It’s Noon and I am Already on Page 3 on!

High Noon Folks!!

The traffic for headlines on is gaining steam. Seems like in January there were a wave of New Year's Resolutions and blogs and blogging. The result, here it is noon and there are already bloggers poised to fall to the dreaded page 3 and 4 and maybe even 5 or 6 before it is all over. What does it look like this time next year?

The clutter is not just here and it is not just in domaining. If the Internet were physical you would be seeing more crains than you have ever seen on the net at one time. It's gonna get damn crowded and those folks will now be competeing more and more to the same folks. That's a potential problem that will likely benefit us before the ad war ends and the casulaties are declared.

The one I am looking at is the war between Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Sears, Pennys, etc. One or more of these companies are ether going to suffer a large setback and somebody is going bye-bye! I don't know which one. The weaker ones I think are about to get much weaker.

We are in a different period. The audience is growing online but not in the way or the form of the past even if more numbers are coming online. Much is because of the buying power the last BILLION folks getting online have as compared to the other billions. Hint. It will be less. Each billion before them had greater and wider buying power. That does not mean the first billion had the most buying power. That's a different equation. Could be further down the line.

The pool of searches may not grow as in the past. But the pool of folks trying to sell to those searchers are going to get to the ridiculous point. Millions all trying to be #1 on Google. 1st page on Google. That leaves 99.99% LOSERS.

Meanwhile back to and the countdown to burial on page 3 starts right now. :-)

All eyes on 1800 new gTLD's and the epicenter could turn out to be right here.

We are all such whores for whatever we are whoring. is the front line in our little pond. The whorehouse for domainers. (Francois, that's a compliment) My mind sees things just a little differently than normal folks!! lol

Point is, this space is heating up and this is just the start. Add 1800 gTLD's and we'll be on Page 3 before 6AM. It's coming folks!!!

I think we may have to write a song about it next! 'The way we were'?

Rick Schwartz

btw, ads on the left looks good and will draw more attention to the advertisers.

28 thoughts on “It’s Noon and I am Already on Page 3 on!

  1. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The scope and size of the business infrastrucure online will homogonize and splinter the effectiveness of all search engines including Google and the descending hierarchy of search engines.
    People will will use them less and less as this saturation level of information spawned by SEOs leads them nowhere they really want to land.
    Some people need to undertstand that GOOGLE cares nothing for companies BRANDS, rather they destroy them, by information homogenization, i.e. smoke and screens, and SEO manipulation of the very true meaning of language. BRANDING will live on long after these tactics are gone. Your Virtual Business Foundations BRAND is an Eternal Symbol that weathers all storms of dissinformation, and remains a perpetual advertising machine with high emotional recall responses from consumers.

  2. Jeff Schneider

    Hello Rick,
    The scope and size of the business infrastrucure online will homogonize and splinter the effectiveness of all search engines including Google and the descending hierarchy of search engines.
    People will will use them less and less as this saturation level of information spawned by SEOs leads them nowhere they really want to land.
    Some people need to undertstand that GOOGLE cares nothing for companies BRANDS, rather they destroy them, by information homogenization, i.e. smoke and screens, and SEO manipulation of the very true meaning of language. BRANDING will live on long after these tactics are gone. Your Virtual Business Foundations BRAND is an Eternal Symbol that weathers all storms of dissinformation, and remains a perpetual advertising machine with high emotional recall responses from consumers.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  3. Uzoma

    It’s interesting, a lot of bloggers who ran to social media outfits are returning to their own blogs slowly. I recall many web blogs weren’t updated since 2010!
    It appears that .com, or owning their own website is surviving the onslaught of rumor mills, about complete social media takeover.
    I believe many businesses will discover this as well.

  4. Francois

    Thanks a lot for the kind reference.
    We are many to wait the launch of these new gTLDs, with the hope they will generate more business oportunities, and for sites about domain names, more advertisers.


    I think it would be good if would keep the 5 gold standard posts at the top everyday. Domainer’s need to learn of experienced people with success behind them not newbies who post the wrong information day & night. Otherwise it’s going to turn into pure spam and confuse investors. The domain volcano is about to erupt!!!

  6. Scott Alliy

    esalesflyers is available to those retailers in peril around the globe. and it’s a dotcom :-). Calling all Retail Giants marketing departments … Help me Help you!
    Seriously Rick, You know that new marketing avenues will soon appear. As hard as I try I can’t see a clear new strategy winner yet but you know that chasing page one search results much less top three above the fold spots will be impossible to achieve.

  7. Patrick Hipskind

    Hi Rick,
    Most of the firms (about 80%) that are planning to launch a new gTLD and sell domain names will be dead around two years after launch. Consider these facts:
    1. The .travel registry almost closed shop in May, 2007, only two years after launch in May, 2005. In 2007, Tralliance stated”Management believes the company will continue to be unprofitable in the foreseeable future.” The company had cash and cash equivalents of only $480,000 at this time.
    2. Many premium .travel domain names do not resolve to developed websites. goes to resolves to resolves to is expired, and resolves but doesn’t have a built out website. If the .travel registry cannot build out these premium domain names then why will another .whatever be able to do so? The answer lies in the fact that these domain names are not so premium.
    3. Just to break even on the $185,000 application fee a registry will have to sell 9,250 domain name registrations at $20 each. This is a high price point for a domain name registration. By May 2007, .travel had only registered 25,000 domain names. With hundreds of .whatevers launching at the same time, many will be OOC (out of cash) within two years and have to close up shop.
    4. Verisign Inc. reports in its 10K filing that net income is only 19% of revenues. Any firm planning to launch a gTLD and sell domain names better recheck the figures in their business plan. If they believe their net profit margin is going to be greater than 25% they are being too optimistic and will probably be OOC (out of cash) by the end of year two. I would advice them to control their cash burn rate if they want to have a chance at success.

  8. Tom

    Thumps up, Thumbs down system, Owen Frager, and Domain Gang please be gone. To many of the same articles the real material is being overlooked.

  9. Anunt

    Get your head out of your asses…
    You morons think that the new gTLDs are going to fail…i don’t think so…people like Google are going to run these new gTLDs…they DON’T fail…they have endless of cash to throw at these to make them successful…
    say good-bye to your little friend dot-com

  10. Tom

    Why are you still registering .com’s to this day then…
    Registered through:, LLC (
    Created on: 13-Jan-13
    Expires on: 13-Jan-14
    Last Updated on: 13-Jan-13
    Anunt Patel
    United States

  11. Anunt

    Because there’s a huge difference in buying and hand registering domains.
    You will NEVER catch me BUYING a domain name ever…
    I might hand register domains for under $10, but NEVER buy again…
    Those days of buying and selling next day are over!!!
    I hand registered only because I own and which i plan to develop in the near future!

  12. Tom

    You Bought for $16k sold it for $10K
    Bought for $24K sold it for $15K
    This is all in the past year, you do not know how to bid properly in auction, or manage your cashflow, you have serious business control issues you need to deal with internally, do not let your lack of judgement ruin legitimate .com investment for others. You ruined many experiences by bidding stupid in auctions, that is your own fault. You have been buying, you are just a sore loser, because you were forced to sell out………

  13. Patrick Hipskind

    Hi Anunt,
    Google has applied for 101 gTLD strings, about 5% of the strings. They still have a battle ahead of them to get all 101 strings. That leaves 95% of the new strings that Google will not have any control over.
    There is one factor in the equation that most people aren’t accounting for. The PageRank patent that is the basis of the Google search engine expires in 2017. Google has nothing new coming down the pipe. Google can’t afford to screw up their search engine now by favoring the new gTLDs. 96% of Google’s revenue comes from search advertising. Meanwhile, most of the new gTLDs will OOC (run out of cash) within two years because they are being overly optimistic in their business plan. I would love to see their pro formas because I am sure they are way off.

  14. Jake

    I must admit this Anunt fellow is a bit misguided he has been spamming us for months trying to sell .coms, now that he has no vested interest he has changed his tune. Not to long ago he was saying this .com is worth this much and this is why etc… He told me he bought to much Facebook and now needs to sell to cover his losses, now Facebook rebounded, and he got sold out.

  15. Jeff Schneider

    Hi Rick,
    Virtual Business Foundations hold the key to mass marketig principles. If you believe that? The next question you all need to ask yoursel is, OK whats the best strategy to take knowing this ?
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) ( Metal Tiger)

  16. Jeff Schneider

    Hi Rick,
    MHB is up to his tried and true tactics to suppress .COM valuations again. Worst yet he is hanging his hat on Forbes as being a second party authority on our Industry with this post :” Spend a Few Thousand Dollars On A Domain, Not A Fortune.
    Talk about a Whore? OK its out in the open, I am tired of his bullshit misrepresentations to line his pockets with .Whateve gold.
    Yes he is a Domainer, but he feeds on Domain owners blood for his own ends.
    By the way I know Forbes Marketing strategy from 40 years experience of following their track record and all I can say is Good Luck! following their advice.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  17. Jeff Schneider

    Hi Rick,
    As a side note to my previous comment!
    I come from an institutional Banker background. Also I was the former Marketing Analyst for the Rockefeller I.B.E.C. group as well as an institutional broker for most of the recognizable Institutional brokers. That said I am here to separate the chaff from the wheat as they say. Why? Lets just say I care for all newbies who aspire to internet business aspirations.
    There are currently many controlling types spewing mass dissinformation for their own interests. Be assured that Rick is not one of them. This is not brown nosing this is for your own best interest. You need to follow Ricks Blog and discount the rest for your own good.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (metal Tiger)

  18. domain guy

    I have seen the war already and target realizes that people are searching their stores viewing the products and then buying the same products at amazon. so target will now match amazons price. so there is the casuality target you cannot support a bricks and mortal national retail chain and cut your prices to match a company that has no physical overhead.
    as the glds roll out you will see google index them, use them in their algorhythem, you will see major brands use then so 185k is peanuts,over a period of time the gullable public will begin to trust the the glds…ie. chocolate.candy,swiss.candy,darkchoclate.candy,nutty.candy.get the picture? need further review?,,, in the beginning will survove however in the future the domain picture has been outlined for all to review….right of the dot, frank and others agree…

  19. steve

    I get so much crud from people wanting $100 domains.
    Then they get mad. But why get mad over $100…….
    Lowball aholes

  20. Anunt

    i have made lots of money buying and selling domains…just lost money last year…the other 10 years were all profit from every domain name transaction…,,,,,, etc, etc…
    And bought and sold tons of three letter domains for huge gains…
    Just lost money last year…so decided to move out of the domain game…
    There is still money to be made in domaining, but definately not like the past years…
    I am NOT a buyer of domains anymore…
    I am investing in Internet Sweepstakes Cafes … small casino’s where the house ALWAYS wins…
    I wish ALL you guys best of luck!!!

  21. Steve

    Mr. Metal Tiger,
    You may want to re-read the”Forbes: Spend a Few Thousand…” article you refer to in your post above. In fact, MHB is playing the contrarian; as his article largely infers that claims found in the original Forbes article are INCORRECT.

  22. Anunt

    There are lots of other big companies besides google that have applied for these new gTLDs…and I’m pretty sure they are NOT going to run out of cash…
    Your domainer Frank Schilling even invested his own $50+ million…you think he’s stupid…don’t think so…
    Frank is like a little kid compared to these other huge companies that have invested in these new gTLDs…
    Let me guess…according to you …they all must be stupid and like to waste money…don’t think so…

  23. sergio

    While trying to sell towards the end of last year, he kept saying he was DONE domaining. I guess that didn’t last.
    Not saying he doesn’t have the right to change his mind.


    My predictions for 2013
    Facebook has reached its saturation point and will now experience a decline.
    Watch lots of facebook horror stories coming out.
    Ricksblog traffic is going to double by the end of the year.
    You’re so right showing perfect reasons why the GTLDs
    are not going to become successful.

  25. UFO

    ‘Your domainer Frank Schilling even invested his own $50+ million…you think he’s stupid…don’t think so…’
    He might not be stupid, but it doesn’t mean he is right.
    Here’s how it will pan out. .Com will live on and be used by the largest corporates in their advertising ensuring its maintenance as No 1 TLD. Some of the huge online IT type organisations will own GTLDs, but the difference with them and the likes of Frank S is that they have an integrated business plan backed by endless money. How they plan to make off these GTLDs IS NOT through all the old business models it will likely be hosting, name rego etc FOR FREE and they will stick their adverts on their sites in compensation.
    Frank on every level will be outplayed. He’d get more type in traffic buying .info’s than generating a new GTLD, even using the notion that buy owning a GTLD you’ll own some premium names it doesn’t make a difference because they won’t get traffic and there will be another 1800 exactly the same all trying to win the SE war which Google will because it will bump its own GTLDs. (I think Google will split the search engine game into private and commercial, with private content will win, with commercial searches it will turn more into a yellow pages, who pays wins.
    GTLD’s will burn money.

  26. UFO

    Nb: There’s a whole bunch of value added services Google can sell them, like online file storage etc etc etc. Perhaps Google wants to be the online outsource for small businesses and people.
    So, throwing them a domain name and some bandwidth is cheap in relation to the services they can buy over the next decade….
    Perhaps Frank S has a new business model that leverages these GTLDs… it will be interesting to see.

  27. EspressoCloud

    I thought you meant, 1-800-domain names are coming back in vogue! That’s not what you meant, right? There are 1800 new gTLDs set to be released. What a coincidence!


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