The Power of a TINY Decision. Why”Decisions” Determine your Life Quality

Morning Folks!!

I think the #1 flaw folks make is not making good
SMALL decisions. I believe life is about decisions. Nothing else. Good
decisions = good life, good things and the residue is luck and your proper destiny. Bad
decisions = not so good life, not so good things, and the reside is BAD LUCK
and an uncertain negative destiny.

But I also believe that the smallest decisions are
just as big and just as important as the big ones. A decision is a decision. A
good decision always does no harm and sometimes pays dividends. A bad decision always causes pain. You may
not see it right then, but sure as stepping in shit in a dog park, you are
gonna have something happen that is unexpected and not in your favor at some point in the future. So EVERY
decision is important. EVERY decision counts to the final end. The tiniest
decision can have the most major impact. A Tiny piece of sand in a ball bearing can bring the largest machine to a screetching and painful halt. People may even say you are making a
big deal of something tiny. But
those are the MASSES that don’t understand. The higher you get on the ladder,
the less folks understand because most folks accept and embrace mediocrity. They
do this every time they make a decision without considering ALL the aspects and
consequences of that decision. ALL. If they don't, they are 'Mentally lazy' and 'Inconsiderate of others'. They are just lazy because once you train
yourself to do this it takes a split second in most cases. Maybe a few seconds.
Maybe a minute. The harder the decision, the more time and care you need to
apply. Some decisions can take years. Marriage for example. But life is made up of tiny decisions,
small decisions, sometimes with great impact if you hurt somebody’s feelings
with your lack of thought and consideration. That is what a decision is.
Besides what it does for you, how does it affect others. The unfortunate part is MOST people don’t
think the small decisions count. That is like having a boat and saying you don’t
care about 1001 small leaks. But it only takes a few small leaks to sink a
ship. To make you life not as good as it could or should be. But YOU are the
only one that can control that process. Do it with great care and you will get
great things. Not every time and don’t expect to see it right then. The impact
of any of your decisions are not usually seen right away. The decision to fly
back from Los Angeles that night has had an impact to this very day. One
decision. One moment. Lasting a lifetime. One decision. So the point is, don’t
be afraid to make decisions. Just make the best one you can make at the time
and the way you do that is considering all the options, all the fallout, all
the consequences and finally, all the benefits.

So when I see folks that don’t understand these
things, I know they will always be their worst enemy. Nothing I can do or
anyone can do to inflict more pain on an ongoing basis. Bad decisions are what
prisons are made up of. Some were just stupid bad decisions. Most were
intentional bad decisions.

Life is air, water, food and decisions. What does this have to do with domains? Are you really sitting there and asking a question like that??
Have a GREAT Day!
Rick Schwartz

13 thoughts on “The Power of a TINY Decision. Why”Decisions” Determine your Life Quality

  1. natural_foor_libertarian

    Thanks for reminding me of these things. Every decision is like an investment. And even more important, because money can always be made but the life benefits or ramifications of even small decisions resonates.

  2. nSathees

    The harder part is to know which is right and wrong. I think it relays fine details the masses miss to see. At this point they call is luck.
    I use to play solitaire game and many times I get stuck when you have a situation where two cards can be moved. Like hearts 8 and diamond 8. One of them can be moved to a black 9. The question is which shall I, it matters because that particular move can make you win or loose.
    Great post, Keep it up Rick
    PS: I made some decision and send you a mail out even before reading this post. Don’t know ob the e-mail address I found is correct. But, I had to write to you. That’s the decision I took today.

  3. Jessica

    All I can say is,”Thanks” for your decision to write this post. :) The best so far, and you know it right from the start, why you came up with the title.
    We make decisions every second of our lives, like whether to read this post or click another headline.
    We only have one chance to choose at every moment, and we didn’t know that until we realize something -“hey, this is a good read, glad i found it.”
    so you choose to read more and spend more time reading articles and/or blog posts.
    you were not aware that you’re already making decisions, tiny little decisions that subtly change your lifestyle, your way of thinking, your behavior towards people and things…your beliefs. cliche as it may sound but just clicking a link – and not the other – could change your life. I know. one day i followed a link to Namepros and now became an alien. in a beholden planet headed by Rick Schwartz :p
    We don’t always make the right decisions and that’s alright or we’ll never grow up.
    If we do our best, God will do the rest.
    Morning, folks (exactly 9:29 here in the Philippines). :)

  4. Danny Pryor

    The throng of humanity shall endure its long-standing and proud pain for their decision to consign decisions to categories of great and small. Your missive would be lost upon them, and they who need it most shan’t perceive its guiding prose. Sad that only those who truly understand are those who will find wisdom here, and for them this shall serve only to remind them of what they already know intimately.


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