From the DUMB FILE: Yahoo! to BAN Working From Home!?

Morning Folks!!

The headline says it all. Probably everyone reading this would be fired from Yahoo! if we were working there. Gee, ya mean when I get up at 5:30AM and do 3 hours of my most productive work, I can't do it any more? You want me less productive? Does my bathrobe threaten you?

I have not even read the reason why and frankly, I don't give a damn my dear. Stupid is stupid and I think this ban will last as long as it takes you to read this crap. I guess she did not work from home during her pregnancy? I guess checking email after 5PM is now a NO-NO!

If you own Yahoo! stock...dump it. I thought this new CEO, Marissa Mayer, would get this company and Brand back on track. I was wrong and this sort of misguided nonsense proves it.

No working from home....EVER!!! WOW!

Rick Schwartz

11 thoughts on “From the DUMB FILE: Yahoo! to BAN Working From Home!?

  1. Acro

    Good morning Rick. A dozen years ago I worked for a tech start-up that encouraged working from home for certain positions that didn’t require physical presence 100% of the time. Employees were proud to be able to connect remotely, and did more than their allocated share of work. We felt ‘special’ and we were productive.
    Unfortunately, not all corporate environments are suitable for this type of option. Working for your own company or being self-employed, is a different ‘horse’. I find Mayer’s announcement rather hypocritical, but hey, she’s the CEO. Those decisions eventually make or break a company, and we know Yahoo isn’t exactly leading the way on the web.

  2. Donny

    Here’s my 2 cents on this. There are some very good remote workers and there are some horrible remote workers. Sometimes the bad ones cause more problems for the good ones.
    There was an article I read recently about somebody who was working remotely, this person had 4 different jobs and he was outsourcing all of them. I’m not saying that the outsourcing company wasn’t doing a good job, but this person is one of the reasons that the companies he was supposed to be working for will not allow remote workers.
    I think remote workers can be managed, as long as you include them in all meetings, whether via Skype or Google Hangouts. This will also allow you to make sure that the person is who they say they are.
    I’m really talking about long term remote workers, not somebody who is sick and needs to work from home for the week.

  3. Anunt

    Rick, thanks for the easy money on YHOO…
    I bought YHOO last year when u had recommended it around $13 to $14…
    I was going to wait and sell it at around $24…
    But since the king of domains put a SELL rating today…
    I’m going to dump YHOO this week…
    Thanks again Rick…
    Any other stocks to BUY???
    I bought MGM last week at $12.29 … after visiting Vegas last week…
    Any other recommendations???

  4. UFO

    When Yahoo’s HR director talks about”One Yahoo” then you know that senior management at Yahoo have taken the bait hook line and sinker from the management consulting firm they have engaged.
    A certain management consulting firm (or perhaps firms) here in the UK have been banding around the”One XYZ corp” for the last 6-7 years, which really is consolidation and rationalisation with BS PR layered over the top which makes people think team work and bonding when its in fact layoffs and culling.
    Bet Marissa knows bugger all.

  5. UFO

    Nb: My calcs suggest the Dow Jones Ind Avg s/b at 14500-14900 with 15200 by year end.
    Thats simply the DOW tracking back to its long run PE average of 15.
    Back of a fag packet calcs, but surprising also.
    Could see some serious upside in the summer once Obama and friends get their bickering sorted out.

  6. Jeff Schneider

    I have to agree but more so. I think your upside target is low. The fundamentals in place right now are staggeringly bullish. If there is Pull back buy into the worst of it.
    WWWW + ADUS look great !
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  7. Homero A. Gonzalez

    Rick, you should make”From the Dumb File:” a permanent section in your blog. You have several Dumb File candidates plastered all over your past posts, and there is no shortage of new ones. For example, renaming (how do you pronounce that???) or not so recently ago,, changing to O.Co
    It will as the rest of your blog is a learning experience to all of us.

  8. Tarik

    Yahoo! just wastes resources. Look where their search bar is positioned.
    You can barely find it. They care more about pageviews and ads than visitors. Yahoo! should focus on search and help people find good content.
    Making workers come to the office won’t help if they are crappy employees anyway.
    What kind of board hires a woman that’s pregnant? Don’t they understand she is mentally unstable? YHOO shareholders are complete idiots!

  9. Jeff Schneider

    R. E. = ” February 25th, 2013
    I have to agree but more so. I think your upside target is low. The fundamentals in place right now are staggeringly bullish. If there is Pull back buy into the worst of it.
    WWWW + ADUS look great !
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

    ADUS Feb. 25th Priced at 8.26 Now at 17.50 EASY DOUBLE

  10. Jeff Schneider

    R. E. = ” February 25th, 2013
    I have to agree but more so. I think your upside target is low. The fundamentals in place right now are staggeringly bullish. If there is Pull back buy into the worst of it.
    WWWW + ADUS look great !
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

    ADUS Feb. 25th Priced at 8.26 Now at 17.50 EASY DOUBLE

    UPDATE : ADUS Feb. 25th 2013 recod. at 8.26 Now at 27.67 turned ann easy TRIPLE.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)


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