What Grade is the Universe in? Internet Grade? Where Exactly are we?

Morning Folks!!

What grade is the universe in? Internet grade?

See, we are the founders. The professors. The originators. The first to embrace the net on a daily basis and make our lives revolve and evolve
around it. But we have had a tremendous head start. The key is always timing
and so the question to ask is when do the masses reach where we are? First, the
answer is probably never. But they will end up somewhere along our path. We
just don’t know the degree. In some cases, maybe many cases, they may eventually
exceed us. But the focus of this post is the masses.

Ok, the masses now know how to email. That only took about
10 years. Then the past 5 years have been a bit more engaging with Facebook and
Twitter. Plus lots of research on Google and Yahoo and now Bing. So folks are
using and engaging and exploring and building and blogging and sharing and
contacting and reaching out and a lot of other ands. Many do this with the TV in the backround. But the point of all this,
the Internet has finally been unleashed. The economy accelerated this more than
any one thing anyone else can do. The masses are now looking at the mountain,
exploring that mountain and spending more and more time dwelling on how to
expoit that mountain.

It takes a recession to make things like this occur. Just
like 2003 was a turning point, so will 2009/2010. When folks became unemployed this time, they did not run to
the newspaper. They did not run to the personel office. They did not run to a
head hunter. They ran to the Internet. They stayed on the Internet. They networked on the Internet. This just shows the vivid and very quick
change in habits. Something that could take 10-20 years was condensed into
10-20 MONTHS. When you recognize things like this you can get slightly ahead of things and do very well. You can chase what happened yesterday. You can try and catch what is happening today. But the real trick is figuring out what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next year, next decade and be there before the masses. Be there before the CEO's. Be there before as many folks as possible. Be there FIRST!

Have a GREAT Day!

Rick Schwartz

7 thoughts on “What Grade is the Universe in? Internet Grade? Where Exactly are we?

  1. Steve Fox

    The director of the biggest marketing company in America called me for a domain and refused my price. Why couldn’t an underling do it. Funny how directors always do the domain deals. But they hate domainers. I didn’t ask anything but $500. They represent a huge company that could afford 10x what I asked but refused.

  2. UFO

    Steve Fox
    If thats true then it does highlight the old saying”penny wise and pound foolish”.
    The fact is that any large company would spend many multiples of that even thinking about the domain.
    If a large company isn’t starting at $50k for a domain then they really don’t get it.
    A large company will spend over $500k easy developing a website. And even protection for a brand is worth $5k just to have on the side.
    There’s lots of people that have attained high positions in large corps based on”interpersonal skills” and not on foresight and imagination… thats why SMEs are beginning to pull them apart.

  3. Cue

    Once again you are spot on.
    I think your 20 year plan will be accelerated with bigger returns.
    The current economic cycle will be the domain industries best friend.
    Thank you!

  4. Peter

    “See, we are the founders. The professors. The originators.” Always the salesman, albeit a very good one, the thought to comes to my mind =”He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!”
    Ref Steve Fox Prove him wrong, why carry his baggage. If it is’t Louis Vuitton don’t carry it : )

  5. Steve Fox

    Uh, yea it is very true. I checked them out and they bought the .net
    I was stunned when he said ‘We will have to pass.’
    Maybe I am just an awful salesman, haha.
    ufo – If thats true then it does highlight the old saying”penny wise and pound foolish”.

  6. domain guy

    will rogers stated”just figure out where everyone is going and get there first” also i read that an isreali company just got a patent for a url shortner.


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