T.R.A.F.F.I.C. to Have 3 Auctioneers at LIVE Auction.

Morning Folks!!

You won't be complaining about boring, but you might complain about just how fast a pace auction we are going to present. For those that have been to any of the live auctions, one of the worst parts is all the wasted time between the actual domain names auctioned off. Once a winning bid happens, there is generally 1-2 minutes of bookkeeping and other things to attend to.

So how do you fix that? You have 2 auctioneers! While one gets bogged down for those 1-2 minutes, the second auctioneer will swing into action and keep it all moving and exciting.

We expect by the time auctioneer #2 is done with his auction, then auctioneer #1 will take over. And if not.....auctioneer #3 is ready to go. Call me crazy! Call it a lot of things, but boring won't be one of them. Reserve judgement until you see what we are going to do. My goal is to have as many domainers targeting specific domains before they even enter the room.

We have 2 hours. We will auction off whatever we have time for. I am encouraging portfolios and auction lots with multiple domains.

These are the domains as of this morning. I am still considering others and waiting on a few contracts. I am in no rush to fill the slots. The ONLY criteria is 'Will it sell?'

Lot #101 Tumors.com (No Reserve)
Lot #102 Fibre.com ($1 Reserve)
Lot #103 3dMovie.com (Aggressively Priced)
Lot #104 DesPlaines.com ($1000 Reserve)
Lot #105 (Awaiting Signed Contract)
Lot#106 gtldforum.com (No Reserve)
Lot#107 gTLD.org ($1000 Reserve)
Lot#108 AerobicExercises.com (Guaranteed Placement)
Lot#109 FixedAPR.com (Guaranteed Placement)
Lot#110 SeePrague.com (Guaranteed Placement)

Below are our strongest runner up candidates so far to make the final cut. Domains that are under Contract and serious consideration to be in the live auction. All priced well.
Once we have 100 slots reserved for the Live Auction, and great domains are still coming in, we will select the ones with the very best chance to sell. We plan to sell as close to 100% of the inventory selected for the Live Auction as possible.
gtldAttorney.com (No Reserve)
VisitBogota.co (No Reserve)
Tumors.net (No Reserve)
ch9.tv, rude.tv, pals.tv, investmentproperty.tv (No Reserve)
simplyletters.com, wholesalefruits.com (No Reserve)
joanna.tv, tammy.tv, kirsty.tv (No Reserve)

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Rick and Howard’s Closing Argument of Why to Attend T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2012

Morning Folks!!

Why go back to T.R.A.F.F.I.C.? The main reason to go
to T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is that when each of you looks back, so many of
your memories and friendships and businesses, started at T.R.A.F.F.I.C..
Your memories may include meeting someone who actually had a part in changing
your life style, your income, your hopes and your dreams. Your memories may
include learning information that was not available anywhere else in an
atmosphere conducive of learning. Your memories may include the fun that
you had at the lavish parties that you were a part of in different locales
around the world. How many people in your life did you meet for the
first time at T.R.A.F.F.I.C.? Now take all those TRAFFIC conferences out
of your life and tell me what life would have looked like? Do I really need to
say any more?

Lastly, the only reason I can even say these
things is because I have lived it first hand. Some of our closest friends in
the world we met at TRAFFIC. Their friendships are priceless. At every show I
have made at least a few interesting new friends. We share a common and nearly
unique bond. 7 BILLION people on the planet and we are a group counted in
HUNDREDS! Pretty incredible and spectacular and the only place you can energize
yourself in this unique industry is with like minded people. We just see things
differently. The show for domainers by domainers and Howard and I have fought
on your behalf time and time again. You can't buy passion like that. The passion we all share and have for what we do because we believe in what we are
doing in spite of the head winds along the way that act as fuel to get to the
next level.

I know more than I am at liberty to say. What I
can tell you is to EXPECT some major disruption in the way we are monetizing
our domain names to be unveiled at TRAFFIC. So besides all the other reasons to
come to TRAFFIC, the #1 reason is to increase your income and not settle for
the levels we are at now.

The mission is not over and we are expanding the
focus of TRAFFIC beyond domaining as businesses learn that traffic is what
fuels the Internet by producing sales and profits. We truly are at the doorstep
of widespread understanding and that will unlock the true potential of our
assets both in income and value. Just remember, even in 2007 you were still
only getting a fraction of what your domains really earned.

That's my final pitch folks. Prices go up on
Friday. We expect a sellout crowd. This really is decision time with
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. just 5 weeks away and limited space. The Industry will be there. Will You? Will
your company? To compete, to progress, to grow your company? To secure your
customers before others do, you have to show up and fight for them. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is about LIFE
CHANGING OPPORTUNITY. That's what we do and that is why you come.
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. MEANS B.U.S.I.N.E.S.S. and we prove it!

Don't forget to reserve your room at the Ritz-Carlton.

See you in just 5 weeks!!

Rick Schwartz
Howard Neu
