Recession Report Card. What is YOUR Grade? Find out here.

Morning folks!!

Here is your Report Card for 2009. Now this does
not work on new business as a new business is growing by definition. This is
for businesses 3-5 years or older.

During a recession if you
can manage to “Flat line” no growth……You are doing GREAT!

During a recession if you can manage to just lose
10% year over year.....You are doing GREAT!

During a recession if you can manage to just lose
15% year over year.....You are doing Pretty Good!

During a recession if you can manage to just lose
20% year over year.....You are doing about average!

During a recession if you lose 25% year over year.....You are under great stress!

During a recession if you lose 30% year over year.....You are under great stress and scrambling to stay
alive and pay the bills.

During a recession if you lose 35%-40% year over
year.....You are GREAT TROUBLE!

During a recession if you lose 50% year over year.....You are probably out of business.

Of course this all depends on overhead. Fixed
costs. Employees. The more you have of each, the more trouble you are in.

Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

4 thoughts on “Recession Report Card. What is YOUR Grade? Find out here.

  1. Oinkba Design

    @Danny Pryor
    “What about starting a business in the middle of the recession?”
    I think it’s a good time to start a business. Because the markets are harder your probably more focused on giving it everything you’ve got.
    And if your business model survives the recession, it’s stood the worst and can only get better..


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