to apply and
get chosen.
YOUR Mission Reading This Right NOW…should you choose to
accept it BEFORE this offer simply self-destructs.
If you’ve made some money in an offline
business that is just now wanting to get online, or you have made some money in
an online business and are seeking a superior online location…you may want to
do as our domain partners and lessees are increasingly doing and graduate to
operating your “Category” business from the one and only That’s
the opportunity MY job with marketing for will be for 400
great domain names seeking a great business to align with so each profits more
than they could alone.
MY Mission for 2013-2015.
Look…if you have some
success under your belt and you see the #2 above and are intrigued…let me offer
you a bit of advice. Now is NOT the time to hesitate.
It wasn’t until I was somewhat priggishly bragging at age 24
to one of my own real estate mentors that my partner and I had made 6 figures
in a single month wholesaling houses that I realized how SMALL wholesaling
houses really was compared to the true and intrinsic value of PROPERTY itself.
Real wealth comes
from assets and income streams, not just transactions.
If it wasn’t until you read this that you realized how SMALL
“flipping” newly registered domains really is compared to the true and
intrinsic value of the best DOMAIN PROPERTIES themselves…
Then you know what to do, don’t you? If you’re interested to join up with Rick Schwartz
and Danny Welsh as our inaugural ninja sales team then it’s time to step up and say so.
Send in your video application via posted link in the comments to the
“Armchair Quarterbacks Need Not Apply: Sales Team Now
Recruiting Future MVPs” announcement post here: LINK
My partner with
wanted to title this post “Good Morning Folks...and if I Don't See or Talk to
You Much the Next 60 days: Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!'.
I changed that title because well, its RicksBlog and I felt like it. LOL.
business: As I said the other day, Danny and I only answer to about 120 people
from here on out this year as we build the domain name into the business. I figure that will be a 3 year plan for most of
the initial growth, with a LOT happening this first year. Those 120 guys and
gals signed up as inaugural clients and we’re going to work tirelessly to move
mountains and do deals for them in repayment of that trust.
So I’ll be around here posting and commenting whenever I
want just like always. Danny mostly won’t unless it’s obvious/possible the
commenter is an END USER that followed the river here to the pond and is asking
buying questions…or it’s one of those 120 people wanting to ask a question in
public for some reason instead of simply calling Danny to ask. But
I DO have quite a few “pre-written” posts from Danny I think are going to give you all even more
idea about how Danny and I work well together, despite the fact that we FIGHT
about certain things too…more of an idea about how much of all we’re doing in
2013 has a precursor in the thoughts and notes of two guys for years...and
reveal some pretty amazing opportunities for folks to do business with us
TODAY, earning money potentially for life.
In the next 75-90 days as Danny puts 99% of his focus on
completing the 3 or so scaling up priorities he and I have discussed and
decided upon, I think when he comes back into the arena here daily it’ll be
obvious just what the hell he was doing that was more important than crossing
swords with folks on a blog daily (even tho it’s fun). And I do see this as an
“arena”. Maybe it’s just the “Gladiator” movie fan in me! Or that Teddy
Roosevelt quote. Whatever. To daring greatly!
Rick Schwartz
“Good Morning
Folks...and if I Don't See or Talk to You Much the Next 60 days: “Good
Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!'
By Danny Welsh
If you haven’t heard the news, as predicted by Rick Schwartz
and brought to fruition by us both with the help of some very smart and
forward-thinking folks that took the leap with us, as of 2/1/2013 our “domain
owner” client roster for the first half of 2013 is completely
Boarding doors are closed. The jet engine is warming up!
We will accept no
further domain owner clients unless someone convinces Rick Schwartz on
a one on one email that marketing their property will provide a “headliner” for
our company that ALL of our clients will benefit from when a deal is completed
for it. I won’t even see the submissions, and I’m asking our website developer
to remove the “Submit Domains” button on our site…now.
(ASIDE: Okay so Danny P beat me to it, and yet still the
inquiries pour in from all kinds of other methods. Maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up,
walk outside on my front porch with Bailey the Service Dog Flunkie and expect
to see a carrier pigeon dropping a domain submission… *sigh* does anyone
understand that I’m just one guy? We all have our bandwidth…400 properties to
market this year is mine)
That’s right, dance
fans. Club’s closed and now for those who are IN, we are going to show you just
what you got on the INSIDE of…and I hope you’re not disappointed. I’ve been
planning this for two years, but without Rick Schwartz’s green-light it could
not have happened. Without your all’s buy-in alongside Rick’s own, what’s going
to happen in the next 3 years could have taken many more years, or been
completely impossible.
How do we do go from plan to
ever-increasing profits?
Well, First
…let me thank you for this opportunity to serve you the best way *I* know how, even as you increasingly realize
that my ideas and plans are nothing like what most people expect.
Please realize I don’t do things the way most companies do.
I admit. I’m kind of a nut. But I’m the nutty entrepreneur that’s about to
crack a lazy industry wide open and show people on BOTH sides of the table
how doing joint ventures together will break the frame of what’s possible to
increase PROFITS FOR BOTH by a more qualified operator exploiting an
underutilized asset.
Which lazy industry am I talking about?
Is it “domaining” when thousands of value
assets are sitting UNUSED “parked” and making hundreds of millions of...nickels?
Could be…
Is it “Category” industry when a sales-increasing MVP like
is on the sidelines and not in the game at whatever price is needed to make it
work for both parties? Could be.
Is there something offensive about me saying that to either
party? Could be.
But forgive me for saying so but when I see 6, 7, and 8
figure assets earning thousands instead of millions…then it only calling a
spade a spade to say that BOTH sides of the table when it comes to the
very BEST and most valuable domain names in the world have been short-sighted,
greedy, and refusing to see what the other party sees…except in a FEW cases.
My role is to increasingly bring both
parties to the table and create a
WIN-WIN where both sides make more money WITH each other
than they can make without each other.
And that’s exactly
what I’m going to do, and if you think any force on Earth can stop me then you
clearly don’t know the power of an idea infused with faith and backed by ACTION.
need to work out how we communicate (and how we don’t).
Our biggest potential problem right now is the likelihood
of “information bottleneck” unless steps are taken to avoid it FIRST. Rick
and I have to take what’s mostly in our brains only and transfer it to a team.
And we are asking that each of our clients take what he/she wants to
communicate to me and Rick and transfer it to us using certain protocols. “File
transfer” protocol is key…that’s why I put almost one page worth of notes on
that answer/request of ours in the clients FAQ that was emailed out. Please pay
attention to it. You’ll only have to
read it once. It won’t change much, because we ANTICIPATE problems, not create
If we ever “fire” a client, it will almost certainly
be for simply refusing to cooperate in this area, and jeopardizing our ability
to keep our promises to others because one person believes they can monopolize
our time and attention. Unlike something you’ve ever heard from a
“broker” who should be (and IS, trust me) grateful to get your business? Get
used to it! Neither Rick Schwartz nor Danny Welsh are very ordinary guys, and in
an arena where people go ga-ga over 20% income increases we don’t offer
promises of ordinary results…so a few out-of-the-ordinary requests in exchange
for the possibility of extraordinary 20x and more income increase?
I think it’s a fair deal, don’t you agree?
Third, we
now need to get back to the plan I was already quietly implementing for Rick
Schwartz and getting results BEFORE he asked me to take an 8 week side trip
into taking on more clients as his partner with a new domain brokerage. I’m
already 7 days behind in the master plan, but I’m not disappointed. I was
flying a nice prop-plane but Rick summoned a Gulfstream Jet out of thin air in
8 weeks. So I won’t complain. View’s nice.
Company is pretty good, too. I’m already walking the aisles of the plane
and talking to some of the passengers in First Class (that’s you) who have
GREAT ideas on how we can fly this jet even better, more efficiently, etc. Lot
of SMART people in those seats, and I’m listening to everything you say and
incorporating what is good…what is important…and will use those great ideas
when the time is right.
Rick and I’ll be emailing (or may have already by the time
this is posted) a blast message to each of our new VIP domain clients with a
video overview of where we are at and where we are going. I think it’ll give
you a hell of a high level 50,000 foot overview, and confidence that you made
the right choice. If you didn’t get it, that’s a problem. Please email our
admin so you get your address WHITELISTED properly so any mass email
communications we send you this year GO THRU.
Fourth, we
need to be ruthless about what’s important…and what can wait. We’re behind
because I made that mistake thinking it was “important” for me to respond to
everyone’s emails. It is simply not possible for a guy used to DOING great
things to keep up with thousands of people in the blogosphere that seem to love
mostly only TALKING about great things (or criticizing those that do). Sorry.
Making our clients money this year IS important. Implementing my plan the way I
know it will work IS important.
It is ALSO simply not possible for a guy used to DOING great
things to keep up with 120 new clients that seem to love sharing their ideas
about how Rick and I can market/sell their properties for them.
Thank you for the dozens of blog recommendations emailed
to me. But forgive me if I say that being expected to read every blog in
the domaining universe = not important. Rick gave me 6 he recommended, and 6 I
have read and will continue to read. A horse that wins the Kentucky Derby has
blinders on and just runs his race, devoid of distraction. It’s,
not…:) Thank you for the great past leads you’ve passed on to our admin. But
forgive me if I say that taking special time to immediately drop everything and
follow up with 5 year old referrals who were “interested” in a domain property
= not URGENT. Same goes for any company you tell us “should be interested” but
SAVED AND USED IF IT’S SENT PROPERLY TO THE RIGHT PERSON (i.e. not me)! But using it immediately is simply not urgent
when viewed in the context of our team implementing a 12 month plan including a
“domain launch” this year for that specific property of yours.
I will be posting more about the domain launch formula and
sending some videos of what it looks like and how it works. I’d prefer to just
be DOING it, but Rick has changed the dynamics a little bit of what my 2012
plan was. Now it looks like in a few months I’ll be getting to do it with even
better properties to launch…with more back-end sales help from a team…and
bigger companies to be negotiating WIN-WIN deals with for each to get the ONE
unique asset they most want…with 120
clients instead of 1.
So that’s cool. In short…a domain launch is a formula of
marketing activities completed in a rapid-fire fashion from 3-14 days
start-to-finish during which anyone who should
be interested and might be
financially qualified WILL learn about the domain’s availability and pricing
terms because that’s what the launch is DESIGNED by me to do (penetrate
a small niche MARKET with a simple MESSAGE using multiple MEDIUMS)—everyone…including
your older leads sent to us which have been and will be databased, for firing
once the gun is loaded.
Expect BIG things slowly…
that has been, is, and will always be
Rick and my promise to domain owner clients.
Fifth, I
am not only the business owner but also the chief marketing officer and sales
content copywriter of our little merry crew.
That means the next 60 days I have to write hundreds of pages of compelling
salescopy to create our customized “pitch pages” for 100s of unique domain
names— individual custom pitch pages which are designed to compel ONE
action revolving around the domain name itself (typically to trigger a “how
much” inquiry but not always)— and targeted to as many as 1000 companies or as
few as ONE person, depending on the needs of the deal.
One fun example you may have already seen is
A lot to get done, wouldn’t you agree? I wrote the content
(200+ pages) for in a “vacuum” where even Rick Schwartz barely
knew what I was up to for 4 months…now I have an even MORE DIFFICULT task, and
120+ people to whom I’ve made a promise of progress and a possibility of BIG
results that want to know “what happens next?”
I don’t blame ya! So even though every minute I take
explaining what I’m going to do and am doing makes me frustrated…I understand
why you want to know. On the other hand, I will (and can) tolerate only so many
questions before I’ll have to simply say it’s probably better for us both that
I shred your listing contract and call someone in to be a client who’s on the
waiting list.
Priorities are simple. First is hundreds of custom pitch pages. I’ve given myself 8 or so weeks to complete
that next phase of our 12 month plan. Will I Go ahead. Mark your
calendar for 8 weeks from today. Just do me the favor and before you criticize
me…ask yourself if YOU could do it.
Those pitch pages combined with the sales team we are hiring
and will be training in the next 90 days gives Rick and I both time for
precious little else…but when complete WILL ensure the increasing success of
our deals, our company, and our clients.
THIS thoroughbred knows the distance of the race, will not be distracted, and
knows what the Winner’s Circle looks like. See you there? I’ll be the one
with a garland of draped on my shoulders (and no jockey).
Sixth, we
need to staff up and scale up certain procedures to be capable of fulfilling marketing
and sales for more domain properties and more clients.
You elected Rick the General when you signed on. And I’m
going to be the Sergeant for now. The Sergeant is extremely important for a
unit to operate, and makes sure “shit gets done” (operations).
But being the Sergeant ain’t my gifting. So I’ll be the
Sergeant until we find someone BETTER, and I’ll move up to where you really
want me to be if I’m going to make us all a lot of money.
The email Rick just sent out (or will shortly) via email
blast ONLY to our signed clients this year lays out a LOT of our plans for the
next few months. If you didn’t receive it please email the admin for a copy,
and they’ll also make sure you get your email program “whitelisted” so Rick’s
email blasts in the future get thru to you.
It’s really
important that all 120 of us are on the same page so we can turn on a dime all
year long.
The plane is built.
The passengers are on board.
The pilots have a destination.
The instruments are being checked.
The crew is about to hear the “last call” to board
immediately thru the crew only door.
The journey is almost starting.
So if you’ll allow me to extend the aviation analogies…if
you’re one of the select 120 inaugural domain owner clients of, we’re gonna, okay?
Play it cool. Chill out. Relax. Stretch out with all that foot room.
Realize you’re in the First Class
Seats and the plane is taxiing the runway on a heading for a 3 year flight
where you already know where we’re going because Rick told you so almost over a
decade ago when he first predicted this journey...and the destination.
Here, have a mimosa.
You’ve got Rick Schwartz and Danny Welsh in the pilot seats. Or as Rick calls us “Orville” (me) and
“Wilbur” (him). We may not be the original Wright Brothers but I can tell you
this: if we accomplish what we’ve talked about accomplishing in the next few
years…then everything so far ever in domaining is about to look like that first
7 second flight of that first rickety plane in Kittyhawk, NC all those years
ago compared to what is about to transpire in the future for “domainers”.
Ballsy claim? Yeah. But if we succeed at the level we’re
capable of…and I’ll admit…it IS a big IF…it’ll have been TRUE.
In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing with you our entire
unique asset (that’s your domain) marketing funnel and launch formula, what it
looks like, how it works, etc.
You can post the mindmaps and videos I send you on the
internet for all we care, because no one can copy ME and no one can copy Rick
Schwartz. But until TRAFFIC we MUST be “close to the vest” about a couple of
things. Whenever we email about those things, it’ll say so. Cool?
The rest, if Rick
and I know it, you get to know it too for trusting us to go on this journey
that is designed to help Rick accomplish his long-term vision: an income stream attached to 100 growing
companies, into which he contributed only the domain name.
I am grateful to YOU (clients) and Rick (my partner, and
your negotiator) for helping ME provide a WIN-WIN deal for those 100 companies.
Some will be attached to Rick’s own domains, some will be yours, but if I’m
successful then in the next few years the style deals will become
All I’m going to be
doing starting in mid-April is putting one huge Fedex-Logo-Style “Generic”
arrow in the sky after another pointing to no one in the “GENERIC”
business will be able to ignore when they “SEE IT”. (aka domain launch after
domain launch)
The domain names don’t sell themselves and you all know
that’s true. Nor will they sell themselves when paired with the right “offer”
(custom pitch page) or price (lease), but I can say this: once that RIGHT end
user company for each great domain name “SEES IT”…they WILL want it, and Rick’s
job is to work out how they can have it for the right price and terms agreeable
to both parties.
It’s called a seller’s market and right before your very
eyes you’ve all just seen Rick Schwartz mastermind gaining legitimate “listing”
control of 300+ domain name properties arguably better than many of his
own…(maybe I helped :) )and you all know how good Rick Schwartz is at “timing”,
Is there a “domain broker” on the planet who could have done
what Rick Schwartz and Danny Welsh have done in 8 weeks? In 1 year? If so,
PLEASE give them my contact info because they’re selling their work too damn
So we’re about to hit critical mass and LAUNCH unless the
folks in First Class (that’s you) are unable to to hang out, relax, drink a
mimosa or two and chat with each other instead of wandering around the cabin
asking a million questions and knocking on the cockpit door. :)
The folks in business
class seats are happy to pay you to sit on the beach just to get what you’re
not using to earn anything more than those millions of parking income nickels.
I know because I was and AM ONE of them (you do realize that while
Rick and I co-own the BUSINESS I don’t yet own
the domain name, right?).
The folks in the economy class seats can make a choice:
complain or cooperate.
It’s always their choice, but the www.imitation.jets that’s
$8.99 in 2013 will NEVER IN OUR LIFETIME equal
They will see proof after proof of that in the next years.
Sorry, ain’t even debatable to me or Rick. And if you believe THAT…then there
also ain’t no hurry, but we’re going to move with a purpose anyway.
In the coming days
and weeks you’ll see that we will give a LOT of $$$ opportunity to some really
sharp people who want to sell leasing the most premium style
domain names available on terms any smart “category” company is going to
recognize is a STEAL.
Before the “conversation” shifts 100% to building our sales
team and then both they and we shift again to only talking to the companies
that want to lease….
This is a last mass message
to our domain clients…If we don’t talk much in the next 60
days…know that I’m working hard for you and a team is being formed to do the
So until then, you may hear Rick Schwartz say “Morning
Folks!” many times in the next 60 days…
But I won’t be able to do that so much (even if the
pre-written “post” has my name on it). ;(
From me…as Jim
Carrey’s character might say about the Rick and Danny Show…
In case I don’t see
you later:
Good afternoon, Good
evening and Good NIGHT!
Danny Welsh
P.S. See you all in May at Vegas for TRAFFIC!
readers of RicksBlog who are NOT clients of this year…We are
almost ready to return you to your regularly scheduled programming…but not
If these recent weeks’ bull-rush of ideas and a FIRE HOSE of
value from a guy you’ve never heard of speaking as an authority in sales and
business bothered you simply because I’m giving value AND selling at the same
time…perhaps you should look at whose name is on the blog. Not mine. You gave
Rick permission to talk to you and share stuff he thinks is of value the moment
you visited his blog and subscribed. Recently the most newsworthy things he has
shared…it just so happens that it’s me sharing it on his behalf…and he owns
half of it. So our next pre-written posts
will mostly, with Rick’s blessing, detail our exclusive sub-broker sales
opportunity. 'Who else wants $500 cash plus 5% of $5000/mo for as many
as 5 years or more and then a chance for 5% of $5,000,000 buyout?' kind of
Most domainers have all tried self-development and most failed to get
much traction.
Don't even get me started on so-called ideas for 'scaled
mini-development' or 'automated' development or 'outsourced
development'. The problems with these are too numerous to mention.
It's SO obvious for a guy like me to see, who was an
to this thing called domaining until 2 years ago.
When you look at the VALUE of a domain name at it’s HIGHEST possible value…It’s
NOT about the “website” you build on a domain property (and it never has been).
Domainers have tried WAY too hard to “fake” a business with smoke and
mirrors, CPA, CPM, CPC bunch of BS you do not find as part of the “money-making
plan” of a real business
run by a real CATEGORY leading end user corporation (or a start-up company with
plans and aspirations to use the domain as a launch pad to BECOME a real
category-leading business).
Exceptions like you see with an,, or etc where a great domain name was developed
into a great business through the sweat and persistence and passion of a
dedicated domain name owner operating as a domainer second and an entrepreneur
FIRST are the stuff legends are made of, aren’t they?
But why are these exceptions?
I’ve said it before and it bears saying as many times in as many ways as
is necessary to reach John Jones, CEO, with the message.
Because for the most part, the most
valuable domain names aren't
in the hands of a company dedicated to making that domain name alone a part
of a great business. They're 'parked' in rows of hundreds of BEAUTIFIL CARS sitting on the
showroom floor “for sale”, and no one
who’s interested can even get a test drive!
The internet of the future I believe will merge great companies that have great
ideas with domains owned by about 500 people currently. These marriages will provide Harvard Case
studies for a century or more in MBA classes.
Because the experience of many domain investors attempting to develop
their best quality properties themselves often looks MUCH different when a quality domain name ends up in the hands of a passionate end user
business capable of exploiting more of that domain's advantages than a domain
investor ever could.
Through focus, resources, relationships, existing products and
services, and so much more among intangibles…in 100% of the cases a Melville
Candy Company is a better steward of a property than ANY domain name
Rick Schwartz has been saying this for years.
Some heard, most didn’t.
It’s not about SELLING a domain name.
It’s not about PARKING for pennies.
It’s not about DEVELOPING a website.
It’s about what’s the highest and best use
development of any given property in any given area.
And the “domainer” will NEVER add the other inputs
into the equation for the output to be the highest and best use of the domain
name without being a BUSINESS OWNER FIRST.
Sell, park, develop? That’s all? Shhh
What would you call it when the domain is of obvious value
such as but unused with little income and has untapped
beneath the surface the potential for millions when paired with the right ideas
and monetization strategy SPECIFIC to that domain itself?
What about licensing like the Castellos with
Or direct sales of highly targeted advertising in the 7 figure per year with
great destination sites/businesses they sweat to build as END USERS like I don’t know those guys yet but I hope to meet them soon,
having devoured their writings when Rick asked me to immerse myself in your
all’s world. They provide GREAT value in the marketplace and the companies that
pay them to advertise on those sites get a BARGAIN.
What happens when a company leases a domain simply to use it
on their TV commercial and redirect to their own lead capture page because the
direct response % of will out-pull to grab a higher
number of eyeballs you can turn into customers?
[[ASIDE: If you own a chain of
retail jewelry stores that sell rings among other jewelry products, is that a
bet you’d be willing to make me? You can find my email address pretty easily.
We’ll split-test it and bet real money on the results. Your existing TV
commercial. ONE tiny change = more money in your pocket every damn time you run
that commercial. If you win the bet, you walk with the cash having tried
something DIFFERENT to increase SALES. If I win, we can talk about maybe
rolling your cash from the bet into a deal for the domain.]]
What happens when you sell email addresses for
$10/year and then you make a success of it with 100,000 fans becoming
customers? Could you thereby create a market segment and a windfall that allows
you to use the SAME infrastructure and head-start also then in a JV to offer
email addresses for and to tens of millions of MLB
fans WITH the MLB’s blessing since they’ll be getting a cut for you to license
a dormant resource within THEIR domain names?
If someone thinks that somehow the
options to monetize a great domain name were “to sell” or “to park” or “to
develop” and now are also “to lease” or whatever, that’s baloney.
Not a single person reading this in 2013 will live long
enough to see ALL the creative and lucrative options to monetize a great domain
name. Even “domain leasing”, which people are trying to say is somehow
revolutionary is NOT. It’s evolutionary, and many domain owners have been doing
it for years.
THIS is the year, however, that Rick Schwartz and I have
teamed up to show the model to Corporate America with enough wind at the back
and empirical examples to show ANYONE doing their due diligence on domains to
know WITHOUT DOUBT that if money was no object and your business is in
“category” then is the game you want to play online in the 21st
century going forward.
*shakes head*
Sell, park, develop…or lease?
Which one of those simplistic monetization models is Rick’s
deal for
Rick told me this was risky…that some people who are domainers would
read this and think we’re belittling them, and many domainers try to hide the
facts to business owners about what they paid for that great domain name as an
investment you want to buy as a real tool.
If we can help the early .com domain name investor “SEE IT” that it is
perfectly OK not to have the resources or knowledge to develop even one great
domain name into a great business, then that’s a WIN. If we can help the
ambitious business owner who already has a good business and is looking for an
EDGE to make it a GREAT business “SEE IT” that it is perfectly OK not to have
realized 20 years ago that the asset you want today was once available for
$100, then that’s a WIN.
WIN-WIN joint ventures that put a great domain name in the hands of a
business that is or wants to become GREAT is what we are all about with—through WHATEVER creative joint venture deal that got the
parties together, whether it be lease, license, equity share, cash with
royalties, or other.
My role in what’s coming down the pike is to make it IMPOSSIBLE for the
end user entrepreneur in ANY business category to ignore the fact that is available, and present a UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY for a limited time
to ONE COMPANY to grab that strategic advantage…before their competitor wises
up first and takes a test drive on the Ferrari available only for lease instead
of buying the skateboard in the window.
RIGHT NOW there is an entrepreneur business owner seeking to
use and own a that’s no longer for sale for cash alone AT ANY
PRICE, and he’s researching and reading the story -- and many like
it-- for the first time in 2013…
RIGHT NOW there is an entrepreneur who is in an entirely
different business than anyone reading this except maybe his competition…and
he’s doing his due diligence on branded domains online vs generics online,
doing his due diligence on .whatever vs .com, talking to people he trusts,
getting in his marketing team’s face and demanding answers for how to increase
RIGHT NOW he has followed the yellow brick road of research
and been ATTRACTED from the world wide ocean of commerce somewhere on the globe
and he ends up RIGHT HERE., a river.
Then, the pond.
And once he realizes the IRREFUTABLE TRUTH of what Rick
Schwartz already knew in 1995 that guy will write an affordable check every
month for 10 years if need be to get that kind of growth advantage that is not
offered for sale, but lease only to a qualified company that may buy later with
ongoing royalties to the previous domain owner.
That business owner will hand the a great domain name off to
his marketing team and his web development team with a high-level plan to
increase sales of the products and services they already have using little more
than the notes he made while reading and an existing
infrastructure that is fully capable of MAGNIFYING and MULTIPLYING every
benefit of a great domain name once it’s paired with a GREAT business instead
of lying unused or underutlized…
That guy will say “GET IT DONE”. And that CEO will succeed
to grow his company like gangbusters, in multiples of millions and will likely
never read this blog again.
All while so many “domainers” squander the same advantages
that guy has on ONE domain and they have dozens just as good and they’re
parking for pennies to monetize the trickle of traffic coming in without any
effort or trying to build a website in a category niche to sell products where
they don’t already have a business or infrastructure.
The best domain names are not just about websites and never have been.
Think highest and best use.
Think real business.
Think “I don’t have to do everything myself” because the
other guy is there…and he needs me to profit more than he is now, just like I
need him too.
Bare with us for 4 more days as we put the finishing touches on our foundation. And yes, part of that foundation resides right here and the words here will be read many times for many years. Less by domainers and more by end users. The 'Bleacher Seats' I have talked about are now turning into box seats. On the record for the record! If you are too busy to read this, find the time. I promise you it is that important. I promise you the more you look, the more you see. Many of you will know this. Many of you will not. Everyone will understand it even more in a few minutes.
It’s obvious once you see it.
But many don’t see the ‘way forward’ in front of their face DAILY for YEARS
BY Danny Welsh,
I’m not the best or most recognized joint ventures specialist in the world in
2013, but a domain name lease deal and partnership with Rick Schwartz to
operate WILL give me a chance to grow INTO that in 10 years
if my ambition is that big. We’ll see how things unfold.
So I hope folks that consider themselves “domainers” will
forgive my bluntness here but a domain of quality will RARELY if
EVER earn what it could in the hands of someone that is a domainer first and an
entrepreneur in a specific category of business second.
CATEGORY,LLC with “category” resources, experience,
contacts, passion, products, services, ideas ETC is a better operator of than Mr. Domain Owner and his portfolio of hundreds of domain
names sitting around earning nickels with the potential for millions buried
underneath could EVER BE.
I’ve said it before and it bears saying as many times in as many ways
as is necessary to reach John Jones, CEO, with the message.
Because for the most part, the most
valuable domain names aren't
in the hands of a company dedicated to making that domain name alone a part
of a great business, you have MISSED this opportunity . These ASSETS are
'parked' in rows of hundreds of
BEAUTIFIL CARS sitting on the
showroom floor “for sale”,
and no one who’s interested can even get a test drive!
If you believe as I do that that above paragraph is true…
And you believe that intrinsic earning asset VALUES will
follow historical parallels of increasing PRICE for the BEST OF THE BEST such
as the real estate BUSINESS analogy I gave here: LINK
Or the baseball BUSINESS analogy I gave here: LINK
Then whether you call yourself a “domainer” or a business
owner, you MUST understand that to say that a domain name can only be “parked”
or “leased” or “developed as website” is incredibly short sighted, a simplistic
definition and frankly incorrect.
“Development” is
webmaster talk. The guy or gal
whose company is the highest and best use of ANY of the best generic .com
domain names in the world likely doesn’t know HOW to build or develop a website
because he hires the specialists that can do that. Even if he can do it, he
hires someone else.
The guy who knows WHY to do something pays the guy who knows
HOW in capitalism.
At a certain level of
domain name ASSET valuation, “website development” as so many “domainers” talk
about it is IRRELEVANT in my opinion -- and that of Rick Schwartz if I’ve read him correctly.
The highest and best use value of a domain name ain’t ultimately
about only the WEBSITE you put on a domain name, folks,
and it never WAS…and it never will be.
It’s about the BUSINESS that
can best occupy that premium space,
and that business’s products and services that can be sold to
real customers for a real exchange of value.
For every BUSINESS developed by a “domainer” that gets
it right as an entrepreneur to make that great domain name just simply a PART
of a GREATER BUSINESS, there are dozens
of eRealEstate internet properties in Rick Schwartz’s portfolio alone that
COULD be a success…if it were in the hands of the right
company (and that company is emphatically not
Rick Schwartz, LLC) with the right person in charge (and that person is
emphatically not Rick
Schwartz, the domainer).
And for me, personally, getting a full understanding of the true intrinsic
VALUE of premium category dot com domain names (as opposed to the PRICES of sales we all see catalogued by Ron Jackson
and others who serve the still NASCENT domain name industry with their reports)…my
education in learning this stuff has hinged on the obvious-once-you-see-it parallels and analogies I’ve been sharing in
these blog posts to help the BUSINESS OWNER of 2013 see what the DOMAIN KING
already saw in 1994.
What do I mean by
you see the way forward in that logo on the left?
you see the arrow? Most don’t until it’s pointed out to them.
Many people see that logo multiple times per week on Fedex trucks and
on Fedex TV commercials and on Fedex brick-and-mortar store signs…and
they’ve never seen the “way forward” hidden in plain sight.
When it comes to the MASSIVE difference in value between
and, or vs., 90% of business
owners don’t yet SEE what the smartest entrepreneurs who are also “domainers”
have seen for YEARS in plain sight.
When it comes to the 1000x difference those who’ve been investing in an
ASSET class for 20 years know exists at the highest levels between anasset with the standard
domain name extension that will give you so many benefits that MAKE YOU
MONEY vs www.GENERIC.crap commodity for
$8.99 with a made-up domain name extension that will cost you money every day
even as you grow your business…many entrepreneurial business owners in
the MAINSTREAM of 2013 that are just getting their feet wet and taking their
brick and mortar stores online to compete simply do not yet “SEE IT”.
They don’t know what Rick Schwartz knows. What “the 500” knows. What
most every long time reader of this incredibly wisdom-filled blog--
increasingly becoming less a living room for the few who know and an auditorium
for the many that don’t-- has known for years.
They who are totally NEW TO THIS
they know they sure as hell found their way here to this crappy looking blog
(sorry, Rick)
after following the Yellow Brick Road from a domain name like
or or hundreds of the other best domain names in the
ending up on and finally SEEING IT.
they’re scratching their head and only after they know what they want to BUY
(the domain name they first typed in to visit itself) are they going to a
search engine and doing their due diligence and finding themselves here and
wondering, is all this for REAL?
Yep. It is. And starting 2/1/13 the focus for Rick Schwartz and for Danny Welsh
and for the team we are building will 180 degree shift. People will claim
differently but the last few weeks of us launching ain’t
simply about convincing “domainers” to do business with us, and never was.
The end users are reading this news increasingly too. When they do, the
smart and ambitious ones are going to SEE IT FIRST. How real it is, how raw,
how undeniable. What we already see and Rick Schwartz saw 20 years ago. Just
like if that was the first time you saw the arrow and the way forward in the
Fedex logo, in the future YOU won’t be able to NOT see it.
Increasingly this next few years, once the mainstream of business around the world knows the difference between an $8 domain and an 8-figure domain…they won’t be able to NOT see it.
The biggest question for you if you’re a business owner who followed
that Yellow Brick Road is if YOU will SEE IT first in time to get your hands on
a multi-million dollar asset for $xx,xxx per year…before your competitors sign
the long-term domain lease/license contract and send their money to
So please, by all means…Do your due diligence. But do it fast.
In 3 years the cars on the showroom floor will simply be gone, on the
road, with a DRIVER at a great company in the front seat of each propelling
forward at 200MPH with the wind at his back.
Take too long to make the decision to grab this advantage, and never
again will you have an opportunity to drive a Ferrari that makes you money and
increases in value for the price of a that will cost you down the
road when you simply should have grabbed the keys and said “Let’s Go!”.
Reading this post, I learned a few things about my partner Danny Welsh that even *I* didn’t know about. A $2,000 cash offer to buy one of MY real estate domain names in 2010? LOL. You can wish in one hand and…well, I’ll let Danny tell the sad, sorry story that started with his misguided desire to be a CASH BUYER of one of my properties and ended with the reality of him as my INCOME PARTNER with a long-term plan aligned with my own vision that’s making money for us both. You mean it wasn't love at first sight Danny? Tell me it ain't so. ;-)
Rick Schwartz
By Danny Welsh
'A passionate,
energetic, HUNGRY guy or gal is looking at your uncooked right now
and wondering if you’d let them have half…if he/she cooked it to mouthwatering
perfection FOR YOU.'
I first stumbled across November of 2010. I
found it the same way many “end users” found their way here. I wanted to buy
one of Rick’s real estate related domain names for use in one of my own
businesses. I typed it in and saw it
wasn’t being “used”.
I did my due diligence on the domain owner through the
public databases and followed the yellow brick road and landed here and found a
self-promotional blog from this brash, cursing, big-mouthed guy sitting like a
troll atop a mountain of treasure he was all to himself.
Sorry, Rick! ;-)
(that WAS my first
impression of you, and I’m sure it was
many people’s impression before you won them over)
I think I had in
mind that I might offer this blowhard as much as $2,000 since the guy “wasn’t
using the domain” with all those crappy links on a one page website…and I was
sure that would be plenty when “domains only cost 8 bucks” (my thinking
Little did I know how highly Rick Schwartz valued the best
generic .com domain names…how many years he’d patiently been making one annual
bet after another on the future he saw through a crystal ball…or how asleep at
the wheel so much of the business world had been JUST LIKE ME.
Suffice to say…Little did I know then how highly *I* would
come to value the best domain names now as 2013 gets into full swing just a
shade over two years later as Rick’s junior partner with
But my email to ask about that domain’s price never
I read that first blog post of Rick’s and I was hooked.
My first impression that this guy was a greedy troll changed
in minutes to a feeling that I was hearing direct from one of the most
visionary business thinkers I might ever have the fortune to meet or interact
with…and he’s talking direct to me and saying he’s looking for partners! I left
a comment that’s pretty relevant to what I was thinking at that moment…and what
I’m still thinking at THIS moment.
Some people have asked when I got the idea for what we’re
still just in the baby stages of creating with It's hard to
say exactly, but I can tell you when I
started thinking about the things that would later knock together in my mind
and make it my mission to get Rick Schwartz on board with the ideas I had…FIRST.
It was the day I read that “strategic alliances” post by
I continued reading this blog, finding some pretty powerful
gems of business wisdom, but you wouldn’t find me engaging in any conversation
or “comments”. Then a little over a year ago, I read this post:
I saw that Rick wanted to create strategic alliances and joint ventures, and
that’s where he was going to put his focus.
I saw him claim that he’d get a piece of 100 companies by bringing to the table
ONLY a great domain name upon which a great business can be built.
thereafter I came across Rick’s, and it just clicked in my
head: “I can sell that concept better
than he can”, I thought to myself.
Sorry, Rick! ;-)
And yet even though secretly I thought this guy I’d never
met or talked to initially came across as a DICK and a know-it-all to those
that don’t do their due diligence below the surface, I realized that without a
doubt in my mind, no matter how many rough edges his BLUNT approach to business
had…I realized ”He’s GOING to succeed in that vision.”
Then I started thinking what it might be worth to him…and to
me…if I could help make that vision crystallize faster. If I could bring the fruits to harvest more quickly then maybe he’d
share with me?
A year later, I’d made over a dozen attempts to personally
connect with Rick Schwartz.
Email. Phone. Mail. Christmas
Cards. You name it.
No real luck, and
in fact no response at all.
[[Aside: Rick told me recently that when
he closed out a post office box there was mail from me in it…never opened….TIMING
is everything in some things, is it not?]]
I wasn’t making it my #1 goal to reach him or anything. I
was already successful with some business stuff. But I have a habit of
connecting with smart, successful, influential people no matter what it takes
or how long it takes…and adding value to those contacts to turn them into
personal connections…a habit that has made my relationships with other people
the #1 most valuable asset I have as an entrepreneur.
And in all humility I will say that I’m one persistent guy,
passionate about accomplishing more in business than most people allow
themselves to dream is possible.
Persistence, relationships, hunger and passion are 4
the key components missing from a great domain name like
‘heating up’ to become a great business, are they not?
Not all the components, but quite a few.
We're approaching year 20 of Rick's long-stated famous 20
year plan and you probably know by now that he's publicly claimed that by
that year --2015 to be exact—the vast majority of his income will come from
domain leasing and domain partnership joint ventures, with only the quantity
and not the quality domain names left in his portfolio being
undeveloped/parked. If you follow regularly,
you now know that this guy “Danny Welsh” is the guy Rick is trusting with an
exclusive deal on a large part of his choicest portfolio of names to create and
implement the plans to help make that transformation from a passive portfolio
to an active one. Plans to transition from unexploited
assets to ones that maximize every advantage of premium domain names turned
into real destination businesses. Plans to transition from depending on aggregate 'machine-driven'
monetization companies to partnering with warm-blooded human beings passionate
about a business/niche. Plans to transition from having an important puzzle piece in any 21st
century business that the domain owner exchanges for cash alone in a sale, to a future where the domain owner exchanges
control of their most valuable Internet property for a piece of the company
acquiring it, monthly guaranteed income, AND cash.
Will Rick's trust in me be a good bet? Will the plans for he and I have developed together
fly or fail? Will you also making the same bet by letting Rick and I and
the team we're building list and market to represent a few of your best
properties as an active deal-hunting broker?
Maybe it will be a good bet for Rick and for you all, and maybe your community
of domain investors will revisit this post in a decade and laugh at the balls
of the 'outsider' who came here talking about domain leasing, domain
joint ventures, blah blah blah…and failed utterly.
Which is the smarter bet?
Time and deals will
Rick Schwartz has predicted a lot of what I'm trying to 'speed
up' for years and that's on the record for the record-- leasing, joint
ventures, being a part of a great domain name forever ala style
Since he has ASKED ME to come
here and ask permission of some of his closest friends and past customers to do
business with them as well, and he's
not only backing me as a partner in representing other domain owners but “he's
also a client' like that old Hair Club For Men commercial you may remember,
this series of posts has been about doing just that.
Knowing those things, and knowing Rick's track record for making great bets
on the future...maybe that's all you wanted or needed to know about me
before listing with and giving Rick and I a chance to make
some money together with you, at no risk or up-front cost to you.
For that I thank you just as I thank the first 100 or so clients that
are giving us that chance in 2013 to do for them the kind of deals Rick is
known for doing for himself.
If not, no big deal.
If we’ve lit a fire under some of these folks like Rick to try
something DIFFERENT, even if it’s not doing business with…I’m
fine with that.
All I know is that if every one of those among “the 500” who own the
best .com generic domain names in the world believes in their intrinsic value
as much as Rick does, puts a future price on their holdings and sticks to their
guns, whether we play on the same team or not, we cannot lose.
And if those folks do as Rick is doing and give a growth-oriented
company a chance to operate a million-dollar domain name in an affordable
monthly lease or risk-free joint venture…they just might be DAMNED SURPRISED at
how much potential profit is left LOCKED UP in a 2nd Tier domain
name like getting only a few hundred type-in visitors per
year and earning almost NOTHING UNTIL it is paired with a business plan and a
team that will execute it.
For damned sure no one is surprised at how much value is locked up in a 1st-tier value domain name when it’s parked. What you’ll see more and more of
this year is nothing new. Just how things will and MUST unfold, and who gets
paid for predicting the future better, the guy with the uncooked steak or the
guy hungering for the opportunity to cook and eat some of it.
Selling a top-tier domain name in the next 3 years for cash
only is going to be like trying to cook a 60 second steak from a beef cow that
took YEARS to be grain-fed and well-treated to create the highest value steak
imaginable. It’s selling yourself WAY short, steakmeisters!
AND it’s selling your steak buyer short, if you’re promising
him an instant mouthwatering steak in 60 seconds or less.
Can’t be done! Sorry, it’s what we see and there ain’t no
changing that. Patience is the virtue here, for those among the 500. I believe
what Rick Schwartz believes: You’ve already arrived. You own the restaurant.
Accept it and quit doubting yourself. Let the qualified and passionate General
Manager come along and operate the business THEY WERE ALREADY GOING TO OPERATE,
paying you a percentage for letting them do it in YOUR superior restaurant
I’ll leave you today how I greeted you:
A passionate,
energetic, HUNGRY guy or gal is looking at your uncooked right now
and wondering if you’d let them have half…if he/she cooked it to mouthwatering
perfection FOR YOU.
But these waves of
end users increasingly coming are not stupid.
They’ll eat your lunch, domainers…IF you LET THEM.
Let them buy that generic category-defining top-tier .com
social or commercial domain name they want and I don’t care HOW BIG THE CASH
OUTLAY IS for a straight sale in 2013-2015…it WILL prove to be short sighted.
Insist on exchanging that domain name for having a seat at
that business’s table forever and you are no longer a domain speculator; but
you’re now an investor in a potentially great business.
When I approach a business I approach it in a deliberate manner and long term. I know the difference between urgent and who gives a shit. Prioritizing may be my single greatest strength. I know what has to be done first, second and third and by then usually the other things just fall into place or there is more than enough time to address them.
I have watched many a company come and go because either the timing was wrong or the formula was wrong. My companies have many things going for them whenever I start one. Most importantly, I am not dependant on the entity to eat and survive. That allows me the luxury of taking my time and playing a different type game.
The audience I am targeting may be the single smallest group in domaining and thus in any other sector of business of any industry in the world. But that small group understand what they own and the potential they have when matched with the best partner. They have patiently kept their portfolios in tact waiting for the future. My vision MAY be their vision and I am banking on it that it is.
Unlike a broker or others, I could care less if a deal is made. I only want to attract the smallest of audiences. The ONE person or business uniquely qualified to pull something off that is very big. I don't waste my time or the time of others with undervalued offers or folks that don't see what I see.
Now I am not dissing brokers. I am showing the difference in mindset in this particular game. I would be dissing myself if I was. Selling a domain via a broker and turning it into cash is a great thing. What we are trying to do and is instead of the immediate cash, which some may need, we are looking for long term revenue streams. Long term upsides. Long term participation in the assets WE DISCOVERED and are somewhat attached to. We want to share in what we initially saw and THAT is the difference and where I come into the equation.
I have never made public all the moving parts in the deal. 1 part cash, 1 part finance, 1 part interest, 1 part royalty of 2%. I tried like hell to get 10% of the company through the entire negotiations. I was able to get nothing in the initial deal. But in the years that have past I have been able to acquire 7.5% of the entire company. I also just exercized an option in December for an additional 2.5%. So I got 10% AND 2% royalty.
But here is a part I don't think I have ever made public. If were to sell at some point, I get to share on the upside of that sale to the tune of 20%. Total payouts in 2012 will be $250k. That is before we get to my 7.5%.
Yup, Could have sold it for $500,000-$1,00,000 when I got it. But I look at the world differenty. My mission is to build LARGE revenue streams that last a lifetime. Being patient for a return 10x-100x or more.
Meanwhile I see folks sell their assets much below what some domains are actually worth. I measure domains in a way my target group does. As a unique piece of a very important puzzle that has the ability to unlock millions of dollars in added sales and to hurt your competition while doing it. IF you have category defining names. Basically one and 2 word domains that define a category or product or service as I have defined over the past 30 days right here on this blog. deal was largely based on the deal. It took nearly 2 years to make that deal a reality. Some of the 'Moving Parts' are different but the starting point was the same. These deals take months and sometimes years to negotiate. Especially ground breaking deals with formulas that are much more intense than selling a domain for less than the real future value of the asset. and also come with future upsides.
These deals only work on certain domains that I have defined over the past weeks. And of course it is not an easy process. But it is getting easier with each passing day and the coming rise and fall of .whatever will seal the deal for leasing great .com domain names.
Not all deals can get done like this. But each case requires a custom formula that incorporates the things most important to buyer and seller. I am a 'Chemist' when it comes to these formulas because they are always multi-dimensional. But finding the right partner, with the right mindest, with the passion and energy to do something BIG is really the game. Really the big hurdle. But they are always out there. Their ideas bigger than their wallets and are willing to share the prize to get their shot at reaching the stars. It's much more than selling a domain name. It's getting your shot to hit the big time.
I simply realized that I could be one of those moving parts if I can bring to worlds together and hammer out a deal not only agreeable to each but each party walking away excited and satisfied because a seed of the future has been planed and the chances for germination are quite high. Many of you have much better domains than I have. I'll be blunt, I want to share in your income of that domain for the rest of my life. I am willing to invest my TIME to that end. Simple. I see that big an updside by bringing those two wrold's together.
At the end of the day my job is to transform a category defining domain name from making $10/day to making $100/day, $1000/day and being part of a blossoming business and not just the ower of the domain name. This is not small ball looking for 10% or 20% increases. This is about transforming your domains, ONE BY ONE, into long term leases, businesses, joint ventures and other options I am able to negotiate on your behalf with you setting the boundaries. I just need you free listing and you don't have to do a single thing different with your domain name. Just wait for an email from me.
So 2013 marks the start of a long journey that will change how many of us do business in the future. I wish it was a formula that would work universally. It can only work for certain domains. So instead of trying to sell a valuable domain to domainers, transform it into an annuity. Into a long term or even permanent income producing asset. I can only use the best domains out there to do this. The more category defining, the more leverage.
The future is not about chasing the past but being way early for a future present. Plan for a future day and be there before others know that they too will be there. Not rocket science. Just a shortcut to the future. I am uniquely qualified to pull this off because to me it is simply repeating what I have done except with even better domains than mine and the patience and passion to negotiate like it was my own.
I am fishing for big game. It means we go home empty handed MOST of the time. But when we return with that BIG ONE......the whole town turns out and a new day dawns.
Since 1996 I have thought that when you have a great domain you can attract folks to work with you and create 'Joint Ventures'.
I even tried to do this with in 1997. I was laughed at by each person I would discuss it with. What they did not know (and thank goodness) had they said 'Yes', that would have been worth in excess of $500k to them annually. Boy was I DUMB and thankfully so were they!
But I never let go of that vision. I just had to be patient enough for others to see and understand what I see and understand.
When PPC began to drop in 2007, I started changing how I do business. I now make only a fraction of my income from parking. The majority now comes from my joint ventures.
I opened up a few sites like and to explain what I was looking for along with a message on each parked page looking for joint venture partners. In 1997 it was In 1999 until now has been Always trying to educate the end user or the person out there with a big dream. If you advertise for elephants, you can get elephants!
I now have about 12-15 sites with my domains that others are trying to make a go of. Just yesterday, went online with a guy that emailed me earlier this week. Each day he will add more value and content. Will it work? We'll see. was making me about $25/month on PPC. So in 30 days I will evaulate what he has done and hopefully there will be something that attracts eyeballs.
I experiment and look for a spark. Most will fail. That is okay. Each failure is one step closer to a success. You never know where or in what form that success will come in. But you must keep pitching that ball if you want to have a chance. And when you own a great domain name, you have the luxury of time to try this and that and this again.
Over the summer I have been working with somebody to try and change the dynamics on about 6 other domain names. I have active conversations going with others. What was laughable in 1997 is MY reality today.
This week alone I had at least 5 folks willing to lease some domains. Until the last year or two when I would mention the word 'Lease' they would laugh. Now tey are making offers. That's a major shift.
But you can't do it with worthless domains. Like yesterday I got spammed with a domain name. I own I get a spam for which means nothing. Not that is the greatest domain name. But the other is PURE pigeon shit. Or when there is a 'S' in the wrong place making like a double plural.
A domain has to be meaningful to be leased. Yesterday somebody offered me $50/month for a domain I was asking $1500/month for. I told him right out, if your business is only capable of those low numbers on a 'Diamond' domain, I have no interest. I just look at it thru a different set of eyes. If I open a store on Main Street how much will it cost? To service a smaller area. That is my basis since 1996 and it ain't going to change. I have just been patient enough for LIFE and REALITY to catch up to my vision. And around the turn they come!!!
Lastly, when I lease I usually have language weaved in which outlines what will happen in the event of a great success. That way everyone is more comfortable and all hoping for that great success.
Each week I see all types of companies announcing their domain sales for the week. It's the new big thing. So I wanted to get on the bandwagon. I was going to announce it each week as well but decided not to.
So the following is my total sales for 2012 through August 31, 2012.
I don't sell my domains. I lease them, do joint ventures, experiment and so on. The only way I sell a domain is when the offer is greater than my best idea. Where the number is higher than I can achieve myself in time. Or I just let the domains drop because it does not make my portfolio stronger and I don't have the time or desire to try and sell domains I perceive of having no real value. I don't sell Pigeon Shit to others. Once I label it as pigeon shit, in the garbage it goes. If somebody wants to eat my pigeon shit......that's why they have pigeons. I just don't make a living feeding those pigeons. ;-)
I like to sell ONE domain per year. ONE! That is my goal each year. ONE! One 6 figure or more domain sale.
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