T..R.A.F.F.I.C. Announces Dates For 2012

Morning Folks!!

As I said, the Ritz Carlton will not be getting any bigger next year and this year's capacity attendance of 332 can't get much bigger without it getting uncomfortably crowded. We will open registration is January to keep the books easier.

The Show dates are October 7th-10th 2012 with Cabana networking starting Friday October 5th 2012.

As for Las Vegas, we are discussing it, working on venues and will know something more next month.

Rick Schwartz

One thought on “T..R.A.F.F.I.C. Announces Dates For 2012

  1. Edwin Hayward

    Fantastic idea getting registration kicked off so early – you’ll potentially know exactly who’s coming 6 months ahead of time (assuming tickets sell out by the March-April timeframe) with all sorts of knock-on benefits.
    For example, you could generate and circulate a detailed”show guide” so that attendees will have time to study exactly who’s going to be there, and what their background and expertise is.


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