A Record Breaking Year for Domain Sales? You Bet! Here is Why.

Morning Folks!!

Last year I kept saying Ron Jackson will report that 2009
was a record breaking year for
domain sales. I was wrong. But I just got the calendar wrong, not the event itself. We
are in the midst of a record breaking year for domain sales. The event is
predictable because of how things play out in times like this. A convergence of
good and bad reasons, plus strong and weak positions. Then add a great time to
start new divisions and expand as the strong in every industry prey on the weak
in every industry. That produces a new need and a new demand. Thus we are in a
record breaking era. Much of it will be driven by the end user. And please keep
in mind that MOST sales are never reported. I have to fight for every one to go
public. One domain I sold in the past year I am not allowed to make public as
they were concerned folks would laugh at them for the $$$ they paid. It was a significant
amount. That was the reason. How many other sales are never disclosed? So I am
here to say that visible or invisible, we ARE in a record breaking sales

Two things happen in times like this. Many get great bargains. Many
more do not. Make no mistake, the
end user is NOW in the game and he is in there in a big way. But in a stealth
way. He is also in like an Eagle
as they target specific domain names. Some as we see with EverythingEverywhere.com
are sold for a fraction of the true value and others are selling for hundreds of
times their true value. The seller must know the difference and the buyer must
know the difference. They will continue to come one product, one project, one need, one
application at a time. This is an era that will produce the circumstance that
boosts the entire industry in a massive way because there are new products, new projects, new needs and new applications. Lots of them.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

8 thoughts on “A Record Breaking Year for Domain Sales? You Bet! Here is Why.

  1. Scott Alliy

    Great point Rick
    because there are new products, new projects, new needs and new applications. Lots of them.
    We often get wrapped up in our own tiny worlds and forget that there are millions and millions of people with their own needs and motivations to act at this time. Needs BTW that our domain holdings can and will eventually fill if as you pointed out positioned and priced properly.
    Sadly while some domainers will be boasting of long awaited end user sales other domainers will be lamenting about the one they let get away during the panic of the crash of 2008 or in the interim period.
    One other point is not to stop looking for gems right now and get caught up in the”all the good ones are taken” mentality. The domain that fills an end user need a need doesn’t have to be one that was held for years. As a case in point the Adam Strong situation where he picked up and then flipped a domain name for huge upside profit.

  2. George

    What I think a lot of people (domainers) fail to realize is that the domain buying/surfing public doesn’t care about your madeupname.com. You have to get in tune with reality and look for names that will have future application or future value. Names like Toys.com for example, will always have value but to many those names are far out of reach. So, you have to go with your gut instinct and read up on trends and think about the past and apply that to the future.

  3. Dean

    I was trying to post this on in response to one of your other blog posts, but there seemed to be a glitch in the system.
    I study some Chinese Philosophy and there are conflicting opinions about the theory below, however true or not it makes perfect sense to me.
    “The symbols for crisis in Chinese are made up of these two words:
    They are pronounced wei1 ji1.
    wei means”danger; peril”.
    And ji means”opportunity; crucial point”
    So literally wei plus ji equals”danger” plus”oportunity”.
    However in reality, a crisis is still a dangerous state of affairs – regardless of the language.
    Crisis wei ji still means”a situation that has reached an extremely difficult or dangerous point”.
    However, a dangerous situation can become an opportunity if wei ji becomes zhuan3 ji1.
    Zhuan ji means”turn for the better”. Zhuan means”turn into”. So zhuan ji means”turn into opportunity”.
    In this sense, the Chinese symbol crisis can mean”opportunity” in a time of”danger”.

  4. Internetual

    thought you may enjoy revisiting a great quote of yours Rick. along with an extra paragraph i added
    your ’email me’ link doesnt work on this site so posted here
    click the ‘internetual’ link above
    may be worthy of a new blog post of yours Rick?
    focus on the positives


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