30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names. Keyword: Funny!

Morning Folks!!

Danny W sent me this morning and it is pretty funny. Been out for some time but never saw it before. Do your eyes deceive you? Did anyone not notice words like WHORE, PENIS and STALKER in a domain name and on otherwise innocent domain name now means something quite different than intended.

My favorite 2 are Whorepresents.com when it is intended to be WhoRepresents.com. Looks like Whore Presents! or Budget.co.ck which is even better!

Penisland.net is Pen Island.net.

Here is the rest of the list!

Rick Schwartz


8 thoughts on “30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names. Keyword: Funny!

  1. JBS

    Here is a good one:
    DealersExchange.com for swapping inventory between auto dealers or they can just exchange their parts instead – DealerSexChange.com

  2. NoTie

    That’s why Capitalization is so important and is surprisingly underused.
    Of course, some domains can’t be helped, i.e. every company in the Cook Islands has .co.ck at the end. And if your company is named Dickson, good luck. Or Mole Station anything.
    And I think Master Bait & Tackle is asking for it. Their tagline is”You can’t beat our bait!”

  3. DNR

    Like to add one we own to the list: assurgency.com (it is a real dictionary word but also looks like 2 words)

  4. Altaf

    Lastly, Danny Welsh made it interesting.Now I see every kw or part of it makes some thing different. My eyes are opened to see the insights.
    Thanks Danny & Rick for sharing the facts.


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