Morning Folks!!

Modeled after the popular T.V. show 'Shark Tank',
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. NEW YORK is inviting all persons who have
domain projects in development or business plans for expansion of their
web sites to apply for an opportunity to present their plans to a panel
of Domain experts for the purpose of obtaining funding for their
projects in exchange for giving up a 'piece of the action'.

will be inviting the nominees for 2009 'Domainer of the Year' award to
participate. Well-known
domain investors such as Michael Berkens, David and
Michael Castello, Lonnie Borck, Alan Hack, Rick Latona, Jerry Nolte,
Shaun Pilfold and Rick Schwartz. All will be invited to be on the
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. SHARK TANK panel to fund your project. No Nonsense, REAL
business. Real deals. Real Money. Watch history unfold before your very

Just send us an email (howard at 50 words or less why your project should be
chosen for these presentations and our panel of investors will
decide which ones get to make the presentation for funding. All
applicants will be notified as to whether they will be included. This
is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get your web site the funding
you need to make it the success that you envision.

us for our Gala T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 5th Anniversary Celebration. Like so
many previous TRAFFIC conferences, this one will be a mile marker in
your life and career.

Labor Day is behind us. The summer vacation season is over. Now it is
time to focus on business. To do business. To make things happen. To
get your share of opportunity. The next 120 days will go down in
history no matter what the outcome.

Finding great opportunity and precisely the right time is
priceless. TRAFFIC's only product is opportunity for all. Opportunities
to make deals, meet new folks and grow your business. Formats can be
dublicated, but you can't duplicate a vision that is so many years in
the making and is geared solely to the furtherance of the domain
industry and the success of people like you reading this note.

think that doing things like 'Shark Tank' will add a dimension and
excitement that will involve all of us in projects we otherwise would
not even know about. Deadline for entries is September 30, 2009.

Rick and Howard

8 thoughts on “THE T.R.A.F.F.I.C. SHARK TANK COMES TO NEW YORK. Enter Now!

  1. jeff schneider

    Hello Rick,
    We have all watched Traffic evolve over the last few years and I see this newest addition to spur development as a boon to our industry.
    There has been a noticeable positive shift since there has been more competition amongst auctioneers, at the Traffic conferences. Both Rick Latona and moniker have been working harder at attracting acknowledged, end user agents. For far too long a period of time, the majority of paddle wavers at a lot of the auctions had been under cover surrogates, who thought end users were parking companies.
    We can all hope for the good of our industry that these trends towards attracting end users continues to build momentum. We all need a more robust representation of end user participation at all auctions, to drive valuations. Otherwise most of the larger valuation sales will remain Private non-disclosure sales, off auction.

  2. Dave Wrixon aka Rubber Duck

    Interesting, I used to watch Dragon’s Den and briefly considered looking at them for finance, but I came to the conclusion that it just didn’t make any sense to me. I felt in the event, it would be better to downsize and sit tight. When IDN traffic comes fully on stream, I will have all the capital I need. Until then I would simply incur additional overheads for no real benefit. It isn’t like somebody is going to finance my playboy lifestyle without taking it out of my hide.
    But there seems to be no end of domainers prepared to go this route.

  3. Stephen Douglas

    Will it be televised?
    If so, instead of infringing on the”Shark Tank” logo and name, we can name this very smart and ambitious segment of TRAFFIC:
    “The Domainer Container”

  4. Tour de Frank

    Hats off to Traffic NYC’s think tank for a domainers Shark Tank. But IMHO this latest spin off – which first launched in North America as Canada’s Dragons’ Den TV series, and then became the U.S.’s Shark Tank TV series – needs a new tongue-in-cheek title twist.
    Instead of Shark Tank, how about Domain Inquisition? Domainers whose plans are rejected as untenable by the judges must renounce their domaining sins. Or risk being sentenced to auction off their domain at Traffic… at no reserve :)

  5. Neva Glindo

    This idea is getting popular now a days, I am a Shark Tank Fan and also saw website like The that provide financial assistance and expert’s advice to small entrepreneurs, which is great for the economy. I hope more marketing experts exert efforts like this to help people with great ideas.


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