How Valuable is the 800 Number and the EXACT Domain Name Match Together?

Morning Folks!!

How important is it to have your 800 number match your web address??

Marriott has 1-800-Marriott and

Many if not most of the hotel chains are matched. has 1-800-GOLD-LINE and www.GOLDLINE.COM

Many of the Fortune 500 that lend to a match has some match.

I think marketing wise it is the top of the pyramid. No Runs, No leaks, No errors.

I only have I think 2 domains that I have the corresponding 800 number. So not easy to accomplish.

What say you?

Rick Schwartz

17 thoughts on “How Valuable is the 800 Number and the EXACT Domain Name Match Together?

  1. UFO

    I’ve been saying for AGES about a diff tech approach to all this.
    You should be able to call the domain name and it automatically puts you to the switchboard (or step through telephony choices).
    The domain name should and could easily be the single point of initial contact.

    Skype et al have missed the ball on this one.

    This convergence should help inflate .com prices even more and make cctlds more valuable.

    The greater the concentration the more effective any marketing is.


    I Own and 1-800-76-SPACE , it was very hard to get the vanity number for , also i own WooHoo.Travel and the Number 1-877-7-WooHoo

  3. BFitz

    We use WeCater (.)com and getting a local # match was more expensive than the domain. All toll free matches are taken by end users who do not even know they have these words in their number. Its top tier and makes you look like a pro out of the gate.

  4. Mark Hershiser

    My cousin was co-founder and President of 1-800-Medicine, they used and were very successful. They should have bought back when they started.

    I have an 800 number that I use for one of my businesses, I have had it for almost 20 years, it’s 234-DIAL, it also spells Beg-Dick so I get lots of interesting calls late at night pointing that out. I have had a few offers over the years for the phone number, I turned down a $5k offer a few years ago, I wanted to sell it but it was my active working business phone number for years in ads and on websites and in phone directories so I didn’t want to go through the hassle of changing my business phone number for $5k. But it really made me realize the value of a decent 800 number.

  5. Duane Higgins is owned by of course the Dish Network. They also own the 1800getdish phone number. For some reason, they don’t want I have the name and have offered it several times with no interest. Not even an offer. Apparently some arent on board with the value.

  6. Siter - domain dialing

    Hey UFO, please visit:

    Siter is the only app that allows smartphone users to make a phone call through a domain name or email instead of using a phone number. It allows you to use any top-level-domain as a phone number. Siter works with all top-level-domains and all NewTLD’s: .com, .net, .org, .de, .jp, .cn, .co, etc. and is free to download for iPhone, Blackberry, Android and WindowsPhone.

    I hope like the concept.


  7. UFO

    Siter – domain dialing

    Good stuff, the issues though is that you need to have your product as the standardised and accepted product which may be problematic as the likes of Skype could easily swoop in and do the same. Hopefully you have IP protection esp patent in the US (As no huge company will forego the US) or convesely something like the UK so they roll it out in the US and then pay through the nose for the UK etc.

    The other issue is you’re not linking to the current telephone network. (Which the carriers might block) or conversely offering a desk base VOIP phone that businesses can install and take these calls. You have to make it simple for the masses.

    A whole landbase tele network can be constructed to bypass the main carriers if the interenet is used.

  8. tcr

    you have missed the point. its with corresponding 1-800-buy-home. what you have is not worth much at all

  9. domain guy

    I own a good domain and recently tried to get the corresponding vanity phone number. I called the organization they own 150k vanity phone numbers and will not sell. Its their policy lease only. I called several yrs ago and tried to match a domain to a vanity number the cost was 50k not a penny less. this is the top of the mktg pyramid. rick you are so on top of everything.


    It’s funny how people who can’t think for themselves can tell somebody what is worthless. These sheep like to follow the herd, yet they can’t believe their lying eyes. If, or, are doing multi-million dollar businesses, and actually franchising their names, why should be worthless? It’s plain laughable. It may not be worth a lot, but it’s not worthless. It’s worth more than I paid for it, that’s all that counts. Besides, I will develop it myself.

    Sometimes, some domainers need to think before they post. If you have nothing positive to share, at least be constructive in your criticism. In order to be constructive in this case, you have to tell us why is a bad name. Because according to tcr and brain walsh, 1800floers should be or some number translating flowers…plain dumb in light of the fact that is more successful than, and is actually fowarding to

    And the rest of you experts should chime in and shout down such idiots. Don’t let ignorance fester, it ends up hurting everybody. help these fools!

  11. geoff

    Rick, yes top of the pyramid.

    Might as well broaden this topic to where we are today. if you are interested in Lead Gen, then your work well with smartphones. Ask all merchants, Do you want pageviews? or Do you want
    “Live” HOT telephone leads = orders.

  12. B Stein

    I’m having the same issue. I have a very good domain name that’s 7 letters (it has to do with Las Vegas and casinos) and I can’t even find out who owns the 800 number that matches it. If I use the domain I’ll have to use SITER, or sell it as is.


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