Domain Lottery. Are you in the Game? 2 Cents a day to be a Player.

Morning Folks!!

Many times people refer to domaining and domainers as like guys trying to hit the lottery and usually not in the most flattering way. The buy and hold guys. But I am here to tell you that is exactly what a domain name is. A lottery ticket. An $8 lottery ticket that renews annually. That is 2 CENTS a day. 2 cents a day to play the domain lottery.

So what’s wrong with it being a lottery? Especially if you can generate enough revenue to make it free? At the end of the day that’s all you really need to do when you play it like a lottery. Cost you nothing bit have thousands of horses in the race and of you can generate some income on top of that. Why not keep playin’?

It’s okay, you are already screaming and beside yourself. Most of you won’t agree. Ok, so what? You play it your way, I’ll play it my way. You get to look down on me and I get to laugh at you. So what? Until you have a cash register at the end of that domain, we are both in the same tunnel just going to the center from opposite ways.

Ooops, almost forgot to mention the most important part. When you play the regular lottery, you get random numbers or you pick them. But it is ALL chance. Nothing more, nothing less. With a domain, you get to look into the future and if you understand business, human nature, progress, need, want, desire, SALES, PROFIT, CONSUMERS, how things will unfold, etc. etc. you can pick winning lottery tickets years in advance. It is almost cheating! And if you do it right, then those lottery tickets give you the dividends to keep buying more and lottery tickets with ZERO out of pocket expense.

So do I play the domain lottery? You betcha! Every day of my life!! So with free time and free domains, you are free to conquer whatever, whenever and keep growing, expanding and staying ahead.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

16 thoughts on “Domain Lottery. Are you in the Game? 2 Cents a day to be a Player.

  1. Robbie

    Very True Rick!
    I agree its a complete lottery, Just dont do a lucky dip and hope to win!
    Pick domains that mean something to you and you can see reason in them being picked in the future. Dont start registering Crap and hope to get rich ….

  2. Scott Alliy

    “if you understand business, human nature, progress, need, want, desire, SALES, PROFIT, CONSUMERS, how things will unfold, etc. etc.”
    Can you make the straight path to winning the domain name game any clearer?
    I don’t think so!
    Sadly many domainers will buy PS names all the while disbelieveing that what that the simple truths you just revealed could really be that simple LOL

  3. Uzoma

    It is analogous to lottery. A rigged lottery! Domain Business is an excellent business, that should be a ‘no brainer’. The problem is the missing links: the parkers and the registrars, and the big boys, the arbitrate bodies etc. If someone invests &8 on a domain name, he or she should at the minimum get $100 a year parked, and nobody should be able to take that domain name away from him or her based on BS copyright shit. Copyright holders are given a grace period to register their names, failing to do so within that period, they should buy it from a registrant. But the most serious and negative thing, is that domain owners have no organized way of charging for the eyeballs that visit their domains. Solve that problem, and Domains will be grade AAA investment. Names will be rushed.

  4. ScottM

    First, take the lawyers out of the equation. If any doubt or concern about possible trademark conflict, buy it or transfer it to a registrar in India, Cayman’s, Barbados, etc. anywhere outside of U.S. Federal Court jurisdiction. Easiest thing in the world is for the big US IP law firms to go into Federal Court, immediately get an injunction, serve Enom or Tucows and your domain is frozen there and usually it will eventually be transferred to the lawyers’ client and you’re hosed.
    When that Federal court option is not available then the complaintant will have to play by the rules and jump through the hoops of a UDRP or NAF procedure and you have a much better chance to keep your domain.

  5. Anunt

    In your last post, Eric Borgos of Impulse Corp said,”In the past few years, the parking income for my 9000 domains has gone from $10,000/month to $3,000/month. The problem is that the domain fees for 9000 domains are $6000/month, so I have gone from making a profit to losing money”
    So if one of the smartest people in domaining can not make money from parking domains, then a newcomer or your average joe has NO chance of playing the domain lottery and winning.
    So stop with the bullshit…you can NOT play the domain lottery and win any more…those days are gone my friend…those days are gone!!!

  6. chris

    my lotto tickets pay for more lotto tickets.
    the Aust dollar is ‘99.8cents U.S’ right now and im feeling lucky.
    domains are better than wasting money on booze every weekend and thats my justification. (got to have a poison)
    people are just too greedy expecting huge amounts of money for little effort instantly…..even the stock market cant beat the ‘% returns’ that domains bring (if you choose carefully)
    life is a lottery so live life everyday!
    @Anunt. how much energy do you waste just being angry? starting to think your a serial offender but your a great laugh none the less.
    just get some sex or get drunk and relax man or you will give yourself a heart attack being negative all the time. life is too short :)

  7. Bruce Tedeschi

    I pick up gems everyday that just hanging out there expired. I picked up last month. Have an attorney interested at $5k and and I paid $7.99. Happens all the time but you have to use the phone and not email. Domainers come out of their shell they can make some real monet.

  8. George

    Lets say an average Joe owns 100 domains.
    $.02 x 100 = $2.00/Day.
    1 cup of coffee @ Startbucks $2.10 daily
    10 cigarettes daily $2.50($5.00/pack)
    I glass of wine $2.67 daily
    ($10.69 Tax Included)
    So far, I think you’re the only Pigeon around here.
    Domains remain one of the cheapest healthy”Vice” around.

  9. Joe Riley

    “First, take the lawyers out of the equation. If any doubt or concern about possible trademark conflict, buy it or transfer it to a registrar in India, Cayman’s, Barbados, etc. anywhere outside of U.S. Federal Court jurisdiction.”
    Sorry but John Berryhill, PhD Esq. says that moving domains(.com/.net) overseas doesn’t matter, as they are all stored at Verisign.

  10. Joe Riley

    ” then a newcomer or your average joe has NO chance of playing the domain lottery and winning.”
    Not true I scored a dropped domain it’s worth at least $30,000 after the election here in CA. I’m already seeking a hard money loan on the name to develop and monetize it.
    ‘’ is worth at least $500k and it completely dropped from the registry (!!!) according to it’s whois (Some time in late 2009). Imagine being on the catch end of that hand reg.

  11. ScottM

    Joe Riley, true .com are stored at Verisign but in a U.S. Federal Court case a plaintiff’s lawyer sues the domain owner, then serves the registrar with the injunction and order to lock the domain from being changed or transferred out, but they do not serve Verisign.
    If the domain is at a foreign registrar serving them usually does no good if they are not subject to U.S. juridiction. I know this from mine and other domainers experience with these bastards. This slows a plaintiff lawyer down considerably, usually they then try for a UDRP which is much higher burden to overcome. U.S. Federal judges roll over easily and issue injunctions when these big law firms show up with the same lawyers and their cookie-cutter complaints time and time again. Look and see where many knowledgeable domainers have domains registered at, its likely in another country.

  12. KJ

    Hey, this is what I’m doing now. I have one that has city+financial services domain name. It is more targeted than financial services but it is in that industry. I have emailed and FB messaged around 15 or so with no interest. I have sales experienced & the phones are no problem. But I’m unsure about how to sell a domain on the phone, Do you have any advice or resources you could point me to?


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