How to Make Money Out of Thin Air in a Desert. It is all About Approach!

Morning Folks!!

To be successful in domains or in anything you do there are certain things you must achieve. When I approach a project it is a “Mission”. In an earlier post this week I talked about losing time when you start a project or mission while others all are so focused on the $$$ that they sabotage themselves right into failure.

I gave a 10 step process to help you gain success in nearly anything you do. When you get the basics right, the BIG things right, then failure is subdued into submission. Just folks are always in a rush to do it. And wrong or right is just a passing thought. They always say.....'I'll do it right next time' as they get on the trail to suffer another failure.

I get the BIG things right and no detail is too small or ignored. That means improvements and updates and revisions are continuous but not paramount. They never stop but the BIG thing MUST be right or the little things don't count. So I watch a lot of folks wasting time with details when the main item is a no go. Perfection takes time, patience and employing what you learn every time you learn something new. Then testing and see how if may affect something else for the good, the bad or not at all. But only after you get the BIG thing right.

I look at every project like this. I start in a desert and my job is to make water appear. When that water appears my job is to make it run thru my haphazard pipeline and get to the other side. Just a trickle is all I need. Nothing more. A trickle. No matter what the flow, I need a trickle to start. There may be many leaks along that haphazard pipe, but I have the luxury of TIME once I get that water from point a to point b. Most others are working on perfection but perfection does not count unless you get that water to trickle.

I then know that each day as I fix that pipeline to perfection, that I will increase the flow on the other side. I don’t care that I lost 100 gallons the day I made it work. I care that I constructed a pipeline that when my improvements are made it will carry millions of gallons of water.

All in the desert. That’s how folks create money. Out of thin air. Ideas. Buying low selling high. Buying junk and knowing it is gold. No desert in the domain business. Much easier. Realize how easy it is and perhaps that will break some of the chains that have harnessed you until now.

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz


10 thoughts on “How to Make Money Out of Thin Air in a Desert. It is all About Approach!

  1. Uzoma

    This is one of the best teaching so far. And it fits in the series. I notice people are not finding it sexy; nobody is congratulating Rick for a wonderful post. He is NOT teaching this series to be parted on the back. So, for those learning from this series, remember this post is even more important than the others where Rick got worldwide applause. Keep them coming Rick! A++++++

  2. Tracy

    In order to develop a successful negotiation method, I am interested in how you look at a potential buyer.
    Do you look at the buyer as respected adversary, a girl who needs to be coddled in order to get to the goods, a thief who comes to take in the night, a gem that needs to be cut?
    You have eluded that you can tell a serious buyer by the content and tone of an email. How do the real prospects approach? What words or questions do they ask. And other that saying no, what is your negotiation strategy.

  3. "Red"

    The inspirations in my life – you are one and this post of your’s just tells why. BIG things create the details – not the other way around.
    Take fire for instance. You’ve got to start the fire first before you think it would be really nice in your cave. Rock ON Rick!

  4. Altaf

    Congratulations Rick!
    Every post is so valuable, only the TIME
    will prove. I read it again and again.
    Keep up the spirit with MORE!
    Have a good day!

  5. LS Morgan

    OK, I’m breaking my promise to not post here just this one time to say this.
    This was a *brilliant* post, Rick. This is not my ‘finding religion’ and you still generally act like a huge douche, but shit like this is why even people who don’t like you still read your blog. If you could just learn to tone down the nuclear ego and the pointless bullshit rhetoric, the opinions of you held by people outside of asslicking blog sycophants might soften a bit.
    Either way, this was a fantastic post and from it, I’m not ashamed to say that I learned. As a developer, I regularly suffer from ‘perfection syndrome’, which retards progress. The whole idea of getting the pipeline to trickle, then filling the gaps is a fantastic articulation of a phenomenon that builders of anything face down every day.
    So, thanks for articulating it. I’ve spent enough time giving you shit that I feel obliged to step up here and objectively say that this post may have been the best you’ve ever written on business concepts.
    – LSM

  6. UP

    Nice meeting you, Domain King; and are three tubes of a pipeline for pumping up your kind of water in the desert. They are parked, waiting for a ‘system’ to be rolled out.
    Do you think I should sell those names (the assets) or do you consider the system itself (the concept) imperative for the names to get their value?
    Kind regards for any type of response to my personal address,
    An artist waiting for a 2012 business man/woman to manifest the system.


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