Asheville Professional Domain Investors Meetup; A Celebration of Domaining! Registration NOW OPEN!! BOOM!

Morning Folks!!

I look at things differently, and therefore I have different paths and different results. We all do. Less than 3 weeks ago the thought of this event for THIS YEAR was not even born. But when it was, I do what I do best, make things happen. Two sticks for some, a raging fire tool for me.

When I look back at the domain events I have held and the atmosphere I tried to provide, one word finally came to me, "Celebration." When I meet other domain investors it's to celebrate what we do and the success we have found and the new challenges we want to harness. That was the atmosphere at the intimate dinner all those years ago in Asheville that I described in this post. The trick is being able to apply that to a larger group.

That's where the food comes in. When we celebrate, food is NEVER far away. It's part of who we all are. So breaking bread is always the centerpiece of what I do. And since it's a celebration you want really good food, not just cheap food. That makes it a bit more special. And a tad more pricey. But I have an allergy to doing anything on the cheap. I do it RIGHT and I have faith that it all works out. The budget is not a dollar figure. The budget is about what you want and need to ahieve, accomplish and the best way to do it.

Look, we are loners behind our keyboards. We need different things than others. We are creative people. Creative people work best when relaxed. Put is in a room together and it is combustible.

What I do is a thought out recipe for progress and my job is to get out of the way. What makes Asheville different? I'll tell ya......

Objectively I am considered one of the most independent domainers out there. I don't have to answer to anyone. I am not beholden to anyone. My opinions are vivid, strong and unwavering. Time has proven to be my best ally. However, with NEW FACTS and NEW CIRCUMSTANCES, I always re-evaluate.

I learned a lot doing all these shows at TRAFFIC. I know the good, the bad, the ugly. So a new recipe leaves out the bad and ugly. lol. How hard is that? Pretty simple!

So if I am the most independent voice in the Domaining world, my friend Michael Berkens is the most knowledgeable. You can go back a decade, and you will see how many times I refer to Mike as "My research Department." The guy is an information machine that is faster and more accurate than Google! He is also an independent voice. He may not be a renegade like me, but he knows his stuff better than anyone I know in this business.

The only thing I have to sell is this concept that the industry was hijacked by entities that put domain investors and OUR interests at the back of the bus. It was what THEY needed, not what WE as Professional Domain Investors needed. We are not a large group. There are more people working at Godaddy RIGHT NOW ON SUNDAY than there are TRULY professional Domain Name Investors in the world. Now multiply that by all the other companies in the space and you will see and understand what a tiny minority we are. We are a select group whether we like it or not. It's just reality!

Do Professional Domain Name Investors NEED a flawed and automated valuation system to help US or THEM?? Do you know or understand the damage this is doing? Do you care? It's a fraud! And I am not afraid of saying what I believe to be true!

Does keeping domain values artificially low help US or THEM??

Does not disclosing traffic loss and confusion help US or THEM?

Does our traffic and the value of it help US or THEM?

I can go down the list and, I am sure in your comments you will think of your own.

Does ICANN protect US or THEM?

How many times do you have to see that domain investors are being exploited in every which way? Clawbacks, tainted auctions, policies that never default in favor of us. So maybe it's time to get back to basics. If domain investors don't give a rats ass about protecting themselves, why the hell should they?

So why go to another event? Maybe to reclaim your power back. And if you do, that is something to CELEBRATE!! Isn't it about time?

Life is short. We all love what we do. We are all so lucky to do what we do. Nothing better than enjoying the fruits of our labors with like-minded laborers. Trust us to take us back to the future and find OUR path and define OUR path not anyone else's.

Professional Domain Investors are a small and intimate group. Our numbers are too small to be significant. We are in the hundreds. Maybe even a thousand. But what we have in our portfolios are significant, meangful, and our small group needs to step up to the plate. If we don't believe in our assets, why would anyone else?

As of RIGHT NOW, registration is open for the Asheville Meetup. If you missed Woodstock or were not born. If you missed the inaugural TRAFFIC 2004 or many of the other momentous shows, If you missed the opportunity as it passed you by, don't miss this one.

"Successful Trade Show Heralds the Start of a New Era For the Domain Industry" That was Ron Jackson's famous headline. Everyone including Ron was skeptical when they first arrived. Nobody was skeptical when they left! Nobody should be skeptical about the blowout that Asheville is going to be!

The link is now active, Take a peak. Feel free to circulate. (Please)

And you can book your room for just $349 while they last at this link:

UPDATE: 2-26-2019 6PM EST: The initial block of hotel rooms was exhausted in a little over 24 hours. (unbelievable!!!!) The new block has just been loaded in their system and is ready to go again. 45 more rooms online now.

The most talked about, independent, and anticipated event in the domain investment industry this year will be in Asheville. Mark my words. From a 20 year dream to a seed planted just 18 days ago to reality now! BOOM! That's how it's done! The rest is all fun!

Rick Schwartz

12 thoughts on “Asheville Professional Domain Investors Meetup; A Celebration of Domaining! Registration NOW OPEN!! BOOM!

  1. steve

    We just had breakfast at the Grove Park this morning. Nice sunny, albeit nippy, day in Asheville.

    Count me in.

  2. Don Nelson

    Just saw this great news. Tried the the room reservation link and got an error (is it too late for the room rate)? I’ve missed the past shows and definitely want to attend this Asheville Domain Investors Meetup! Look forward to attending in August.

    1. Rick Schwartz

      The initial block of hotel rooms was exhausted in a little over 24 hours. (unbelievable!!!!)
      Looks like the new block has not been loaded in their system yet.
      May not be resolved until tomorrow. We’ll see.
      Thanks, don’t worry. 45 more rooms coming online soon.

  3. John

    Don’t just gloss over this peeps:

    “Do Professional Domain Name Investors NEED a flawed and automated valuation system to help US or THEM?? Do you know or understand the damage this is doing? Do you care? It’s a fraud! And I am not afraid of saying what I believe to be true!

    Does keeping domain values artificially low help US or THEM??”

    My Dad’s girlfriend helped make the Woodstock movie.

  4. steve


    I have a mountain home a few miles outside Asheville. So will not need to book a room. Thanks
    BTW — more boutique hotels going up, to keep up with the demand. Asheville is now among the top 10 towns in the USA for tourists. It recently passed Charleston and Savannah (I realize polls are different, depending on the publication)

  5. Bill Hartzer

    >> Do Professional Domain Name Investors NEED a flawed and automated valuation system to help US or THEM??
    As you mentioned in the post, we need to talk more about “automated valuations”. Too many end users (buyers) rely on them, and I agree, they’re just flawed.

    1. John

      Bill you seem like a popular well known guy. So take it from an anonymous troll like me: it’s not enough that you recognize they are flawed. You have to recognize they have been causing harm. Much, widespread harm. See my latest comment under Elliot Silver’s current blog post “Full 2019 NamesCon Auction Sale List” for just one aspect of the matter.

  6. John

    Speaking of nice huge resort-style complexes like that, by the way, did anyone ever go to Grossinger’s in the Catskills before it ascended into history?

  7. Mohamed Ahmaid

    I would love to join you guys and visit Asheville which seems to be my type but as (Libyan) getting visit visa to States is a nightmare.
    Maybe in the future , wish you great time


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