Forget About Google, The Internet is about LINKING!

Evening Folks!

I came from a pre-google era on the Internet and so that means not only did we do things differently but I look at things differently. In the "Old days" you built traffic by links and by search. The biggest search engine of that day and era is long gone. Of course to me trading links back then was like a mortgage so I figured out about type ins and that was traffic without the mortgage.

Of course back then I never had a content so there was nothing to trade either. So nobody would link to me. Why would they?

But now I draw back on those days. I go back to basics and what I learned back then from people who did have content. They needed a great cross-section of eyes and that was THE way.

So as I build up I am simply going back to basics. And when you have a common cause, the basics trump everything else. And we do have a common cause. Friend or foe, our cause is the same and we have to fight on the same team. Period!

So it is really wonderful to see the help I have gotten and folks pitching in where they can and even if it is just hitting the like or the tweet button, you have done something proactive. Something to help the cause. Part of what I am doing I have done before. The other part is what I learned in the movie "The Social Network". One of THE most educational things I have ever seen to help understand the Internet.

We will demonstrate in front of the world what we can do when you have passion and what many can do together when they are passionate about something. My talents are limited. Very limited. I can just provide the spark and the time. But together we have talent beyond most fortune 500 companies.  We have a bullhorn and a soapbox the likes of which the world may not be able to fathom. This is just something long overdue and now we have a vehicle that is actually moving the needle. The FIRST 18 wheeler is approaching the crest of a very big hill.

Besides everything else, today I wrote the Press Release. I am on the second look over right now and hope to arrange distribution by tonight or tomorrow so it can immediately and keep this momentum going. As they say....FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!

This is our moment folks. You can see the domain market heating up each and every day. I have been talking about it for weeks and it is here now. The golden era of domaining is HERE!

Rick Schwartz

7 thoughts on “Forget About Google, The Internet is about LINKING!

  1. bhartzer

    Linking is still the currency of the web. Some “SEO Strategists” may be trying to make us believe that it’s much more than links, it’s about being social, branding, and soforth. But, the bottom line is that it’s still about the old mighty link.

  2. facts pro (@facts_pro)

    I know enough to say that following prescribed rules by Google won’t raise your rank. I think a unique, well written easy to navigate site with few ads is definitely worthwhile but by no means should you expect it to bring in search engine traffic as is suggested by Google.

    What is really discouraging to me is to see how many times sites that offer few pages that are not unique with ads placed to incite clicks above the fold or embedded within site search results rank highly!

    Going back to old school roots seems to make a heck of a lot of sense. I definitely like the notion of sites helping sites through linking. When it comes to Google I’d suggest throwing out the rule book and follow your own path.

  3. Altaf

    “I can just provide the spark and the time. But together we have talent beyond most fortune 500 companies.” We need only that much motivation from a leader to ignite and fire the talents for further boosting.Today my grown-up son took action and started to read your blog Rick. His talent is development but never knew the power of domains.That is an achievement!

  4. domain name coupons

    I like your attitude Rick. You speak your mind and you’re not afraid to stand up for what is right. I, too, am from the pre-Google era and quite frankly, I enjoyed doing SEO a lot more during those times than now. Back then, I never even heard of spam and everyone responded to emails. It was actually fun doing link exchanges and talking to other webmasters.

    Now, doing SEO is redundant and boring.

  5. Vivian

    Hello, I just found this blog. I’m fairly new to domaining, so I wasn’t even aware of the issue of reverse domain high.

    On the topic of this post, too much is made about the Google. While there is no denying they essentially have a stranglehold on search, the fact remains that without sites linking to each other based on the content and the site owner’s willingness to link, they would have nothing but link farms.

    I look forward to reading you archives and new posts; and thank you for sharing your experiences.


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